Developing node grabbing further

Discussion in 'Ideas and Suggestions' started by fufsgfen, Jun 7, 2018.

  1. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    I was thinking here how node grabbing could be more interesting/useful.

    -Activate grabbing with RMB instead of control.
    -Press and hold LMB while holding RMB to grab a node. (you would need some crosshair or something for center of screen to replace mouse cursor)
    -Release LMB to suspend/couple.
    -Hold middle mouse button to increase strength from 0 to strength set by mouse wheel, this would allow you to pre-set level of strength you want and activate.
    -Release RMB to deactivate grabbing, this would allow multiple ties like now is possible.

    Benefit of this control would be that you can move camera while mastering your strings, also it would be bit faster / more fluent to use feature, which would probably lead to more awesome videos.

    This of course could be optional mode, so you you could use mouse cursor and current method as it is useful too, for example putting ties to load etc.

    This new mode of grabbing could be called cinematic node grabber.

    While node grabbing might be bit difficult to do in this manner, perhaps some sort of middle of object several nodes at once and suspend other end or couple nodes of other end in this manner would be possible, possibilities of destruction would be rather massive:

    It is not that horrible far what we can do now, but we can also suspending nodes with these strings to thin air too:

    Another thing I was thinking was if somehow it would be possible to get node or group of nodes from vehicle currently driven, suspended to some point of the world while driving, movie stunts like batman's anchored point turn would be then possible.

    Of course that might be very difficult to pull off, but just crazy ideas, fuel for sparks and all that.

    Update: It also sometimes might be useful to be able to set several different force strengths, force groups or something?
    #1 fufsgfen, Jun 7, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2018
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