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CJD Special Tunes 3.8

high performance parts for all vehicles

  1. Dragonz
    Version: 2.2
    best configs and parts for beamng! it's awesome.
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Best review and stars! it's awesome.
  2. crasher082
    Version: 2.2
    Its a good mod. there is one problem. the suspension on the hirochi sunburst cjd has a super stiff suspension
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review, The sunburst is suppose to be a race-ish car (hence the 9000rpm redline and slick tires) which is why the suspension is so siff although the car as-is is a bit bouncy. I have a prototype in the works that will have a better setup and I'm planning to re-do all the tires which should help a lot.
  3. nebishthecat
    Version: 2.2
    Best config mod ever!
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Best review ever!
  4. Sandman08
    Version: 2.2
    old but gold
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Gold but old.
  5. GDSP11
    Version: 2.2
    awesome! i love this mod! the ECU has to be my favorite option
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      awsome! i love this review! the 5-stars has to be my favorite option
  6. divebomber
    Version: 2.01
    im fast as frick boi
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      I'm pleased with that boi
  7. MNF
    Version: 2.01
    i love you
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Just a poor decision really, Thanks for the review though.
  8. afifabyaz
    Version: 1.9
    I costumize hopper and is freakin fast!!
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      I read your review and is super happy!!
  9. v8william
    Version: 1.9
    Hey! I love this mod and want to support on Patreon but it says i cant,

    "Oh no! It looks like you don't have permission to pledge to Connor Done. The most common reasons for this are due to previous payment declines or suspicious activity. If you feel this block was in error, we suggest reaching out to Connor Done on another platform."

    Ive just made my Patreon account... Name on patreon "William Andersen". I cant seem to write privately to you so this is my only option.
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Very strange, This is my first time using patreon so I really don't know, maybe get in contact with support? I looked at my page and it didn't show any rejected/declined and I don't have any blocked users, I'm afraid the only advice I can give is to contact support and check the info on your account.
      Thank you very much for your support and the review.
  10. Pungpig2
    Version: 1.8
    Great mod as always! Awd and Rwd New Pessima is broken for now?
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Great review as always, yes and no the pessima AWD 'works' but its not correct and can lead to some strange behavior the RWD is unstable, use at your own risk.
  11. M4Mopar-QC
    Version: 1.7
    always a good mod, thanks for it
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      always a good review, thanks for it
  12. Kasir
    Version: 1.6
    Damn, what took me so long to download this? Awesome work man!
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Damn, what too me so long to reply to this? Awesome review man!
  13. Apexi2
    Version: 1.5
    Love this
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Love that
  14. lioneljohndeere
    Version: 1.5
    can you make a 4 speed dct i love it mod thx
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review, I had thought about making 4-speed gearboxes, however the point of the 7-speed was to be more than you need so you could just tune the gears to be longer and use less of them as a result, although I can see the why you would want a 4-speed gearbox, glad you enjoyed.
  15. thegaming11
    Version: 1.5
    how can i import engines from automation to beamng? i tried many times but it doesnt work
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Ah, the importer I used was for the old version of automation in the UE4 version I'd just put the engine in a car and export it to beamng then copy the info from the .jbeam - althought there may be a better way on the forums if you look there, Thanks for the review.
  16. rexregum93
    Version: 1.5
    Awesome as usual.
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review as usual.
  17. ZoZo:)
    Version: 1.4
    Best config i even seen! I like that
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review! I like that!
  18. lajalex
    Version: 1.3
    love your config ! ty
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review, glad you enjoyed.
  19. John8265
    Version: 1.2
    This is the best engine mod! Cars are now ludicrously fast especially when you pair jt up with the SUPERNOS mod... But please fix the front wheels comming out of the car once ludicrous amounts of torque. (1600 Nm+)
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      thanks for the review, could you tell me which car had this problem specifically in the discussions tab along with some details on the wheels and tires you were using.
  20. KeoCepcion
    Version: 1.2
    AMAZING mod!! The 2step on the CJD Race ECU is awesome with the ALS turbo mod, all the crazy flames and pops you could ever want!
    1. thatguy47
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review, glad you enjoyed
      and thanks for not asking me how the two step works.
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