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Deadzone [Trains already on tracks] 1.5.0

The most diverse BeamNG map

  1. CH1L1 B0MB3N
    CH1L1 B0MB3N
    Version: 1.5.0
  2. goodtails
    Version: 1.5.0
    Fun map. The trains exist but I can not switch to them.
  3. maxsaldeezy44
    Version: 1.5.0
    using a 3GB ram i got game crash in beanmg how cool i look youtube videos
  4. AcerLost
    Version: 1.5.0
    Really Good Map, Kinda sucks the Trains derail so easily but its still pretty good. Great Job
  5. SilverWildWolf
    Version: 1.5.0
    Trains do not spawn and I cannot get them to line up, map size is much smaller than description said.
  6. explosive car
    explosive car
    Version: 1.5.0
    I bet its really good based off of the videos that I watched on it but everytime I load it up it crashes BeamNG. Maybe there can be another map that is lower quality. (I did use lowest graphics and no trains. It did not work)
    1. Thijs Hof
      Author's Response
      Please dont give bad reviews just because it doesnt work, that's what the discussion tab is for :D. Can you give me some info so I can try to help? Does it still crash if you disable all other mods? What are the specs of the PC you are using?
  7. Manuqtix
    Version: 1.5.0
    Good map i wish it was a little bit bigger
  8. NATH 04
    NATH 04
    Version: 1.5.0
    can you update for 0.22?
    1. Thijs Hof
      Author's Response
      I am currently pretty busy with my study. I will update it but it might take some time.
  9. mrbradlerz
    Version: 1.5.0
    It doesn't even load. The game crashes when I try to load the map.
    1. Thijs Hof
      Author's Response
      Please don't give a 1 star review, it does obviously work for others. Could you send me a log/error report so we can solve the issue?
  10. CarTurbo
    Version: 1.5.0
  11. Theoasispc
    Version: 1.5.0
  12. n.kelly3613
    Version: 1.5.0
    I have previously played and rated this map and I wasn't too happy. After some time I am glad to say that the author acknowledges the reviews and has fixed the shading issues, trees and the trains and also features the map without trains. This means it is now possible to use this map if you still have issues with the trains or if your computer is not capable of running this map with three trains on it. I only found one issue remaining. If you load into the map with trains and try to remove any of them; the game will crash. But otherwise a fun map that has had lots of time put into it. Would recommend!
  13. terhorst
    Version: 1.5.0
    Awesome! Having much fun with this map
  14. n.kelly3613
    Version: 1.4.3
    Shaders and trees aren't working right, trains crash the game if I try diving them, moving them or removing them. If i spawn my own train it works. Also two game crashing trains is too resource intensive.
  15. mrMIke360 Roblox
    mrMIke360 Roblox
    Version: 1.4.3
    now i know where it is
  16. rickanderson75
    Version: 1.4.3
    I deleted this map cuz it was glitching and laggy. But I am redownloading it because I found out this has train tracks and I have a train. GOOD JOB!
  17. Lucaas
    Version: 1.4.3
    It works for me... Sometimes. I don't think it's your fault, I just think BeamNG is purposely being annoying and not working to mess with us. But for those times it DOES wanna do what its supposed to, I love it. So much to explore. Keep up your great work.

    P.S. we should ground BeamNG. Sacrifice it to the hive.
  18. Xandrixx
    Version: 1.4.3
    The Trains doesn't spawn by me either, but i have a "ghost" vehicle. I can't control anything on it. It has no Body and i Cant move it etc.
    1. Thijs Hof
      Author's Response
  19. Matt Cook
    Matt Cook
    Version: 1.4.3
    A good map.
  20. Slimeboy2015
    Version: 1.4.3
    it is a ok map but nothing links together and some train tracks just end. and the trails do not spawn on the track. (and yes i have downloaded the train mod this map needs)
    1. Thijs Hof
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your feedback, I am looking into why trains are not spawning for some/all people. The map has two tracks, one of them is a test track with a jump on one side and a blocker on the other side, this is for those who want to crush cars or jump with their trains.
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