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Gavril Vertex NA2 3.5 Rework

Completely reworked. The most customizable vehicle in the game! 106 configs and 1300 parts to choose

  1. ½5-56½
    Version: 1.4
    I have played with it now for a while, really good mod but to try loading the car for the first time (after starting up the game) it takes almost 2 minutes for the car to spawn, when you do it after it maybe takes less than a minute. Still kinda annoying to wait for so long
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your rating. I sadly can’t do much about the long loading times, as that is down to the large amount of stuff in this mod. There is a lite versions downloadable in the discussion thread, that has a few parts removed and a lot less configs, loading is faster too. Your loong loading times als May be due to your PC, it loads way faster than 2 mins for me. However, feel free to get the lite version as mentioned in the description here
  2. carlover6x6
    Version: 1.4
    When you turn off the se sport the burgundy one it turns over but will not start and "the broken one crashed my game about 999,999,999,999,999 million times but other than that its the best.
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      You may still have an old version if the SE Sport does not start after turning the engine off. That is a bug that was fixed weeks ago. Also nice to know that my mod is successful at crashing the game lol
      Thanks for the rating
  3. SlowCreepyDeepy
    Version: 1.4
    You know you might have gotten carried away when you literally have more turbo s than cylinders.
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Pfff, it’s fine
  4. thegaming11
    Version: 1.4
    when I press the clutch the revs drop a lot, I don't like it
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      I don’t really get what’s the issue with that... because like... isnt that like... normal? Feel free to PM me because I don’t know what your issue is there
  5. Like_a_Sleeper
    Version: 1.4
    You should make a own Brake glow mod for everycar, thats amazing
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      I‘m planning on doing that ^^
      Thanks for the rating
  6. DaddelZeit
    Version: 1.4
    haha cool
  7. Szymon2007
    Version: 1.4
    you.... you just goddamn outdid yourself
  8. fylhtq7779
    Version: 1.3
  9. pathmada
    Version: 1.3
    very nice mod, the level of customisation is nice, would it be possible to add that 2^32 RPM V8 engine to other vehicles like the d-series?
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Might do that at one point. Thanks for the rating!
  10. NeoSlx
    Version: 1.3
    This is easy criticism so I'll just get it out of the way. The textures, obviously need some work. I have to give props to you though, mod making is definitely not easy to commit to and not at all quick to do. I'm glad this made it into the game as a full fledged mod and I hope to see future updates. Amazing work.
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thank you!
      I have to agree, the textures and models definitely are not perfect, I did most of the stuff on my own so yeah... it can be a bit yanky
      I'm also happy that I had the motivation to carry this thing to being a complete mod
  11. Geicihg
    Version: 1.3
    I love that car
  12. Sniperwise
    Version: 1.3
    Nice selection of models might be a understatement. Never laughed so much I thought I was having a heart attack with the "Fidget spinner". Feel that the beam strength for the models could be a bit stronger is my only suggestion.
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Goal achieved! xP
      I'm happy that youre happy with it! I just threw close to every idea I got into this thing.
      And yea, it could use some more strength
      Thanks for the rating!
  13. G-Farce
    Version: 1.3
    I will never understand how content this wholesome and expansive is made for a game that is still being ironed out because the actual beamNG devs are slower than snails. Great job on this mod. You and your team rock!
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Well, I just had a lot of time and a lot of ideas... so I just made more stuff. It was just stupid fun to make and hope future updates won’t break it entirely- but even if they do, I’ll try to fix it
  14. Squatch32560
    Version: 1.3
    Holy Crashed Cars Batman, this is amazing. I have pretty bad depression and haven't really played BeamNG.Drive for a while and I come on and see this and have spent a few hours straight just with this car alone. Thank you for all your hard work and for helping keep me entertained when I thought I couldn't be.
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thank you very much! And you’re welcome ^^
      Glad that this mod actually helps you out, I pretty happy about this
      I wish you the best of luck for your future!
      Have a nice day :)
  15. DaMiFo
    Version: 1.3
    Just amazing - and with a car that I thought nobody else would care about but myself. Thank you!!
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      To be fair- I didn’t even know this vehicle existed before it was suggested ^^‘
      But I must say, I like how it looks, both irl and in game
  16. Jammy25
    Version: 1.3
    This is awesome! So much variation! Neilogical seems to love it haha
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thanks! Variation was pretty important for me here. I just wanted it to be able to be almost everything xP. Some more variation is something I would wish from some other car mods, but well, it’s up to the creators what they do with their mod
  17. italy0047
    Version: 1.3
    You're a genious! This mod is not only an awesome creation and a meme, but it's also an example for who can't make a mod from scratch!
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Hell yes! I can’t agree more with what you said about the mod heh
      It basically became the „proof“ that you can do basically anything with an automation export
      Thanks for your review ^^
  18. Jakux
    Version: 1.3
    One of the best mods on repository.
  19. muki03
    Version: 1.3
    Great mod,awesome details,keep up.You are the only one who keeps updating his mods daily.That shows how much you care about it
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thanks! I’ll surely keep it up when I find some time while having another mod WIP! I just enjoy making it the best I can make it, hence the updates ^^
  20. Robaatoo
    Version: 1.3
    Awesome high detailed car mod!! Great job :)
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thanks! I tried to put as many little details In it as i could think of... may have gotten a bit inspired by Dummiesman
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