WIP Beta released A new *CITY* map - LOS INJURUS 2023-12-20

Los Injurus 2023, now featuring 11-foot-8 bridge!

  1. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    You could gain 15% SC and 75% MC with this, more with overclocking, but neither of us will not be so stupid that paying over 600 as performance improvement will still be quite small and mostly by 12 vs 8 threads:

    I used to have rule of upgrading, triple the computing power of component or at very minimum double or it is not worth of upgrade, kinda hard to do these days.

    Your GPU is quite even to pretty much average GPU Steam users have:

    1080 is "83%" faster, whatever that is in practice. I still can get 100% GPU load in BeamNG though, just need to do a burnout, smoke is such heavy to render in this game :D :D

    It is really difficult and requires a lot of work to make map perform in this game, I'm really looking with interest of what you manage to squeeze out from this engine!

    Oh, also I kinda wanted to donate, but I can't do it monthly based, my medical is so high on some months that I'm going to negative already and if I decide to keep 1080 I will be dry for 6 months or even more (it kinda is nice though and would not need upgrading for 5 years or so). So I don't know if there is way to donate a tenner just now and then option?
  2. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Donations are one-off, not monthly. This way you won't have to worry about forgetting the next month. I think it comes out on the 1st of the month after which you pledge. So if you donate this month sometime it'll come out September 1st. I appreciate anything I am given in that regard, every little bit helps.

    Got another half block built up next to the hillside, that wasn't quite done yet, and added another variety of town-house to the mix so they didn't all look the same.
    Set map draw distance to 2.5km (I originally planned to have 2km draw distance, I'll lower it later if needed).
    Introduced all the different new curve pieces for the surface road kit, 15 or 16 new pieces, curves up to 95 degrees (eek!). I made these a few days ago but didn't introduce them into the list yet. Also added quarter-length straight piece too.
    Also added in 4 new four-lane main road pieces, quarter and half length for deliniated and non-delineated types.
    Did 3 different driveway pieces with LOD's and finalized things. Still 4 more to do, this will add a few more fps.
    There's still most of the four-lane main road pieces to do except the straight pieces, those are done already. This will also add a few more FPS wherever they're used (not much on this side of town).
    Null detail setting isn't kicking in on the collector roads when it should (a mile away), when this is fixed this will add a few more FPS in addition to the above.
    Performance on completed scenes is perfect WITH THE INTERFACE OFF (7~10 fps better!), even better yet when you're using the in-car view - which you should be. Surfaces counted are at max *HALF* what the worst spot in downtown Harriman in Roane County Tennessee USA (by the bank) was, while looking better - this is GOOD GOOD GOOD.
    Screenshots - Beamng screenshots don't seem to be working right now, they're having server maintenance.
    The Satisfactory performance shot is taken from the far end of the developed area, by the Chicken Munch, with pretty much everything on that side of town - and the highway - in view.
    Included my reflections settings, these provide basic reflections and are good enough to serve a purpose, anything beyond that is a bonus for folks with fancy 1070, 1070ti's or 1080/1080ti's. 1060 3gb is just 10~25% worse performing than my as-tested RX 480 8gb 1288 core clock graphics card. 1060 6gb would be close (+ or -5%)

    So all in all, a good productive evening, and I even had time today to take the mower down for service, and replace the gimmicky light-switch in the garage which just about caught on fire when I was getting the mower ready. BZZZZZT... That's fixed at-least. Good thing because my Pessima - I mean Corolla - is in there. Don't need a Car-B-Q, it's paid for. AFCI/Arc-fault circut breakers are your friend, kids, make sure your house has them!
    Edit: added edge_of_development shot where I was doing so stuff tonight. Nothing significant there, just more of the same stuff.
    FPS is visible in all shots for REASONS! Good ones.
    That being said, interesting stuff happened while testing the map, never did THIS before (see the ROOPS shot)...

