Outdated Traffic Tool 1.2.1

It's here! Create dynamic traffic on almost any map!

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  1. B727ClassicFlyer

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    Feb 9, 2013
    The part about head-on AI collisions, that also happens on this road in ECA.

    And sometimes, an AI car spawned by the Traffic menu may spawn underneath the map.
  2. Kreunz

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    Mar 13, 2014
    You mention that if I spawn police cars they would act like a police. How would I spawn them? Do they randomly spawn or how is this done?
  3. Squido

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    May 7, 2018
    Look at this video at 1:58

  4. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Okay, that explains a lot, I thought I just got a junk Pessima from the car spawner. Used-to pulling short straws here! I kept hearing brake sounds but it wasn't consistent with my (very rapid keyboard) controls/input, so I dismissed it as just something goofy.

    This traffic thing is golden. The usefulness for AI path testing in my maps alone is just wicked awesome, and I have a lot of map refreshing to do in the next 2 weeks.

    This is absolutely LIT LEGIT!

    Must have mod for 2019!

    Must adjust my AI paths quite a bit though - nothing too much to ask (They work great on the mountain in Roane County TN though, and the only reason they don't work as well elsewhere is because I had to conserve objects when it was limited to 4k max objects, and that limit is long gone now).
    #64 bob.blunderton, Feb 20, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2019
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  5. Projekt535

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    Aug 5, 2013
    Nice! And a well deserved Feature as well! I just got into the office but I'm so excited to get home and try this out on the other maps! Fantastic work, and I can't wait to see what other features you're able to squeeze in here. :D

    I do have one question on functionality: Are we still able to use ScriptAI with this? I think it would be awesome to script out some road races and then have random traffic thrown in the mix. Or does this interfere with the AI following the path?
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  6. EnjoyMyHItsYT

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    Oct 9, 2016
    really cool! but there are some issues...the cars just brake with no reason and and the AI modes don't really work and they are also even crashing
  7. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    That's the game engine itself doing a majority of that. AI isn't perfect yet. Sometimes it's map design that can cause this issue too. Even after 3000~4000 hours of mapping (I've well-past lost count but a physically disabled man mapping for 3+ years now for this game... with lots of idle time), I still make buckets of boo-boo's.
    The AI works great and it's way better for immersion. If the map is made in 5-star quality (or the AI routes are anyways, especially layered ones like I do), it'll work the best. If the AI is hit or miss or it's a really old map (or has parts that are very old, like Decal Roads from 0.4~0.8 game-versions), you could have more issues (and generally will). Before now there wasn't as much to test it with. This makes testing exponentially faster and more effective. Sometimes decal roads auto-join (intersections where decal roads meet at different angles are done by the game-engine bridging close nodes), in weird ways and it only shows up with the AI path debug or using this tool. This tool is taking the game and it's content to a whole new level by effectively raising the bar.

    As for the traffic tool, I'm speechless. What can I say that's not already said. What can I say? The answer: It must be seen to be believed as it takes this game to another level as mentioned above.
    --Nothing but glowing praise here
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  8. Jeppoer

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    Jul 27, 2017
    This tool is an infinite amount of fun! thank you for that :D
    Now off to driving calmly and respectful to other drivers...
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  9. MrCin

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    Feb 26, 2018
    Just gotta wait till Friday to try this out..
  10. Brickfalcon

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    Jul 19, 2017
    Is there a way to stop the cars from respawning?
  11. MrCin

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    Feb 26, 2018
    Congrats on your 100th message
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  12. Jarret Rucker

    Jarret Rucker
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    Apr 18, 2017
    I have a question: Will there be a setting so cars can spawn in other lanes. Ex: Bob's pic. Will car be able to drive in BOTH lanes? Sorry I didn't explain well, I just didn't know how to really word it. I guess.
  13. Xela

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    Aug 31, 2017
    would be pretty neat but i think the problem come from how AI is hardcoded in this game, it make police cars in chase mode making a lot of mistakes too but the problem don't come from the mod cuz i could note that with default AI... i think AI is the most important thing to work for the developpers as well as improving framerate after 7 simultaneous cars x)
  14. supercharge71

