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Development Screens (Each post contains a picture OR contributing post)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LT. Smell My, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    @Alex_Farmer557 - I tried to use that hand car, I think it's too time-consuming to test with that. Does anyone have any working train at all other than that - with an engine?
    Planet Class & Subway train is broken. I have no clue nor do I have a download for the large steam engine.

    On a more positive note:
    Got a little further on my subway station. So trying to make this work. It's 110% an uphill battle, but getting there slowly.
    Made all the large curving/sloping ground-level track pieces:
    1, 2, 4, 6% grade increase or decrease long pieces.
    1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 degree curves long pieces (either direction).
    Long large piece and a short piece for above-ground rail is complete.
    All pieces have LOD's that are very highly reduced poly-count (1/3rd) and should go null-detail eventually.

    Made about all the subway pieces I will need:
    1, 2% grade change short pieces (about 1/4th~ 1/3rd the length of the above-ground long pieces)
    1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 degrees short curve pieces. These pieces turn tighter than the long pieces above because they're shorter. It's still quite realistic for a subway system though and should give good ability to build.
    Short & Long straight sections, and a 'dummy' mouth piece.
    All pieces have LOD's and null-detail render blocking when they're just specks on the horizon.
    Do not have any level rail crossings yet. Will get these done in the near future.

    Already did all the side road / four-lane route pieces I am going to do for now, except the side-road to four-lane T-intersection, and hard 90 degree bend for side streets. Some of these have LOD's, some don't. Have to go back and add this in when I have time before I axe-murder the FPS any more than I intend to.

    Subway station not in-game yet but modeling of high detail is pretty much complete, no LOD's/Collision yet. It will be two pieces, one common piece for the tunnel with platform, and an interchangeable or variable piece for the station(s) that universally hook to it. This way it can have a station within a building, or a station that has access direct from stairs on a sidewalk like is common in NYC or the English Tube.
    Tunnel mouth-piece (end) keeps crashing the game more than the rest (this game is rubbish with crashing on forest objects, I can run as administrator and have 200% better luck and it still crashes, dummy-piece used (re-textured road tunnel mouth piece, same dimensions so it fits, just has curbs to either side). Yes, even default game models from the stuff that came with BeamNG can crash it. It's stupid like that.

    So with the subway station comes the first office building. It's part of the subway station (for now) but will possibly get split apart later as needed, depending on my cpu-load situation (too many objects hits the cpu hard, too few and you end up with large objects and possibly hitching when they load, or poor performance as they remain high-detail for too long like West Coast USA).

    Disclaimer: These objects are shot inside the modeling program, not inside the game itself. Also, there's less poly's on this object in it's entirety (even though it'll be split up into two possibly three sections later), then there is on an entire East Coast warehouse or modest sized two-story house, as I used one for scale. So my poly-count should be good for expedient rendering being as this object is much larger than a small warehouse or other type of suburban home. Fwiw, it's only about 3x the rendering load of a four-way intersection at full detail!

    In other notes I hope you love my stream-lined modernist / hints of art deco / hideous brutalist type of architecture. Look for more equally as disgusting looking creations in the future. You haven't seen nothin' yet.
    Edited to correct typos and reflect clarification.

    Attached Files:

    • subwayone.png
    • buildingone.png
    #17741 bob.blunderton, Jun 21, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
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  2. IAchievedBacon

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    Jul 3, 2017
    @chris_lucas isn’t banned, that’s just his profile picture XD
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  3. General S'mores

    General S'mores
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    Sep 15, 2013
    He's not banned, the profile picture is supposed to be a joke LOL.
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  4. Cheekqo

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    Feb 6, 2016
    I was tricked by it an hour ago when I posted "What the hell happened?" in Chris' Homos A55 thread
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  5. XTeeManX

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    Jun 8, 2018
    1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 7.png 8.png 9.png
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  6. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    I would slap thrusters on hand cart if I would have more time to play with these things, but there is so much on my plate already.

    Anyway, if you go to Wiki and search for thrusters, you can find instructions how to add them, it is kinda simple to do, just in game use debug of node names, so you can see which nodes are at front and which are straight back to those at front, then add thrusters between those nodes, then you can have all the speed in the world with T-key and maybe even some additional thrusters for brakes too!
  7. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    I have one better idea. This just came to me.
    Take the hand cart. Make room to put a piano on it as an accessory. Or two (make it a lil wider if you must).
    Now add some thrusters to the cart.
    Get a nice long downhill slope of track (i'll fo-sure put one in my map coming up), with an intersection at the bottom.
    Start piano-eqquiped track vehicle @ top of hill and let gravity and thruster do the work. drive car onto rail crossing and stop on it (or time it right with a moving vehicle).
    WHAM smacked by a train hand cart hauling pianos. That would be classic.
    Or a dolly with wheels and a piano on it. Would be priceless. I mean wouldn't you loved to find a nice steep hill somewhere, goto the top, a dolly and an abandoned piano at the top of the hill waiting for you to be 'used'. Heck yea.