    Attached Files:

    • Roops.jpg
    • satisfactory_performance_60fps_with_reflections_on.jpg
    • reflection_settings.jpg
    • edge_of_development.jpg
    #42 bob.blunderton, Aug 16, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2018
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  3. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Hey, it looks like you have one of those Engine swap service stations on your map :D

    Your day sounds bit like good old mother Russia, toilets of those old train wagons are told to be very reliable in design, however in mother Russia they can freeze out and be out of order :p

    You gotta laugh on this, dynamic reflections at JRI show 4% more of CPU3 (38 to 42%) and 3% more of GPU (27 to 30% usage, that is pretty much highest it will go on Roane County without turning SSAO on), I think your RX480 is pretty much as fast as most BeamNG content really needs, even 1050Ti is almost there, with normal details and without dynamic reflections it does all other maps except WCUSA just fine at solid 60fps.
    upload_2018-8-16_9-6-17.png upload_2018-8-16_9-7-15.png

    What I'm constantly amused is how light Roane County is actually to run, in terms of GPU, 25% GPU load with dynamic reflections on this spawn location, that is some optimization skills and now you are going for even less CPU usage, so this new map of yours will certainly be a benchmark and if when you can make a bigger city to perform better than WCUSA, then I know a place which actually could hire you :p

    But part I laugh at here is how ridiculously overkill that 1080 is for BeamNG, Roane County is 16-25% GPU load most of the time, it can get up to around 30% with SSAO on, but only map where 1080 has to work a bit is WCUSA, at Utah I think it was 45% or so, but then again Just Cause 3 is around 50% most of the time, it does not change a lot at all in that game, but 1050Ti was not able to run that game in 1080p fluently and I do like them explosions, so... :D :D

    So this Patreon thing, even it says it would be per month, it does not actually take sum from card each month, but it just sends mail each month and you then do manual transfer if funds allow? I hope I understood it correctly, but if it works that way, then I don't have trouble giving at least something back for these countless hours of enjoyment your maps have already given to me :p

    I just did pay over 1000 worth of all kind of payments, house taxes, loan payments, house tax, rent from where I'm actually living etc. (you gotta love how expensive it is to own something) so might be next month until I can put something aside.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Well, the good news is, 95% of the spots I've built are above 40fps, with reflections on, 80~90% are above 44~45fps, so this is a good thing. Lowest spot is currently at a whopping 36~38fps but that's extremely brief, just a second or so if you're cruising at the speed limit - less if you're blasting through. Will try and optimize that area more, especially once they fix the occluders.
    Got EIGHTY pieces done tonight, that weren't done before. This only refreshes NINE existing pieces, so that's 71 pieces added. What are they? they are:
    1 straight piece 9 curves (2.5~22.5 degrees in 2.5 degree increments) for: single large driveway
    1 straight piece 9 curves (2.5~22.5 degrees in 2.5 degree increments) for: single large driveway (reverse)
    1 straight piece 9 curves (2.5~22.5 degrees in 2.5 degree increments) for: small driveway
    1 straight piece 9 curves (2.5~22.5 degrees in 2.5 degree increments) for: small driveway (reverse)
    1 straight piece 9 curves (2.5~22.5 degrees in 2.5 degree increments) for: two small driveways (universal)
    1 straight piece 9 curves (2.5~22.5 degrees in 2.5 degree increments) for: two small driveways (facing)
    1 straight piece 9 curves (2.5~22.5 degrees in 2.5 degree increments) for: two small driveways (facing, reverse)
    3 way and 4-way main road intersection four-lane to four-lane roads (same width/cross-slope as 5-lane collector and non-deliniated roads) (two pieces)
    Half four-way and 'dead side' half-piece for use on 3-way intersections (four way uses two 'four way half pieces'). This is two pieces.
    Half four-way for two-lane road intersecting four-lane road, and a 'dead side' piece just like above to make 3-way intersections. This is two pieces.
    Four other pieces I am forgetting. Oops. They're in though.

    I have about 40~50 pieces to do tomorrow yet, then I have to do back-ups again, then I should be golden as-per having completed the road-kit (as far as stuff that needed updating).

    As I said above, I had FPS bouncing in the 30's and 40's in some spots that's now up to 90fps, depending on where the player is in the map. It can be higher in undeveloped areas (200+fps) but I won't count those, I'm only talking about developed areas. So, thus far, this is running really well and looking great!
    Gone is that pesky grey edging on all of the surface street pieces (except the twist pieces, not used much, those will be done tomorrow)!

    Yes, around 80fps here.

    67fps here.

    52fps here. The car is about 1.5 blocks away in the background (so it's there, just can't see it, game can though). This is pretty typical FPS when driving around in the city suburbs here.

    67fps here too. Remember, these are all with reflections on yet on an RX 480 8gb card.
    PHYSICS WAS NOT PAUSED DURING SCREENSHOTS. Interface obviously, is off.
    In-car view can help add another 10~20% more FPS depending on your system, as it does here.

