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Sandy Mountain 1.3b

Large level, smooth roads and stuff to explore..

  1. Kra_88
    Version: 1.01
    love the functional garage doors
  2. BillehBobJoe
    Version: 1.01
    Its Sandy Mountain Charrrliee!
  3. Aerohead1999
    Version: 1.01
    I love this map so much it's so basic! but how cant my computer run it :/ is there any way you can make a fps friendly version? just wondering but other than that Its a amazing map!
    1. Nadeox1
      Author's Response
      It's a big map. If your PC can't run it, it's probably over its possibilities. Not much I can remove, since it's a desert itself.
  4. Makshogun
    Version: 1.01
    LOVING THE MAP and also the hidden easter egg :)
    PS: cute panda
  5. benji_
    Version: 1.01
    Love the map, for about 2 minutes I get low fps and then after that it seems to work fine. Not sure why but the map is great!
  6. In_Whiskey
    Version: 1.01
    Excellent Work!
  7. Colonel_Potter
    Version: 1.01
    Great map. Really love how smooth the roads are. Feels like you're gliding along, even at high speeds. Easily becoming one of my favorite maps.
  8. TR1PP1N
    Version: 1.01
    Great map. Very realistic desert/mountain terrain. The roads could use some paint and maybe some more props, but the terrain modeling and road surface very, very well made, and feel nicely realistic. The road and scenery are very well coordinated - there is a certain combonation of fantasy and realism here that really make BeamNG special, and showcase Nadeox's creativity.
  9. Microsoft Windows 420
    Microsoft Windows 420
    Version: 1.01
    Good map runs well on a potato
  10. viridian
    Version: 1.01
    This map is simply AMAZING. However, there are three things I would suggest adding: 1) Road Markings on the full length of aleast 1 road 2) A building near the airport, to act as an administrative building and air traffic control tower, and 3) A small town somewhere in the map, nothing fancy, just a few stores, a gas station and some houses.
  11. PolishPetrolhead
    Version: 1.01
    This map fits perfectly with Civetta Bolide 350, it made me fell in love with the car. I can't find words to describe how glorious and satisfying driving on those roads is. Honestly, I'm astonished.
  12. Qwertyfish01
    Version: 1.01
    The trailer got me. Absolutely beautiful. Very fun to drive on.
    Also, the garage door works! Can we have that for more maps?
  13. JonnyTaunton
    Version: 1.01
    Honestly love this map and it one of the best maps for driving on in the entire game (Including Official ones!), however I would love to see some rocks or something in the vast desert just so you have something to slap into when your flying backwards at 100mph into the scenary and off the road
  14. Zak RS
    Zak RS
    Version: 1.01
    I didn't read the features and was BLOWN away when the garage door opened
  15. mattattack
    Version: 1.01
    great map! i love driving through the flats in a baja truck at 100+ and climbing hills at high speeds another great ,mod by Nadeox1. I highly recommend it! Very high quality.
  16. aesthetic_tea
    Version: 1.01
    I couldn't drive on it because I get 20 fps, on low :/ But using free cam with no cars, I was able to explore the map, I love the quality of this map! Great job.
  17. grayman9000
    Version: 1.01
    Really good, except for my PC which runs good on beamng, it lags on this map. But its still good!
  18. N7Milla
    Version: 1.01
    I expected it to be more fps friendly... It's a pretty big map though so a pretty decent GPU but mostly CPU is required.
  19. Squatch32560
    Version: 1.01
    Beautiful. Wish the guardrails were an option, But i just remove them. I love trying to keep a car on the road but it usually ends in the vehicle violently flying off the side, which is hilarious. Thinking about adding some jumps right of the road as well.

    My PC is a bit broken atm, I have 8Gb of Ram, but only 4 is being used. I'm able to spawn 6 cars on this map and have them all drive around while still getting between 35-92fps.

    Why isn't this placed with the game?
  20. JakePriestnall
    Version: 1.01
    wow what an amazing .... easteregg great job love the detail
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