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D-Series Diesel engine pack 1.0

Somewhat realistic diesel engines with customization

  1. Lxzs
    Version: 1.0
    Really amazing mod!!, one question though, is there any way I can change the default RPM idle?
  2. Monster 4
    Monster 4
    Version: 1.0
    Its really great but for some reason 7.5 L thrust turbo overheat
  3. Barbent Servo GT
    Barbent Servo GT
    Version: 1.0
    Simply excellent. Thanks a lot for your solid work :-)
    1. maslimepunch
      Author's Response
      Thanks I loved making it and learned a lot, definetly will continue working on things
  4. thegaming11
    Version: 1.0
    Nice! will you do diesel and turbodiesel engines for other vehicles?
    1. maslimepunch
      Author's Response
      With my current knowledge I could do it for the H-Series and Roamer, though they would have less configs considering big diesel SUV's and panel vans aren't that popular
  5. JoshJoseModding
    Version: 1.0
    Looks sick tbh.
    1. maslimepunch
      Author's Response
      Thank you I tried my best to polish it and went for something that i could realistically make in a few weeks time
  6. Hood Baxter
    Hood Baxter
    Version: 1.0
    Really cool mod. I would love to see this in the Durham mod
    1. maslimepunch
      Author's Response
      Great idea! I could definetly hit them up
  7. cmexdev
    Version: 1.0
    Love the bigger diesel engines.
  8. TMccanna
    Version: 1.0
    great mod you managed to put together out of mine!
    1. maslimepunch
      Author's Response
      Thanks you! Wouldn't have had the guts to do it without yours
  9. xiaoshuai playing games 8
    xiaoshuai playing games 8
    Version: 1.0
    Why are you turning black all over?

    -Because after I drove this car xD
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