    Sorry for not much 'new stuff' to show, you've likely already seen these areas... however, the FPS wasn't nearly this good, it's up on average 50% or more with optimization. Some areas not as much, only 25~30%, most areas are seeing 40~100% more FPS though, some places EVEN MORE than that. This is good, because there is *LOTS* of city left to build yet!
    Just know that while it's super-quiet on my end, compared to weeks ago, optimization is every bit as important, and I'm spending the equivalent of full-work days doing it right now. Another day and most all loose ends should be tied up quite nicely.
    Tomorrow's to-do:
    Surface road twists *derp* these are done already... Oops, forgot I did those before.
    Main road twists (several of these, 4~8 of them, forget exactly, gets duped to change texture references*)
    Curves for main roads - likely two dozen of these total (gets duped to change texture references*)
    Slopes for main roads - likely a dozen or so of these (gets duped to change texture references*)
    *gives you option to have the road striping / deliniation / "lines" on the road or not, you can always put your own on if you decide to add it later - because you can do that, and sometimes, there's no other way to line it up or re-create certain intersections / road conditions. So I dupe these models via the file manager and change the texture reference on the dupes to provide the deliniation, without increasing polys rendered (as it's part of the texture).

    The Modular Road Kit is now up to 505 pieces! Egad! There's still a few more non-perpendicular intersections to do for various road-sizes, too. They'll be in available only in half-pieces for convenience & mix and match capability.
    Likely that the modular road kit won't exceed 550 pieces total unless I actually make bigger highways, etc.
    --That's all for tonight.
    #44 bob.blunderton, Aug 17, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
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  5. Slimeboy2015

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    Jan 10, 2018
    is this a eat up all ur fps and doesn't let u play map. or does map look good AND is fun to drive on?
  6. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    If you are running game with a potato, it will not run well, that is for certain. Map is probably one of the most complex maps in game, so recent K series i7 probably needed as well as 1060 or better.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Heck of a thing to say to someone who spends thousands of hours over 2.5 years bringing content to this community...
    Honestly put, if you have an OLD computer, it might not run well. I don't know any other way to receive this type of comment, but I mean, that's sure a hard-line stance for something that will be downloadable for free, that someone is spending a lot of time on. That doesn't sound like you're very grateful, there.

    Considering I am getting 2x the FPS of my Roane County map's worst areas, which ran like molasses in January, I'd say it's running pretty well.

    If your computer doesn't run it very well, upgrade it! This isn't a 10 year old game where one would expect things to run fine on a newer computer. This is a game that isn't even out yet. Generally it's a given that pre-release early-access software doesn't run 100% as well as it's fully-released counterparts. This is a learning process going in, even for someone who's been mapping for over 2.5 years for this game, and almost 25 years into game modding and content creation on PC, since the MS-DOS days.

    I'm not a nasty person, but I am taking a lot of time and effort to make this, but how would you feel when asked that about something you take pride in. I haven't spent all this time for naught, surely.

    Graphical settings will be different on a per-machine basis. I already stated, if you had taken the time to read, what my configuration is currently; and that if you have a similar one, it should run fluidly without issue or game-breaking lag. If you have an old machine with a 5 year old GPU and a hard drive and 4~8gb of RAM it's not going to run as well as a newer machine or a newer GPU, an SSD, and 16gb's (or more) of RAM. You only get out what you put in.

    All this being said, my four year OLD computer from fall of 2014, runs this just fine, in the 45~60+ fps spots in most developed areas:
    4790k 4.4ghz (this is turbo, on all cores not one, as per bios settings, locked at this speed)
    32gb RAM (only need 8gb RAM installed in machine and will have some room left over at that rate)
    Radeon RX 480 8gb 1288 core-clock card. Otherwise, stock XFX non-reference style graphics card
    Pile of whatever SSD's were 'on-sale' or otherwise discounted for storage and OS :)
    Air cooled, nothing fancy, no crazy over-clocks, but it's gone quite a number of years already, so no need for undue stress. Will likely keep this tower for years yet, until it can't run something or I blow it up with the stress of processing dozens of pianos getting smashed. No Windows Crash 10 either, Legit Windows 7 Pro all the way.

