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Bell 407 Upgraded engines 1.0

Two engines providing different levels of power.

  1. Dr.Easton
    This mod adds two new turboshaft engines to the Bell 407 mod. The first, "Upgraded turboshaft engine" will make the Bell feel more like a real life stunt heli, maybe more extreme even. It increases lifting weight by a noticeable amount, too. The other engine, "Upgraded turboed turboshaft engine" will give the Bell the power to weight and the feel of one of those crazy RC helicopters you've seen videos of online. The lifting capabilities are greatly increased as well.
    Please note that you will need https://www.beamng.com/threads/revamped-bell-407-improved-controls.98195/ mod to have this function at all.


    1. 1115111-65871373330116e8b0489bbc36e9d803.png

Recent Reviews

  1. Hank_Montgomery
    Version: 1.0
    Very nice, but I don't like how it's not possible to land it vertically because you can't decrease the throttle power to the point where it would be safe to land vertically. Could you change that, please?
  2. romasudakovoroma
    Version: 1.0
    cool mods
  3. rnd2k
    Version: 1.0
    Very sad coz it didn't come on time to save the Iranian president Raisi :(
  4. jgb
    Version: 1.0
    heli go brrrr
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