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Miss-shift times

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting: Bugs, Questions and Support' started by Dani_KOM, Jul 16, 2018.

  1. Dani_KOM

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    May 30, 2015
    That was just an extreme example, i do mean close shifts but it would be nice if that delay could be disabled
  2. AlexMD

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    Aug 5, 2013

    It's a penalty for not using the clutch/enough
    You can't get past that, it's a matter of realism
  3. atv_123

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Well then he isn't "power shifting." Power shifting is when you change gears without letting off the gas... that way, when you drop the clutch into the next gear, you have a couple thousand RPM's difference of kinetic energy built up in the flywheel that gives you a small boost. That is totally impossible to do without using the clutch no matter how good you are.

    That and you can't really power shift down as thats not a power shift anymore... not unless you let the RPM's really go out of control when you downshift which is kinda pointless.

    What it sounds like your friend is doing is just floating gears just like everyone else... it's either that or his Civic is so underpowered that the transmission can somehow just handle that kind of abuse.
  4. Dani_KOM

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    May 30, 2015
    If there is a huge difference yes, but at about 200rpm maximum difference wouldn't it grind the gears a little but just rev the engine up and engage the gear?
  5. atv_123

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Actually no... there isn't enough friction unless its a very small engine (or your pushing REALLY HARD on the gear stick). 200 RPM's doesn't sound like a very big difference... but that's actually a pretty big deal. Usually you would need to have it much closer to get a smooth shift... that's why you more commonly hear of people driving diesels floating gears, because due to the lower RPM's that a diesel usually has, it's a lot easier to "aim" your RPM's for the next gear to properly engage.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. Dani_KOM

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    May 30, 2015
    Ok, but i still don't like that delay XD
  7. atv_123

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Is there a delay if you actually get it correct? If there is, then I suppose there shouldn't be, but remember, that window to actually hit that shift is very small... I would say probably + or - about 20 RPM difference between engine speed and what the transmission actually wants at a particular speed... I feel like, even with a wheel, without the "feel" of a real car, this will be very hard to hit anyways.
  8. Dani_KOM

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    May 30, 2015
    If i get it correct then no.
    --- Post updated ---
    I suppose the reason i feel that this is weird is because i shift it into gear at the wrong rpm, gear gets damaged,the game then puts it in neutral for probably around 0.15 seconds or so and then abruptly engages the gear i have selected
  9. esesel

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    Feb 18, 2019
    Sry for the bump but i think the gear shifting in beam could be improved by having the grinding sound be dynamic and beeing dependent on the actual damage to the gears + damage lower the 1% should be possible, so, in careermode when i you dont pay attention an shift badly the damage accumulates over time so you have to change the gears or even the whole gearbox at some point.. also gearfloating should be possible for the t series semi and possibly other non synchromesh gearboxes
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