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Developers: Challenge you

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by David Fortsc, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. David Fortsc

    David Fortsc
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    Jan 29, 2013
    Gabester, this is primarily directed to you because you are the vehicle maker.


    I challenge you to a small game of wrecking. On Saturday, March 30, 2013 I was driving my '98 Ford Ranger XLT when a deer crossed infront of me and caused me to slide off the narrow path and into a tree. Luckily for me, I escaped with only a busted knuckle after hitting my door three times. That's not the point though, what I am challenging you guys to do is to repeat the damage as close as you can using the D15 in BeamNG. This is a small fry challenge and will only do one thing; Gives us more candy to look at. It's easter, why not an egg?

    Here are the pictures of the damage:

    (imported from here)

    (imported from here)

    (imported from here)

    Accident Details:

    Location: Wooded Area, non maintained truck path
    Speed: 30-45 MPH
    Suspension Damage: No

    Good luck, if you so choose to accept.
    #1 David Fortsc, Apr 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2013
  2. Hati

    Expand Collapse

    Aug 5, 2012
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    The challenge is to crash the D15 at 40mph into a tree? What nature of event manages to stymie your neurons into firing in such a way that you get that idea: a completely redundant 'challenge'? That's not a challenge, its trivial.
  3. GeoTelnet111

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    Mar 7, 2013
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    The challenge is more to see if they can "match" the damage that has been done to his truck, in the D15 In game. :)
  4. David Fortsc

    David Fortsc
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    Jan 29, 2013
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    Just as the post above me has said. The challenge is to recreate the damage, to see how realistic the deformation in BeamNG really is. Obviously no one doubts the realism, it's just a way for them to engage with the community and at the same time to reveal some more pictures of BeamNG. No one is hurt doing this challenge, and no one is hurt not doing it. It's just a fun little thing.
  5. GeoTelnet111

    Expand Collapse

    Mar 7, 2013
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!


    Would like to see the outcome of this. ;)
  6. Brother_Dave

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    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    Nice challenge! Crashed my R33 Skyline into the rear of a Golf MKIII at about 15mph, repairs ended up costing almost what i gave for it, thank god for insurance agencies :) Took the opportunity to get frp fenders and a carbon hood since they costed as much as the stock items from Nissan Japan :p

    Looking forward to a crashed D15!
  7. kmanmx

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    Aug 20, 2012
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    So you actually hit the tree at 30mph, or that was the speed you started braking at ? Surprised 30mph doesn't create more damage, and surprised you arn't more injured.

    If you want devs to see this thread you need to mention tdev as he automatically gets emailed if his name is mentioned. Or so the theory goes :p
  8. David Fortsc

    David Fortsc
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    Jan 29, 2013
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    You just did that for me, lol. As far as the speed goes, I'm not sure honestly. I wasn't paying attention to my Speedometer when the incident happened. I started braking and locked up. I'm unsure of the speed I was going at point of impact. Gabester might have a few shots to better reach the speed and damage. I'd like to read his findings about the Speed he went in game to mimick it.
  9. Potato

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    Feb 19, 2013
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    Does that truck have abs? I know that 95 trucks had rear abs. I'm not sure when they started, though, or if it was optional. What kind of damage did you do to your engine, if any.
  10. gabester

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    Vehicle Director
    BeamNG Team

    Jun 6, 2012
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    Impact speed was about 20-25 mph (which is probably about how fast you were going). The grille didn't crack like yours did because that's not possible in BeamNG yet.

  11. kmanmx

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    Aug 20, 2012
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    That's actually impressively similar.

    I noticed you said "not possible yet." does that mean you plan to incorporate shattering/cracking/snapping materials in the future?
  12. Potato

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    Feb 19, 2013
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    Wow, that's very impressive. The realism of this simulator never ceases to amaze me.:D
  13. GeoTelnet111

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    Mar 7, 2013
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    Wow. It is almost a perfect replica!

    Cant wait to do this in game myself. :cool::cool::cool:
  14. David Fortsc

    David Fortsc
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    Jan 29, 2013
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    That's truly impressive, challenge accepted and definitely succeeded. I've taken the liberty to do a side by side and the results are amazing. I'm impressed with the results. Thanks for taking up the challenge! It's good to know about the speed of 20-25 MPH, it means I wasn't too far off with my estimation of speed. I estimated point of impact was about 30 MPH and I'll hold to that. 30-35.

    Anyways, here are the side by sides:

    (imported from here)

    For the record, the bumper is very similar to the results on the BeamNG Right side. I was unable to take a farther screen shot due to our Lincoln being in the way. I'm thinking BeamNG might be a useful tool to use in the future.

    Can I ask how many tries it took to find the speed required?
  15. gabester

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    Vehicle Director
    BeamNG Team

    Jun 6, 2012
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    I figured from the beginning it was 20-25 mph so I kept doing that. The harder part was finding a tree with the right shape.
  16. David Fortsc

    David Fortsc
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    Jan 29, 2013
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    Nice! Well you did a good job on that, as I said it is really impressive. I've taken pictures of the engine compartment after the wreck in case you want to look at it for reference points for the future. Unsure if that'll be helpful in determining engine failures and frame tweaks.
  17. Bubbleawsome

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    Well then that makes it sound easy!
  18. Hati

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    Aug 5, 2012
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    Mr David here would have slammed on the brakes after losing control or hitting the deer. He would have lost much of the speed he originally had. He says he had the accident going about 40, so halving the speed makes a fairly safe guess. I think Gabester overestimated the speed. The D15 has bent the frame enough to distort the wheel arch. Our friend's Ranger doesn't appear to have been ravaged so badly. The hood was pushed over the top of the frame, and the fascia compressed. If you look at the profile of the hood on the ranger, its fairly straight, but the D15 has been pushed back further in the center where it hit the tree.

    Its close enough that it isn't a big deal, I hear that Rangers are tough little bastards.
  19. David Fortsc

    David Fortsc
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    Jan 29, 2013
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    The thing about all of the discrepancies is that the real variant is a Ford Ranger XLT, where as the BeamNG variant is a fictional vehicle based off of a Chevy S10. I wasn't expecting a direct replica but it was damn close, which is what makes it so impressive, considering it's an entirely different model and structure. This little ranger is a beast, man. I was never a Ford man at heart but this Ranger won my heart. It's a solid truck and it knows how to get things done. As I said before, the speed was estimation and as you pointed out, I locked up the wheels and slid, scraping off some speed. So cruising at about 35 to 40 MPH then suddenly hitting the brakes. There is a short point where the brakes work, so it scrapes about 5 MPH then the tires would lock, staying on them would force it to stay locked - so I'd scrub about 5 more MPH, maybe more. So in a nutshell 20-25 should be a realistic force to hit the tree at. Not to mention going at 35 MPH slowing down to 25 you still have extra gravitational forces going on, so the truck might transfer right to make it look more/less speed.

    I'm in no way a physics expert though. XD
  20. gabester

    Expand Collapse
    Vehicle Director
    BeamNG Team

    Jun 6, 2012
    Re: Developers: Challenge you!

    The D15 is not based on an S10, it's much bigger. It's the same size as any 3/4 ton truck like a Silverado or F-150.
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