    Anything with a 750Ti 2gb or Radeon 7850 2gb and a Intel X58 1st gen i7, 2nd gen i5 2xxx CPU (or similar/better)
    and at-least 8gb of RAM should be just fine to run this without reflections at medium settings.
    With reflections on no more than half-way, you will want at-least a RX 480 4gb video card, or Nvidia GTX 1060 6gb video card for smooth performance, with full maxed reflections, you will likely want a Radeon Vega 56, 1070Ti or above for proper smooth performance in the busiest of scenes.
    If you cannot run West Coast well, as it's a city map, you will not run this well, that's a given.

    I'm not snooty. I am actually quite humble. If this map doesn't suit you, there's plenty of shoe-box panoramas available for download that can run on smaller systems with more limited capability. I don't make small maps, I make big ones. Bigger is better, of-course. I make maps that keep people busy for an hour or more per play session. Many times, they come back days and weeks later (sometimes even months) to still play the map for hours, because of it being so huge and having plenty of things to do in it. I pack as much fun as is possible into my maps, there's always a new jump to discover, another cliff to fly off of, or yet another road not already traveled. All my maps are 100% free to download once they are out, you just have to come prepared and bring the appropriate (PC) equipment to get the job done.
    --That is all.
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  8. Captain. Adam

    Captain. Adam
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    Jan 31, 2017
    Will this city have a lake ?
  9. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Yes, it will have shoreline on two sides, at-least, and a LARGE lake in the middle a little shy of a kilometer across (in some spots, in other spots, it will be narrowed where performance estimates allow me to add more city).

    There will be San-Andreas style drainage culverts (the large ones with sloped sides you can drive in) through-out some sections of the city.

    The lake (generally, none of the rivers) will allow large ships in it due to the depth it will have of roughly 50~60 feet in the middle. Someone asked that I lower it from it's average depth of 10~15 feet (and I will do so!). There will be piers where ships can dock, both commercial ones (for tour boats, tourists, fishing etc, high and low piers, look to GTA San Andreas for reference, as this is much of my guide to what goes in and what does not), and it will have industrial shipping areas (much like the South portion of Los Santos, that will be my chief reference).

    To clarify, if you enjoyed cruising around GTA SA as much as I did, you'll enjoy this map. This map won't use a single texture or model from SA or any of the GTA's though, unless they sources their textures from the same places I did. I only use Creative Commons licensed textures, as of current, for this project, funding DOES NOT allow me to purchase commercial textures yet. Please donate if you can afford to, to the Patreon link in the first post. If you're under-age or otherwise cannot afford to, I get it, it's cool (no hate!), just show up when it's time to beta test & provide good feedback.

    Considering releasing my rail-road texture/model set in the next week or so. Maybe some folks would like this, yes, no?
    This map will be fit for Boats, Trains, Planes/Helicopters (as we get them, for trains/planes/heli's), and cars/trucks too, though some grades will make the truck crawl. I wouldn't want to be caught dead trying to haul 60~100 pianos in a trailer up one of the steep grades in this map with a basic diesel truck engine.
    Highway max gradients will be no more than 6~7 % when and where I can help it - side roads/non-major roads will be 'whatever goes this is hilly California' type of thing...

    Progress tonight:
    *Main road Slope and curve pieces are done, just have to be run through the FBX to DAE converter and added to the map data files. Corrected bugs and added another detail level to help them be more efficient to render and so the curves look good as you're backing away. What is 140 poly surfaces up close (for 24~28 meters of road!), is 6 poly surfaces at lowest detail. Pop-in is only visible if you're squinting and looking right at the road watching for it.
    *Just have to do main road twist pieces yet. Might replace these with better-made pieces as they're only used in about 4 very remote (concept) spots total, and would take only moments to re-align... So these might wait until tomorrow or get done much later tonight. Twist pieces are for beginning and ends of banked corners (for 40~45mph roads or above, you'll slide if you're going on a hard enough corner if it's not banked), and also for intersections on slopes, to meet the gradient of the non-level intersection of the cross-street/road.
    *(next week)Intersections in non-perpendicular angles for a variety of roads. This isn't Simcity after-all, we don't need to be stuck building only gridded roads.
    *(after above is done, the following may not be in order listed)Rail bridges and 'poorly maintained road bits' in a variety of shapes and sizes for both roadwork/construction and for 'lack of maintenance' look like Detroit, frost-heaving damage, and similar areas common to the depressed and rust-belt cities in the NE or North Central USA. Not every road is perfect, you know.
    *More subway stations, because there is only one right now, and an above ground structure to transfer from ground-level rail to subway, because there is only a pair of tunnel entrances right now for it, and a giant lump of ground looks out of place in the middle of the town.
    *LOTS of buildings, of all shapes and sizes, a good 200~300 of these, to suck up your RAM/ Video RAM, and precious SSD space (and not to mention give the city some variety, it's not very fun to drive past the same stuff for miles).