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    Jan 14, 2017
    Gull, I left a review since this is absolutely mind blowing. Anyways how hard would it be to get the AI to honk at you if you almost head on collide with them etc?
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  15. Jarret Rucker

    Jarret Rucker
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    Apr 18, 2017
    Just tested the App. It's amazing. First I tested it on Utah. Everything was good, I even got a T Series into the mix. Although at some intersections, the cars seem to quickly change their mind, reverse, then pull onto the road they wanted to go to. This usually causes accidents, even with the AI Awareness on.

    I also tested it on Garfield Heights. In some places, the cars were good, but in places like Downtown, Highway, some side streets, Gas Station, and School, it freaks out and some cars end up going in circles.

    In the end though, the App is REALLY good and extremely creative. I'd give a 5/5.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. default0.0player

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    Nov 30, 2018
    I found a bug:
    If an AI is teleported during your vehicle customization, your vehicle may disappear and the customization menu may glitch.
    Picture: ETKI customization menu while driving a Satsuma 210
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  17. NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck

    NGAP NSO Shotgun Chuck
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    Mar 6, 2015
    #MeltMyProcessor but one of these days I'll probably break down and give it a go.
  18. Gamergull

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    BeamNG Team

    Jun 3, 2018
    Incoming quote chain!

    It's possible! I'd like to make traffic slow down and pull over, but impromptu chases sound cool. I'll try to do this for V1.1.

    Hmm, dang. That's weird. What does the physics benchmark tell you? (Go to Main Menu > Help > Performance > Run Physics Benchmark)

    Thanks a ton! Feels pretty fresh, eh? It's exciting to think of how things can progress from here, not just on my end, but with the rest of the community's ideas.

    That sounds cool! However, unless you can find a trick, it won't really work out. I'd like it to work, though. I used to love playing NFS games and racing with the AI while we all dodged hazards. It doesn't sound overly hard to program; I just need the AI to be aware of what lane they're in and if there's a hazard ahead in their lane path.

    That's a good idea, I guess some players wouldn't want respawning for certain reasons. I'll make that a thing in my code.

    Right now, BeamNG's AI only knows how to drive in the rightmost lane with the "driveInLane" setting turned on. But I have ideas. I used to love playing Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune, and it's a crazy feeling dodging same way highway traffic at deadly speeds. I really wanna recreate this! I'll make a new post about this later this week.

    It's possible! I can make AI cars honk, but I really need to improve my AI awareness stuff (with lots of math!). That might take a while.

    Yeah, I noticed that AI paths can get screwy at some intersections. It looks like when the road nodes are set up in a triangle formation, the AI can decide to go through all the points. It's silly, but it's a default behavior in the game.

    Dang, that's a new one. I'll check out what's happening.

    Alright, so I'm taking a bit of a break from BeamNG, but I'm excited to keep building up on this! I really enjoy a lot of the ideas, and I wanna get even better at programming. That's all for now!
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  19. cgjunk

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    Mar 1, 2015
    Definitely, gamergull has earned a break. We’ll just be over here gushing over this accomplishment, so don’t mind us. :)

    I finally got a chance to try this out this evening, and I love it! Right off the bat I went for 9 ai cars on Italy. Ran great, but too much. Scaled it back to 6 cars, and found it more realistic to the setting. Funny thing, having traffic around seemed to make my driving smoother and faster. Because you just need to be that more aware.

    Something about van drivers though....it may be time to look at CDL requirements because apparently they just give out those licences.

    One question, (slightly off topic), at what number should I be concerned about my processor temps?
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  20. Jarret Rucker

    Jarret Rucker
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    Apr 18, 2017
    The mod works great on maps like ECU and the Automation Test-rack, mostly because they only have 2 lane roads. I hope to see some better driving for 4 lane roads. Great mod though! Enjoy your break btw.
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