    On other notes, while this is mostly a place-holder texture on the walls. I need an idea if this repeats too much? I am going to knock the contrast down on the color or hit it with the median tool to touch it up some so the tiles don't obviously repeat so bad (it's only a small like 256x256 pixel texture, to keep MB size down).
    If you think it repeats too much (this is to anyone), hit AGREE.
    If you think it's alright hit 'LIKE' or don't hit anything (doesn't matter).

    But if it bugs your OCD, hit agree so that I know that. Then we don't have 1000 responses to this against thread terms.
    Keep in mind there will be benches and fake plants and garbage receptacles in here when it's done, to break things up a bit.

    Attached Files:

    • texture_question.png
    • texture_question_alt.png
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  8. Ben23

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    Sep 30, 2017
    you should make a moon roof in one of the trims
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. henryjhost

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    Jan 1, 2018
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  10. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Woot! Testing the stairs out of the subway (which are treated like ramps, thanks to 'smart' collision meshes!) is a lot of fun. There's going to be lots of these!

    They were so fun in GTA III, Vice City & San Andreas. This is why all stairs will be car ramps in my city map where possible (95% of the ones to commercial structures, public places, and such). This is not only for player enjoyment, this is for CAR CHASES and the such. Both for players and for youtubers alike.
    Don't worry, where it's possible, I will add hidden 'dirt path' class 'AI roads' to places so that if the AI is fleeing or chasing, it will be able to follow you up and down stairs where it's 'doable' to add them in AI capability.
    Collision is now working 100% beautifully for my subway, and another intersection piece got it's LOD's tonight. Going to work on railway level crossings for roads & also doing more LOD's for the roads lacking them.

    LOD's are the secret to good game design, and this map is getting them before anyone else even gets it.
    High LOD (when you're close and it's full detail) is 1360 triangles as below:

    Lower LOD's when you get a half-block away, the interiors kick off and it's but a 50 triangle mesh here below:

    From 1360 triangles down to *just 50*. That's 1/17th of the processing power needed, plus no cube-maps (sky-box, which are sun/clouds/basic terrain reflections) on the windows in the LOD textures, again for processing reasons. Again for reason's I'll show the 'inside the tunnel' view with full and low-LOD views.
    Full LOD below, you can see the entrance to the station more clearly here:

    Low LOD below (obviously I am further away, it's where the platform is) :

    I've studied what can be seen, and what cannot be seen. Losing the interior on the lower level of LOD's is actually going to help me put quite a few buildings that can be driven through into this game map (Subway stations are one of them, I will refrain from saying the rest until there's something to show).
    Don't worry, when I say 'losing the interior' it's still there to drive in, you just won't see it from a half-city-block or more away, when you don't need to and usually cannot. I am just going to make sure that most people with at-least a computer newer than 5 years old can run this decently nice. I would reckon to say anyone with a 750ti or better should be able to run this when it's done, but I will do tests surely.

    Surely I've shown this yesterday. I will definitely touch up the subway wall-tile textures a little bit so they're not so obviously repeating... it's a little obvious and could be detracting. Thanks for the input guys/gals on the previous post about the textures. I appreciate the honesty! The subway tunnels themselves are too 'clean' looking, I will do more about this at a later date (adding detail to textures and by adding some variation).

    I will be adding in many more large commercial buildings in the near future. So look for cool stuff like that coming up next week. I am tabling the idea of making a working crossing gate for the rail crossings, that someone could j-beam up in their spare time, but that's a long ways away. I would surely keep it very simple / easy to do however!

    That is all!
    • Like Like x 20
  11. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Now featuring in the city map project:
    Railroad tracks you can slide sideways over!
    Hopefully the trains clear this, as the road is 3cm higher than the tracks (it should be fine from what I've seen, but if it's an issue, I'll amend a fix to it). This way it doesn't explode the car when sliding sideways / drifting, or under adverse braking or acceleration.

    So yes, it's built like this so that the car tires only just touch the top of the track, and when going fast - straight or sideways, it shouldn't even but just grace the track at all. When we get some decent trains besides a push car, I will have to test it (though, to any end, it's very easy to drag a train into place as the slope of the crossing pieces near the track will guide it into place to some extent).
    Showing both crossings, a four-lane road wide enough for car parking on both sides, and a surface road that's two lanes or one-way one lane with parking on both sides. Both meshes have LOD's completed and built-in collision.
    The modular road/rail/highway kit is now up to 132 pieces.
    With the only 'rail vehicle' I could find to test with, here is the test

    Success! Clears by roughly 1.5~3 inches. Not much (2~3.5cm), but it'll do just fine!
    If anyone thinks this will be an issue, let me know as I could easily swap out the piece for one slightly lower in height.
    Though it's a bit bumpy for the road-vehicles driving over at <15mph, at any speed over 25~30mph it's a non-issue (and it does not break the car going slow over it).
    #17751 bob.blunderton, Jun 23, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2018
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  12. Marcus_gt500