    That is all for now. I have been able to achieve 40~80fps in the fully furnished areas of town, thus-far, so I should have no issue keeping things above 30~35fps minimum on my RX 480 8gb card - which is about standard GPU as-per Steam surveys. For what it's worth, this card is close to an Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB in performance. So if you own one of these GPU's or even better, you'll have no issues running this map unless you have the reflections maxed (you can turn them down a little bit but won't need to shut them off entirely).
    Don't fret too much if you don't have this much of a GPU though, next month the GTX 2070~2080 come out. I won't be buying a new GPU for another 2 years + yet, so don't feel too bad if you're not planning on paying the Nvidia TAX on a new one so soon.
    --- Post updated ---
    EDIT here... another round of optimization results are in, it's getting better and better!
    You've all seen these shots before, but can feel free to compare these with previous ones, as that's why the FRAME COUNTER IS VISIBLE. That's why you're seeing them again, only the FPS counter has changed.
    And the plain-grey edging is removed from the roads, too, of course, since optimization began this week.


    44~50FPS here, this is a tougher spot to process as it's on a hill and 'sees' over some of the visibility blocker hints the game engine uses (which block rendering past large lines of trees/long rows of buildings in maps, helping FPS).

    48~55FPS here. This was something like 38~46fps before I started optimization.

    58~66FPS now, previously this never got above 60~61fps, before optimization started at all, you were usually 45~60fps here.

    This was another benchmark I did before any optimization, which is now 78~93FPS with the interface on and physics paused. Other shots have the interface OFF and Physics *NOT* paused. Before any optimization this was only 36~50fps - basically doubled things here, and this shows the greatest improvements.
    Large, tall buildings won't disappear when you're about a mile away, but much of the city will stop rendering over a kilometer away (unless you're flying in a plane, you won't notice), when you're about 2.5km away, the terrain won't render at all (the cut-off is 2500km).
    Most all the road pieces, except for about 6 or 8 (one pair of slopes, and a 4 or 6 main-road twists I haven't done yet). Doing those won't yield much of a difference, maybe 1~2FPS, nothing really noticeable. They'll be done later or tomorrow.
    Much of the city is 50~60FPS, or better in isolated areas. There's a few spots that go down to around 45fps though. I will work on those where I can without destroying the scenery too much. Don't want to unbuild what I've spent so much time building.
    ALMOST DONE! Then I can build some more blocks of city and release this darn thing in the coming weeks/month (look for a September early preview with substantially more content, Patreon backers of 10$ an up USD could get a current 'as-is' copy as early as Monday, and get on-board for my bi-weekly updates!)
    • Like Like x 3
  10. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    I think your optimizations might be too good, even Roane County, runs just fine with iGPU 50-60fps :D :D :D
    upload_2018-8-18_15-22-6.png upload_2018-8-18_15-22-52.png
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    For shame, an INTEL GPU! ACK! ICK! Don't get that on me!
    Only Teasing :)
    Amazing that it runs THAT well though. I guess if you run @ 720p, and keep the details at medium or below, it should run reasonably well on that DDR4 system memory, especially if you have quick memory on the system (high mhz & low CAS latency, dual channel). I have 32GB 2400mhz DDR3 on CAS 11 latency, dual channel here, and it runs the integrated stuff pretty well, Carmageddon (in 2014 in the fall when I tested it) actually ran VERY playable at 720p, but 1080p was a bit too much to ask, as it didn't have that good a fill rate.
    The IRIS PRO GPU they put in some of their CPU's like the i7 5xxx CPU's was actually pretty good, to boot. That CPU also had a huge amount of cache, too (shared unless iGPU disabled). Shame they went back to the 'regular' iGPU for the 6xxx series. I contemplated putting the i7 5775C on my board for an upgrade from the 4790k, but it wouldn't have done any good unless I planned on using the iGPU, as it can't reliably even hit 4.4ghz that this chip hits (well it can do 4.5ghz all cores but beyond that it's a sauna in here). I don't fancy flame-broiling my cat as it sits on-top of the tower, blocking a majority of the airflow. You can go to Burger World for that, for the time being.

