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Experimental CrashHard 8x8 BigRig Truck 1.1.6

Big heavy 8x8 truck with lots of detachable parts

  1. this is my name OH YEAH
    this is my name OH YEAH
    Version: 1.05
    a masterpiece
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      Thank you :)
  2. thegreatbarnaby
    Version: 1.05
    Great mod, unfortunately i cant run it at 60 fps with my i5 6500 and gtx 1060 6gb
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      Thank you, and nobody can do that in realtime. I get 17fps with the tarp variant.
  3. Jsap20
    Version: 1.05
    My pc says NO but I say YES!
    Amazing work!
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      Hehe thank you so much :)
  4. Jun
    Version: 1.05
    me: downloads this
    my computer: screams in pain
  5. NotAnMLGPro
    Version: 1.05
    10/10 would toast again
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      Thank you :)
  6. RockTheHellOut
    Version: 1.05
    The best truck on BeamNG PERIOD!
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      Thank you :)
  7. GreenSeven
    Version: 1.05
  8. McBeard
    Version: 1.05
    Me: installs Crash Hard's 8 x8

    My computer: {glares in Dell}"Why can't you just be normal?"

    Me: screeches
  9. titantls
    Version: 1.05
    This thing is incredible! The first version of it was hard for me to run, as many. But thanks for taking time to work out issues, after the second version I could run it great! Now that the beam update is out I can run it even better. Awesome truck. Combined with the realistic engine mod by Capkirk it feels unbelievably powerful, like a force of nature. 10/10
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      thank you so much, and so glad it is running better for you as well :)
  10. PriusRepellent
    Version: 1.05
    I crashed it and the cabin went flying off. Absolute lulz.
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      hehe, yes it is so much fun :)
  11. GotNoSable!
    Version: 1.05
    Crash Hard has a NASA supercomputer confirmed.
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      In realtime it lags my computer just as bad as any other.
    Version: 1.05
    Truly a masterpiece, I've seen the progress from your channel. And should be my favorite vehicle on the game, even though it runs very slow because of my laptop (10-15 fps on i5-8250u/Acer E5-476G). You are doing a very great job, Crash Hard!
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      thank you so much :)
  13. CN877
    Version: 1.05
    This truly is an amazing mod, the time and effort put into it seriously pays off. It's size and detail are in a level of its own. This is certainly something to be proud of. However, as this is an honest review I'm not going to sugar coat the issues, while an incredible accomplishment this mod is not perfect (yet). I have created a list of some of the pros and cons below....

    -An amazing off-roader
    -Incredible levels of detail that can't be compared with any existing mod (particularly the drivetrain)
    -Pushes the limits of the game engine.
    -Many parts to choose from
    -Large amount of breakable parts.
    -Endless fun (thanks to the recent optimisation)

    -Unnecessarily high amount of nodes for certain parts resulting in reduced performance.
    -Textures (e.g. rust and dirt) aren't normal mapped, which I feel doesn't do the rest of the mod justice.
    -Vehicle selector thumbnails look pretty bad, once again not doing the mod justice.
    -Unrealistic engine torque curves.

    Overall, this mod is amazing despite a few (mostly small) issues, I rate this mod in it's current state (v1.05) 4.5/5 stars, but I'll round it up to 5 considering I can't give half stars ;)

    Great job Crash Hard!
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      thank you so much, and great feedback
  14. TommyAssassin
    Version: 1.05
    The most detailed mod out there.
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      thank you :)
  15. Trastorno
    Version: 1.05
    This is incredible work. I was surprised when I found actual interlocking gears inside the driveshaft. I think a good future direction for yourself would be investigating smaller vehicles that could be optimised for performance while still having tons of bits on them.
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      thank you so much :) and I will do a smaller car next time I think :)
  16. Redneck_98
    Version: 1.05
    This mod is properly well done. No doubt one of the best vehicle mods since the Oldsmobile mod was released. i will say this, it seems the exhaust and air filters cause the most lag than any of the other parts. Is there anyway you could try to fix that?
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      Thank you so much :) and i have really tried to fix it, but i guess the only thing that can be done is removing all the collision triangles on those parts, but i dont want to do that. So just remove them if it lags your game for now.
  17. Kiwinuk
    Version: 1.05
    Can't wait for your next project, cough cough Suzuki sierra?
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      No comment
  18. Randy_bosss
    Version: 1.05
    pisssst hey thas pretty gud (bUt tHe laG)
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      Pissssst... first line on the mod page...
  19. JeefCake
    Version: 1.05

    Literally Nobody:

    Not a single person in the world:

    Crash Hard:

    *Makes good mods for free and we should appreciate him for being one of those nice mod authors who also knows what they're doing*
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      Thank you so much for the kind words :)
  20. Capkirk
    Version: 1.05
    Much improved over the first version, and much more stable. Although the fps still drops at high speed, I believe you have worked out the worst of the issues with the Jbeam. Overall, a very detailed mod, and still a bit of a computer-killer
    1. CrashHard
      Author's Response
      thank you :) And I`m not sure I can get it much better without taking away parts of the mod, and I do not want to do that. I hope you can understand that :)
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