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Current Up To Date Mod Favorites

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SHOme1289, Dec 12, 2018.

  1. SHOme1289

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    Nov 6, 2013
    I figure its a decent idea to have everyone come here to list what mods they currently use the most that are still working/up to date...mods you can't live without. I recently reinstalled windows completely, and as such, lost all the mods I had (about 50 to 60). Some of them were totally broken, others were conflicting with other mods, breaking parts of the game, etc. This thread serves as an "up to date" resource for anyone looking for mods that work well together, perhaps on a fresh install or maybe things that they might like that have fallen through the cracks.

    Ill start. These are what I have installed as of yesterday's brand new installation, and everything seems to work together just fine as of December 2018. Below, these are all available on the Repository. The forums have a lot of mods that I have not gone through yet, but once I do I will add to the list. That's where this thread may come in handy, by highlighting a "lost" mod that is still working and some might find entertaining but didnt know existed.

    -Codename: 80sFullsize
    -American 80's Fullsize (Olds and Chevy mod)
    -Gavril Gladiator
    -ETKI Restyle
    -LeGran Grand Wagon
    -Bruckell Caldera
    -Eris Coucal
    -Ibishu Kashira
    -Animated Wipers Mod

    Tonite I will be adding some new maps, most of those seemed fine and working together nicely before I reinstalled, but some of my favorites are listed below.

    -Desert Highway
    -Garfield Heights
    -Roane County
    -Vintage Autobahn
    -American Road

    Hopefully some cool mods that some of you may be using are unknown by other's and this thread will point them out. I found a few great mods in the last 2 weeks that I had no idea existed, and glad to have discovered them.
  2. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    All the Russian mods I can find


    I’ll often instal a mod just to mess around with for an hour then uninstall. LIDAR maps, VR city, and legacy official maps (old Gridmap and DRI) are the only mods I keep “permanently” installed.

    Edit: TSabbert’s two track builder mods too. No idea why they aren’t official content... UKR is another favorite, best dirt track I know of in the game.
    #2 ManfredE3, Dec 12, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2018
  3. SHOme1289

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    Nov 6, 2013
    not sure if i remember the old gridmap, was it like less detailed than the one we have now?
  4. ManfredE3

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    Jan 9, 2016
    LJFHutch has the and versions of Gridmap as mods. Just an old version of the map, nothing terribly special. I keep the 4.2.2 version mostly just because it’s interesting having the legacy version.
  5. Danny Werewolf

    Danny Werewolf
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    Mar 31, 2017
    Could you send the link to VR City? I can never find it.

    Myself personally, I can't live without Rally Forest (Including the snow version, link is on the repo version) It's the only map I attempt to rally on often. Still wish we had a bigger rally map, but I feel that will come with Italy's release.

    Now for a car mod...I think everybody agrees that DJPlopper's pack is needed to enjoy the game to it's fullest. If it has to be a singular vehicle....hard choice but LKS PreRunner. It's such a unique vehicle, and so good.
  6. SHOme1289

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    Nov 6, 2013
    is there a way to download the Mega Pack without all 500 configs, but just the parts? I dont like adding configs, I prefer to build all my cars from base models into something I specifically choose, parts wise. plus, all those configs certainly slows the UI to hell, even for a mid-high performance PC.

    i have not tried the LKS, but I will now lol
    --- Post updated ---
    So while I am SO busy at work, I have been going page by page on the old forum released mods. Heres some mods I want to try out tonite and make sure they work (so many memories lol)

    -1999 Ford Crown Victoria
    -Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500
    -1969 Toyota Corolla Sprinter
    -Audi Sport Quattro B2
    -Mercedes Benz W124 (guys at work want to check this one out lol)
    -DJPlopper Mega Pack
    -1980's Ford F150

    Hopefully some of them work fine, if some have little issues (like no engine sound or jbeam issues) I will take a look and see what I can find and try and fix whatever is broken (within reason)
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