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1929 Serpent V-12 552 "Ghazal" Roadster 1.0

A large, sleek 20's roadster.

  1. Secrane

    The 1929 Serpent V-12 "Ghazal" Roadster is a special version of the Serpent V-12, featuring unique bumpers, some unique bodywork and a roadster body style. It's a little lighter than the coupe, but still drives like a cruise ship. Still looks as sleek as ever, though.

    The Ghazal, like the Coupe, produces approx. 165 horsepower from its V12 engine. The suspension is very soft, and it has drum brakes all around. It can be difficult to drive, but that's how it was almost 100 years ago.

Recent Reviews

  1. IDK158
    Version: 1.0
    Vintage hehe
  2. [!] THE LOCAL MIDGET! [!]
    [!] THE LOCAL MIDGET! [!]
    Version: 1.0
    really beautiful design, nice work
  3. Thomsen
    Version: 1.0
    I love your builds. Super realistic, super detailed and super cool.
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