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Laptops/tablets rant....

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Michaelflat, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    Here's a rant:

    Why is it that only tablets get decent screens, I think with 2in1 laptops, they should all at least be IPS screens, with brightness 300 nits or above, and 1080p at least an option.
    And with more premium devices, having HDR and higher brightness, like Wayyy higher brightness, why can't we have 600nits? (like the iPad Pro 12.3in). It's especially useful when these new laptops have glossy screens due to touch interfaces. Let alone the fact that the iPad Pro has a 120Hz screen.

    I know that building a laptop is expensive, CPUs are expensive (well compared to smartphone and tablet prices) and etc. but seriously we need to make this a standard. Why are most panels so dim? I really hope manafacturers don't do it for battery life, as that is just silly, you won't use 600 nits all the time anyway.

    Also we are starting to see HDR technology sweep in nowadays, yet I can only think of one laptop that has an HDR screen, the ThinkPad X1 Extreme.

    Screen technology is one thing that really needs to be done right. It can't be upgraded at a later date, speakers you can by wearing headphones.

    It is true that some people mention power limits, really this should not be a concern on a well designed laptop. I don't mind battery life that is poor when at max brightness/underload if I get the experience. I can simply turn these down to save batterylife. When I am using a laptop in direct sunlight, and can't see my screen, extra battery is not my concern, I need to actually see what is going on! I'd rather have a laptop with a 2hr battery life I can see and use, than have a 4hr battery life where I can't see the screen.

    Also on the subject on power... manafacturers really need to get onboard with the USB-C charging (USB-C PD), it will be sooo good to keep a laptop topped up using a powerbank, and the usual DC IN jack simply doesn't cut it.
  2. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    I had a laptop bit more than 10 years ago that had screen which could be used in sunlight, only annoying thing was reflections as it was that crystal clear era, would of been better with matte surface.

    CPU cooling trough metal body (instead of stupidly small fans with stupidly small gaps for air to pass trough) and matte display that works at sunlight would be something that laptops really need, imo.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    agree. Matte is old news now im afraid, we have the backlight technology to outshine the sun (pun intended :p) and so glossy screens that are bright enough are good.

    Sooo agree about the cooling, and seriously the fan curves you see on some laptops are absurd, like fans on at 50% when CPU reaches 50c on my HP laptop, that thing was deafening, i coded some ACPI stuff for that to shut the thing up! It only had one fan that cooled both the GPU and CPU. And also it's so silly seeing laptop manafacturers set their laptops to be silent at idle, yes that's ok, but only if when the fans start up, they start at the lowest possible speed, so the user doesn't notice them! Not like normal where they are silent, then whoosh up to maybe 60% then hang around for a while then off. Apple has proved that a slow consistent fan is much better than a fan that turns on and off. (Macbooks sitting at 2000RPM are perfectly quiet, yet the fans are expelling heat, no un-necessary heat is built up in the case.

    Customization would be really nice, i really miss the golden era of laptops that had hotkeys to do things like "Silent Mode" and "Performance Mode" that would actually do things like adjusting fan curves. That was cool. Nowadays we just have stuff like fans to full mode which is deafening and silly. It just jams the fans on, that's not needed.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Lettice123

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    Sep 23, 2018
    The Samsung Galaxy tab 6 has an purple tint to it
  5. Jetpackturtle

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    Sep 21, 2018
    Glare kills tablets for me. I can't stand them.
    Netbooks suck
    A decent laptop can be a good thing tho
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Zorin-Ind.

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    Mar 18, 2013
    It's 2018, every decent laptop's supposed to be at least VA or IPS. OLED would be even better. Throw in a Windows dark theme & instant better battery life. I like matte screens much better by the way, I had aMacBook pro with the matte screen option (15" model of some years ago). Typing this on the 2011 MBP with glossy display. It's like a mirror (actual pic below). If I can get a matte screen from somewhere for cheap I might install that.


    I had a Surface Pro 3 once which I thought was the best of both worlds (tablet + laptop). Bright screen, not too much reflections. Good battery life as well. It ran quite hot however. Very thin fan & heatpipes, the i5 4300u suffered from thermal throttling.
  7. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
  8. Michaelflat

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    Jul 10, 2014
    wow, that's amazing, i'll keep my eye on that. They even do them for tablets, that'll be interesting, might boost my battery life. But ive heard that the matte coating can mute colours. And really i'm ok with the brightness of it, with it being winter here it's mainly cloudy. might see what happens if i use it for summertime use. And also i might use the tablet as a car-computer (have OBD info and radio stuff on there) and so might need the matte coating to help the screen out a bit. It maxes out around 300-350nits. Not bad, but not so good either.
  9. Zorin-Ind.

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    Mar 18, 2013
    We sell those matte screenprotectors at my workplace. Not the most ideal solution, but it does the job. Some customers ask where the matte screen option is, when ordering a CTO macbook. Apple decided not to produce matte displays anymore, unfortunately.
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