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Beta Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX 2.2

This is EVO9

  1. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX

    马力276hp(280ps)扭矩400nm(40.8kgm)(kgm x 9.8 = nm)
    车重在BeamNG里是1470kg+,但在Automation里居然有1500kg+什么鬼?(What the fxxk?)EVO9的车重是1310~1490kg

    I'm Chinese,my English is not good.
    Top speed 250km+(155mi+)
    6 Speed MT
    Engine 276hp(280ps) 400nm(40.8kgm)(kgm x 9.8 = nm)
    weight in Automation is 1470kg+,but in Automation is 1500kg+(???)
    EVO9 weight is 1310~1490kg
    Maybe body is mod,search 4.24 in steam work shop and subscribe all,I don't know which mod too,no mod except body,maybe.
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