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Beta SD's Prerunner Shtuff 1.0

this is cool, right?

  1. FordRapture
    Version: 1.0
    Functions amazing. I was just wondering why it has a 4WD Transfer Case and no power output to the front wheels? Is this a future fix?
    1. Subarishi_Motors
      Author's Response
      no front diff is intentional, took it out because i made my own custom uprights and dont want to make portals. and the transfer case is quite literally just to do with the config, just forgot to take it off when i was making the config, so take it off in the vehicle configuration menu
  2. Angry_Bird
    Version: 1.0
    My only suggestion would be adding a larger fuel tank (ex. 350L) for the D-Series if you want to upgrade it to a full-on trophy truck.
    1. Subarishi_Motors
      Author's Response
      jokes on you the fuelcell i made for the truck is actually *slightly* bigger than the dunekickers
  3. FREAKYH20
    Version: 1.0
    oohhh yeeeaaa
  4. livxvald
    Version: 1.0
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