WIP BeamNG.drive Multiplayer (BeamNG-MP) (Formally "Local Multiplayer (Lua based)")

Discussion in 'Programming' started by [YTGN] | Titch2000, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. CN877

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    Jun 27, 2017
    Not that I know of. IIRC the devs are working on some LUA documentation. However I may be mistaken.
  2. Jackets64

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    Nov 26, 2017
    Interesting proposition, looks cool. Hope you finish!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. [YTGN] | Titch2000

    [YTGN] | Titch2000
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    Jun 16, 2019
    For anyone that wants an update to how things are going. Firstly sorry progress is slow-ish but I mainly work weekends and I only just started this a few days ago so yeah.
    Also there have been plenty of walls and hurdles in the way and have had to be worked around and what not but our first break through! This might not seem like much to some of you but to me it is great as this means that the main principle of how i want this to work will be possible. It also means that network capabilities are there and at least some form of multiplayer will be possible!

    If your interested in seeing the progress so far you can check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT-2hsy06CE I would also like to take a moment to say thank you to those of you who are at least in support of this project even though some of you don't share the same view.

    Brief run down of what has been completed so far:
    • User interface has been created
    • You can host multiplayer sessions
    • You can join multiplayer sessions
    • You can set your nickname
    • You can chat with other players
    • Like Like x 9
  4. EruptionTyphlosion

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    Sep 24, 2016
    I knew you said it would only work on LAN as of now, but in theory with a client that emulates LAN, wouldn't it work, just with slightly higher latency?
  5. [YTGN] | Titch2000

    [YTGN] | Titch2000
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    Jun 16, 2019
    Technically yes it could work like that but my aim right now is to work locally. I do have a dedicated server that could work but there would be many issues relating to synchronisation with a dedicated server but it could be done yes.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. iheartmods

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    Aug 8, 2012
    Wow! This is amazing to see coming together so quickly!

    I understand your focus now but just wanted to think a bit out loud on Internet connections.

    Right now, as I understand it, people would be easily able to connect into one's network with this through port forwards, so in my eyes we're already capable of doing Internet multiplayer. I acknowledge synchronization will probably be garbage at current state; we're only what 5 days into the project? Anyway, regarding synchronization, is how you're accomplishing the network done via TCP connections or UDP? I would think in this situation UDP should be used since it is connection-less and works on best effort. At least, synchronization should work on this best effort principle rather than expecting "good" synchronization. People lived with RoR's shoddy synchronization and I think they could here too, at least at the start.

    Another thought is to force all multiplayer users to run BeamNG with no vehicle collisions to improve performance and reduce latency. Having the expectation of user's being able to crash into each other, I personally think is a pipe dream.

    My thoughts and two cents with the best intentions :) You are doing stellar work!
  7. [YTGN] | Titch2000

    [YTGN] | Titch2000
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    Jun 16, 2019
    Thank you for your input, Currently the connections are done via web sockets which is done over TCP. This for me felt the easiest way to create at least a simple multiplayer environment. But only time will tell as to how effective it will be. I do think you are right about the no collisions though however i will leave this down to the clients choice simply because if you have a beefy computer then you will probably be fine in a small game session. As for opening ports and forwarding them, yes you are correct i just did not want to make it seem like i was making this my aim or anything like that as this can be for something later on, not to mention any potential security risks associated with it. But technically it is possible :D
    • Like Like x 2
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  8. NistingurA

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    Nov 22, 2013
    I am surprised by the amount of work that has already been put into this, so I´ll definetly keep an eye on this thread in the future.
    Yes, you can "only" chat with someone right now, but the entire Internet started with a simple message aswell. As a proof of concpet this is definetly going in the correct direction.
    • Like Like x 2
  9. [YTGN] | Titch2000

    [YTGN] | Titch2000
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    Jun 16, 2019
    Hey guys, just thought I would update you and let you know that this is not a dead project i just had some things come up. Today I ran the first test run with my brother. We can now successfully see each others vehicles. See the images from each of our screens here:
    mitchbeamng.png tobybeamng.png
    • Like Like x 21
  10. hubert2005 kam

    hubert2005 kam
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    Jan 27, 2018
    is it laggy for you when youre in multyplayer
  11. [YTGN] | Titch2000

    [YTGN] | Titch2000
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    Jun 16, 2019
    I'm not quite that far just yet. but should be able to update to that question over the next few days. :) Looking promising so far.
  12. Deleted member 309054

    Deleted member 309054
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    This guy needs to become a dev for beamng
    • Agree Agree x 6
  13. Cool guy 66

    Cool guy 66
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    Jan 15, 2017
    wish u best of luck...I have read a lot of threads of people ranting that it cant be done and I hope u can prove ALL of them WRONG.
  14. _Tanco

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    Jan 7, 2017
    It's impressive how a new player just come here in the forums and just say "hey, im making multiplayer" and it actually seems to work ! You are making something that I thought would be impossible to make, or would be unplayable. The speed at which you update your mod is incredible, in addition to the fact that you are doing something that has never been done before ! I don't know anything about programmaming but i just wanted to say that you have all my support about this mod :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Deleted member 309054

    Deleted member 309054
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    Exactly, this guy just comes along and says 'I want to make multiplayer' and does it. Its amazing how there are people on this community for years that dont know how to do any of this and suddenly one dude just can make multiplayer!
  16. Est

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    Jul 16, 2017
    Hi, is there a way to install this?
  17. Deleted member 309054

    Deleted member 309054
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    No not yet. Its not done yet
  18. StinchinStein

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    Jul 16, 2014
    I really hope the best for you :)
    @chris_lucas and I tried making a multiplayer mod a few years back, but development stopped. The one we were making was client/server, not peer-to-peer (it was originally though). Hopefully you can figure everything out and have fun in the process of doing it! :)
    • Like Like x 5
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  19. airman426

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    Sep 7, 2015
    Very exciting indeed! I look forward to any further progress with bated breath.
  20. Cool guy 66

    Cool guy 66
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    Jan 15, 2017
    by the way...Will we able to crash into each other and will it be restricted to 2 players...
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