.lua call function on initialisation of vehicle

Discussion in 'Programming' started by VertexStyle, Feb 17, 2018.

  1. VertexStyle

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    Dec 11, 2016
    Programmed a vehicle .lua function. With a keyboard binding it works just fine.
    However I want the function to start running as soon as the car is spawned.
    How can I do that? I thought init() / onInit() would do exactly that but for some reason it doesn't work?

    Ending of the .lua script:

    local function init()
    regenEnabled = true

    -- run this code when the vehicle is loaded?!?

    -- public interface
    M.regenerate = regenerate
    M.cancelRegenerate = cancelRegenerate
    M.onReset = onReset
    M.updateGFX = updateGFX
    M.sendState = sendState
    M.init = init

    return M
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