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Beta 2022 Vostro Cyro Eagle 1.1

Super powerful roadster, with fully custom 230 piece interior made in the open beta

  1. It's No Use
    It's No Use
    Version: 1.1
    Really nice car body, but I have no idea why it needs that much horsepower.
    1. Prometheus__67890
      Author's Response
      Good to hear from you. And many people agree, its alot of horsepower. A new trim will be coming soon, in fact 5 more trims are planned. Thanks for the review, and the high horsepower aspect of the car is addressed with the new trims.
  2. Halcyon80
    Version: 1.0
    Looks great, extremely detailed interior aswell. But it has a overheating problem and is quite slippery
    1. Prometheus__67890
      Author's Response
      Wow, this is embarrassing. This is not the right file. FUDGE
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