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  3. Before reporting issues or bugs, please check the up-to-date Bug Reporting Thread for the current version.
    0.32 Bug Reporting thread
    Solutions and more information may already be available.

  1. Alex Delgado

    Alex Delgado
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    Jun 13, 2018
    I've been having this problem with my game and I don't know if it's the game or just my computer, because i just got a new computer.
    When I have more than 1 car spawned, the game will start lagging and moving in "blocks", when I turn, TP a car, hit the gas, or reach high speeds. (See Attachment)
    I read the Bug Reporting Thread, about disabling mods, but It has been doing this since I got the computer, before I installed ANY mods.

    Attached Files:

  2. Codeslamer

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    Jul 3, 2017
    What are the computer specs you have?? Mainly your CPU model, GPU model and how much RAM you have
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