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In the upcoming days mod approvals could be slower than normal.
Thank you for your patience.

High power car pack 8.1.0

A pack of cars that contain high performance parts. Some realistic, some not so much :)

  1. Brandon lopez
    Brandon lopez
    Version: 2.1
    good job bro
  2. Headbomb
    Version: 1.5
    Super Fun
  3. ab54867
    Version: 1.1
    love the V10 sunburst when using the preset sunburst setup it breaks immediately but i just use the 2.0 AWD Race (DCT) and swapped the motor in and saved it as a preset and things are running fine really great performance

    try revving in neutral cutting the wheels right and slamming it in reverse ;p mad 360's yoooooo
    1. Spaceballs the Username
      Author's Response
      Thanks! I do have another update after this that fixes the mod for 0.4.3.x, so once it's approved, I recommend you try that version out :)
  4. Fire-1999
    Version: 1.0
    This car pack is VERY fun to drive :D
    Note : To fix the exploding tire issue on the Sunburst, just use the "Sport S" tires until the author makes new wheels for the car (please ?)
  5. Yeet Busta
    Yeet Busta
    Version: 1.0
    This mod adds some interesting engine/transmission choices, and I would like to see them for more vehicles in the future. I loved the "Engine X" and X transmission.
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