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Gavril Vertex NA2 3.51 Rework

Completely reworked. The most customizable vehicle in the game! 106 configs and 1300 parts to choose

  1. RyanCookie
    Version: 2.1
    bruh mobile
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      What? Weird flex but ok
  2. Rumen
    Version: 2.1
    Forgot that I didn't rated this mod early!
    It's really nice, I like the Gavril Vertex very much! JATO, Ram Plow, Police configuration and more! Keep working!
  3. HAPPY!!
    Version: 2.1
    magnifique <3
  4. mrsmash
    Version: 2.1
    this is by far the penultimate mod of the beamng website
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Aw thanks :3
      I wouldn’t call it the ultimate mod though, there are plenty of other really well done mods as well ^^
  5. Szymon2007
    Version: 2.1
    Can i ask what's the video linked on the taxi wall it's blocked in me country
  6. DaddelZeit
    Version: 2.1
    what the actual frick have you done this is amazing
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      I have done literally anything and everything that I could think of. I only have like 5 small ideas left over actually lol
  7. Bradey Goss
    Bradey Goss
    Version: 2.01
    I love this mod so much its got everything I ever wanted and I want to get into making my own mods and I was wondering where you learned from
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      I had the idea for everything, so I added everything : D
      Also I started making mods via... automation! If you look into my profile and then go to my mods, you can start to see.. a few more modded auto cars. I taught a lot myself but also had a lot of help from the Modding For Dummies Discord server over the time. If you wanna start modding, I recommend starting with something small, something to get the basics down with. Something like an engine swap or a skin or a bodykit (though you would need some modeling skills for that first) would be a good start
  8. jecoyud1905
    Version: 2.01
    This mod is very good!! i love the basic ones! FoCuS oN tHe RoAd ThErEs A FoCuS oN tHe RoAd
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Focus on the Focus on the Road. Must. Focus! Lol
      But i agree with you, I love how the factory level trims came out as well, they make some great cruisers
  9. Rajan Brar
    Rajan Brar
    Version: 2.01
    Beautiful, and after seeing some of the teasers for the new updates for this car, I can tell this mod is going down in the classic mods book.
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      I sure hope so tbh, thanks! This mod will always stay up to date as well ^^
  10. Hirochi Sunburst Procar
    Hirochi Sunburst Procar
    Version: 2.01
    A bit slow
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Yeah it could need some upgrades... I guess Mach 1 just isn’t fast enough! Lol (I’m referring to the Deo Volente spec config)
  11. italy0047
    Version: 2.01
    I love it now! It doesn't even look like Automation anymore
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Yeah it‘s insane. I recently „revived“ an old backup from November 2019 that I had lying around (it‘s the LEGACY version that can be downloaded in the discussion thread) and put up this old version next to the new one... good god a lot changed lol
  12. bookle
    Version: 2.01
    Absolutely ridiculous mod!
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      The repository needed some more creativity and silliness xP
  13. WhoDatRudeDude
    Version: 2.01
    Awesome job!
  14. Jonah Parkinson
    Jonah Parkinson
    Version: 2.01
    I love this mod.
  15. iPlayzTG-BMG
    Version: 2.01
    must... focus... on.... crashing.......... the focus
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      You seem very focused :p
  16. zipticikti
    Version: 2.01
    great and detailed, nice work bud
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Thanks! Detail is my second name hehe
      Details are what matter
  17. Kasra_kh500
    Version: 2.0
    drag config spawn without tires
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      There is a bug fix update on the way that hopefully takes care of that. You just have to wait until the moderators approve it. You can already get the fixed version on the discussion thread in form of the Focus. Please report back if that fixes that issue!
      Thanks for the review though
  18. recon595
    Version: 2.0
    its great just its scaled a little to big
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Yeah i sadly didn’t notice that until I was too far into this project. It is how it is I suppose
  19. Amazing Kestero
    Amazing Kestero
    Version: 2.0
    Removed Herobrine, BuT I sAw hIm oN yOur VerTeX aNd iT KilLs Me InsTaNtLy
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Watch out! What if... I actually add him to the mod? *blushed emoji*
  20. Sandman08
    Version: 2.0
    meine respektierung
    1. Inn0centJok3r
      Author's Response
      Vielen Dank für deine respektvollen Respektierungen. Meinem Respekt zurück an dich für deine respektierende Bewertung! Lol
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