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Gavril Vertex NA2 3.51 Rework

Completely reworked. The most customizable vehicle in the game! 106 configs and 1300 parts to choose

  1. muki03
    Version: 1.3
    Great mod,awesome details,keep up.You are the only one who keeps updating his mods daily.That shows how much you care about it
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thanks! I’ll surely keep it up when I find some time while having another mod WIP! I just enjoy making it the best I can make it, hence the updates ^^
  2. Robaatoo
    Version: 1.3
    Awesome high detailed car mod!! Great job :)
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thanks! I tried to put as many little details In it as i could think of... may have gotten a bit inspired by Dummiesman
  3. essej818
    Version: 1.3
    Some of the configs crack me up. Its obvious that you put a lot of time into this mod and you don't deserve anything less than 5 stars. F$#@ the people giving you a 4 star its a slap in the face.
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thank you for the nice words! I really appreciate it ^^
  4. coolgamer55
    Version: 1.3
    awsome mod love it so much with crashs looks cool :)
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thank you mate!
  5. Ty2525
    Version: 1.21
    10/10 on attention to detail. Stuff like the gauge cluster with lights that respond according. The police computer and its messages. Honestly I was surprised when the odometer didn't change, I have to complain about the odometer because you nailed everything else on the interior. The only thing I could hope for in the future would be improved handling and driving. It seems like the ESC likes to prevent engine power too often, though turning it to sport mode tends to help. I would love to see more configs for the police edition. Maybe a wrap around, rails on the back windows, and more parts in general. But honestly, you did a fantastic job on it. Thanks for making this car I never knew I needed.
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your review! This mod also wasn't something I ever expected to create.. but here it is anyways xP
      I could try to add some more things to the police variants in the future, sure. About the odometer... that's something I could try to add in the future, but idk if I will.
      Thank you very much for the nice words :)
  6. eyacub12
    Version: 1.21
    LOVE IT.. lol
  7. BeamDev
    Version: 1.21
    Keep up the good work.
  8. Rush_thewolf
    Version: 1.21
    Looks amazing! But when ever I try to load one in it says "not responding". it only happens with this car. do you know why and how to fix it?
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your rating! The car may take a while to spawn. I'll release a lite version in the forum/discussion thread soon if you want to have faster loading times.
  9. ryancrashescars
    Version: 1.21
    Awesome, But i cant use Realistic transmission
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Why can’t you use it? Should work with Q. Feel free to DM me
  10. Keegan Eckart
    Keegan Eckart
    Version: 1.11
    if only lunas focus was as cool as this *cries in goldwing being in pieces*
  11. CineCrasher
    Version: 1.11
    creative idea with great execution and quality.
    has a lot of variety and fun for an old compact sedan.
    great mod :)
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thank you! Making it fun was kinda priority number one. Turns out, „boring“ cars turn out it be a great base for all kinds of modifications xP
      Thanks for the nice Review :)
  12. aroach2005
    Version: 1.11
    This literally has everything you could ask for...
    So good!
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your rating ^^
      And indeed, I have left no wishes open :p
      Double decker cars will come soon too
  13. RobloxFan2
    Version: 1.11
    Nice! Cannon go boom
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thank you. It goes boom boom, exactly how the configuration file is named (boom_boom.pc)
  14. MikeVrnr
    Version: 1.11
    amazing. Interior is lovely. Very detailed. I kinda like the rumble. I think it is caused by the Automation.
  15. Y4123
    Version: 1.11
    The crash physics aren't great (though it's excusable as a first mod and for something from Automation) but the amount of customization is absolutely insane and in the over 5.5 years I've been playing I don't think I've ever been more excited over the level of customization options for a mod vehicle in this game
    it's absolutely mindblowing
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your review! Yeah the collisions aren’t the best. To be fair, not that much time was spent on it either.. I just had my fun making additions :p
  16. santafe7708
    Version: 1.11
    wow! this is great mod!
  17. michael_zowski
    Version: 1.11
    Might wanna make the cannon a different key. Space is the vanilla parking brake key, so for example when I put the parking brake on and press space AGAIN (to fire the cannon) the car shoots back and hits a [wall].
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Do you have the newest version? Because I’ve changed the fire key to shift + space in that version. I‘m sorry for the inconveniences that that control caused, I was unaware that space was used by anything as I never use the keyboard for driving
      Thank you for your rating!
  18. MayTroniX | R9 295X2
    MayTroniX | R9 295X2
    Version: 1.1
  19. M4RT1N_K4CZK4
    Version: 1.1
    Excellent mod. We need more mods from u. :)
  20. Stance02
    Version: 1.1
    Absolutely, brilliant, love a car with a massive variety of configs, great mod.
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