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Beta Big Brake Kit For D-Series 5.0

Big Brake Kit's For The D-Series

  1. tractopel
    Version: 4.0
    Not working :( no texture on civetta and etk
    1. CaddyWakk
      Author's Response
      Thanks for letting me know I'll see what I can do to fix this. Have you tried clearing your cache? A quick fix that sometimes works is loading the Scintilla and ETK.
  2. Amu
    Version: 3.0
    Mod is great man, could you also make it for the etk and vivace? would love to see it.
    1. CaddyWakk
      Author's Response
      Thanks, man. I have thought about making it for other vehicles but right now the D-Series is my main focus cause it is what I use the most once I finish my plans for the D-Series I may do it for other vehicles.
  3. tractopel
    Version: 3.0
    not working well, only stopinpowa break work but not the civetta nad etk break
    1. CaddyWakk
      Author's Response
      Hey, could you DM me what problems you are having so I can fix it?
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