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    Apr 16, 2016
    screenshot_00009.png screenshot_00010.png
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  13. welshtoast

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    May 9, 2015
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  14. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Added the rest of the pieces into the modular roll-your-own railroad kit today/tonight (it's 4:30am Bob standard time).
    Angled intersections. Too bad flipping the Y axis in Maya results in one piece spawning upside-down even though 'Z is up'. Stupid technology, I will get to that later. Mind that stuff if you model. Can still rotate & use it though :)
    Tapered the ends into a triangle shape on all the new pieces (to help with collisions to very light trains don't over-ride / jump the joints), for better usability, should make joints a little more tolerant now.
    Added a small midget piece so you can fill gaps or do custom pieces like a real quick incline or work in tight spaces. Will add a trapezoid shaped midget piece later for the same purpose (tight turns).
    There isn't much else the rail kit needs now, it's 33 pieces now, not including the subway tunnels. Seeing how many people like them, and how [censored] few rail vehicles we have available, I will likely be releasing my rail kit much earlier then planned, but not the subway until the map comes out (while the tunnels and a station are 'done', there's still many more stations to make and those can take a day or usually two from clean-slate to useful in game).
    I am getting a lot of positive response on the rail kit, so I'll make sure to push that ahead a bit, as I did tonight, though I don't have any platforms for it yet (there will be!). It only uses 3 textures (rail, ballasts, and stone) and adds 20~25mb to your map (uncompressed size, DAE models compress well though).
    Did my backups a day or so ago when an SSD decided to go to PC parts heaven, so no worries there, lost nothing. See, I did find a use for hard drives finally, though they have no place permanently hiding in the tower where they make lots of noise and slow things down. I mention this because I want to remind everyone: Always do your backups folks. Always, even if you don't have an equipment failure, you might still need them if you or the wonderful (TM) editor here makes a wreck of things unintentionally.
    Did some implementing the of the rail kit tonight. Easy curves, tight curves, slopes up and down and all the pieces you need seem to be working out nicely.

    So hopefully, the train's pretty happy with it. I'll know when I get a real one to test with. The hand cart doesn't weigh enough (though I will try putting some pianos on it or something), and tends to be easy to pop off as it's wheels don't seem to turn being it's so short. Even a piano on rail wheels would be dandy. :)

    So here's the rail kit so far:

    Top shot: left-row, straight piece atop, long pieces curving underneath. Middle row is tight short curves with the straight gap piece under it. Right-tow is slope pieces for almost any occasion. Level crossings at the bottom.
    Piece(s) in top right is not broken, it's just far enough away that the full level-of-detail won't be displayed until you get closer to it.

    Curves on the left, sloping pieces on the right.

    Two angled large crossings, one perpendicular 90 degree crossing, and one side-road crossing. will make more crossings in the near future. Everything has collision natively and is to be used in the forest brush natively for infinite piece-count use that does not go against the map-object hard-limit of 4096 objects. Again, all objects have a high and low level of detail, which normally reduces rendering overhead to a mere fraction (5~33%) of what it is up close, so FPS doesn't dive as hard core as my other current mapping project (which will also benefit from some of these models being back-ported to it, hence why I am doing this now).

    Keep an eye out for my rail kit, I'll try to get it uploaded on the forums here before the end of the month, textures and all. It will be free-use for any BeamNG mappers. The textures for the roads/sidewalks on the crossing pieces come from West Coast USA, whereas the rail, ballast and stone (might be a re-color from East Coast) I've made here. Those will be included along with a materials.cs that doesn't require path-names being changed for ease-of-use reasons. This way you can just unzip it into a directory, start the game/editor and add them to your forest brush and get to mapping without much fuss.

    The road, bridge, subway, and highway kits will come out when they're ready and a map that uses them is released, but not before.
    Once the rail kit's out of the way I will be concentrating on road LOD's for ones that don't have it and making buildings (that will have LOD's with them as I go).
    • Like Like x 19
  15. Car_Killer

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    QA / Mod Support
    BeamNG Team

    Sep 24, 2013
    Working on something.

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  16. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    Polish roads? What city/village is that? o_O
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  17. Car_Killer

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    QA / Mod Support
    BeamNG Team

    Sep 24, 2013
    It's not real city or village. Is mix of everything to get that post communist feeling. It's early wip so many things will be changed.
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  18. Ai'Torror

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    BeamNG Team

    Aug 29, 2015
    You've made the roads too wide. Normally back roads are just about wide enough for 2 trucks side by side. Also it isn't bumpy enough. :D
    #17758 Ai'Torror, Jun 24, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2018
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  19. Dean Wang

    Dean Wang
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    Sep 22, 2016
    screenshot_00900.png screenshot_00898.png Blender6_24_20181_47_59PM.png
    --- Post updated ---
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  20. Ezo

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    Jan 11, 2016
    Sunburst's FWD jbeam doesn't like very much RWD stuff, in general FWD jbeams don't go that well with RWD stuff (my er34 mod is based in it so i can tell), try modifying ETK 800's jbeam tho
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