Unsolved Slidenodes not rigid enough

Discussion in 'Mod Support' started by Inertia, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. Inertia

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    Dec 29, 2015
    Hi all, as you may or may not know, I have been working on a T-Series Rollback Flatbed mod, as seen here: http://www.beamng.com/threads/t-series-rollback-flatbed.32909/
    At the moment I am somewhat stuck and unsure what to do about the rollback mechanism. I am using slidenodes and rails to allow the bed to slide back, however it bounces around and flops everywhere, making it unusable for something carrying heavy weight such as a vehicle. Anyone have any ideas on how I can better this mod or any silly things I have missed? I know this is very vague and unspecified but I am getting a bit frustrated with the mechanism. Please keep in mind that the whole thing is very WIP and dodgy, all the jbeam structures are only barely half finished.

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  2. CreasingCurve

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    Jan 19, 2016
    Just did a bit of testing, and it seems the problem that needs to be fixed first is the strength of the flatbed. It flops around way too much as you said. May just be a case of raising beamspring but will probably needs more cross bracing and stuff as well.
  3. Destroyer247_52

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    Mar 9, 2015
    You could also beam generate the whole thing from within blender, that connects basically all beams possible on that flatbed. The flatbed wouldn't need extra beamStrength.
  4. CreasingCurve

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    Jan 19, 2016
    I have looked at the Jbeam and the problem isn't with beamstrength it is beamSpring but after talking with @Inertia i think that the problem is that there are no triangles to stop it from moving around which gives the effect of it being sloppy.
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