Solved Drivetrain Help for the B-25

Discussion in 'Mod Support' started by Joelvb, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Joelvb

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    Aug 7, 2013
    I need some clarification on some jbeaming. As of now I am implementing the B-25 to 0.8. Sadly it doesn't work as I have hoped. I have some major problems. The biggest is a bug with the vehicle controller, where the is an error in the frictionClutch . The controller is in the main j beam and the rest is in the to engine files. I have an error with clutchRatio (a nil value) in the powertrain lua.

    The shaft is connected to an rotator if I only use the dummy controller the it works. Not sure why .

    The next question would be the engine thermals as I have conflicts with the two engines even if I have two engine groups.

    If somebody as more information on how to fix it, I will send the files needed
    #1 Joelvb, Jan 4, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2017
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