    That all said...

    A pair of roads will be under this end and the far end of the bridge.
    A new bridge is built - not to mentioned modeled and LOD'ed as it didn't exist before tonight. It's using LOD's on the far end of it, after the far side of the highway it goes over (median and sidewalk goes flat on LOD2, then the railing becomes solid on the next level down on LOD3).
    Main road twist-pieces are done, and replaced the full-size twist pieces with half-pieces as they fit better and don't preclude you from making access points to lots as much (with driveway entrances etc). They're much more usable in their current form.
    Re-did the highway curve pieces (combined highway curve pieces, with both sides as one joined full-size piece, with a median in the center). It won't look different up close, but I was able to take the last LOD (furthest it will render from the player) from 117 polys to 36 polys.
    Will eventually get the slopes re-done too with this optimization. This is a 2/3rds reduction for almost no visible penalty on the lowest LOD (you can't see it, even with 4k display you would be very hard pressed to notice any difference!). As you can see with the 115+ FPS above in the screenshot, the highway isn't hard to render by itself, but after a while all those polys on the barriers (type 80 bridge barrier to be exact) do add up.
    The shot at the CHICKEN MUNCH is up to 59~67.x FPS, only one FPS better, but I did build some stuff about a mile in the background... so it could have eaten 1 fps or so off that number. Electing not to show that same shot again.

    That same bridge from the first screenshot is in the upper-left. A small culvert it on the bottom right. Intersection not finished yet.
    Down the road from the bridge, a new jump is installed, disguised as a hillside. Right from the intersection, at good speed, you'll go right up that hillside from the left lane of the road across the street from it (the one you'll come speeding down). You can get some REALLY GOOD SPEED here, so you'll surely land on-top of the hill, after going up to 50~70 meters in the air, depending on your vehicle. My vehicle oddly rolled back down the hill the same way it came up, right back into the intersection. On the left side of the screenshot will likely be a gas station. I haven't built any yet in the map, but there will be some variety of them with again the same familiar names as you'd come to expect from Roane County, and possibly a new franchise or two.

    3 blocks further away, with four or five times that length of road behind the camera in the other direction, you can get PLENTY of speed here. I can whole-heartedly really say I am happy with how this is turning out. It's a lot of fun to be able to whip up whatever pieces I need in the modeling program and then port them into BeamNG (usually resulting in them working).
    FWIW, the short railroad track (straight piece) was AWOL... did I ever make one? Oops? It's not missing anymore for the record. I made a new one and ported it in.
    Around 50 pieces were updated today! This is a GOOD thing. More will be done tomorrow.
    The modular road kit is up to 548 pieces. That's A LOT of pieces. I hope you guys have as much fun playing this when it hits, as I did making it. It is fun. It can be arduous at times, and monotonous other times, but it's something I CAN DO on the computer fairly well. I seem to know road engineering decently enough for someone who's never done it in real life, so I might as well put these talents to use here.

    For the more mature folk who like me, were teenagers in the 90s, give a listen to "Sheryl Crow - We Do What We Can", it's a great song. It's a bit slow to start but that whole CD - Tuesday Night Music Club - was pretty good. It's better than whatever modern stuff you'd hear in public today anyways, so no harm in giving that CD a listen. Many a night spent editing Doom levels in DOS listening to that and a whole bunch of other stuff that I had, before MP3's even existed (hey does anyone remember MP2's !?).

    Ah well, nostalgia bus leaves off now, have a good rest-of-your-weekend folks. I need sleep.

    --- Post updated ---
    EDIT: One gently used Honda Accordion for sale, freshly garnished with hillside jump :)
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  12. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Yeah, iGPU does lack memory bandwidth quite badly (even with DDR4 it just lacks the speed of proper 256bit vram), so getting it to run 1080p is really not possible, but going on lowest, no shadows allows texture quality to be put bit higher and it is tad more tolerable looking.

    On GPU department, I think you don't need to worry too much, optimizations you are doing allow map to run even on potato GPU :D

    I did actually found out my CPU with little tweaking is being one of the fastest 6700 around, performs pretty much par on standard clock average 6700K, but CPU you have, that is still a beast, 8700K is hardly any faster on SC (in practice), Devils Canyon is still top of the game (there are perhaps 4-5 CPU models that can actually perform equally or faster on SC tests? Exactly 9 if using stock clocks), despite providing you a cheap sauna that 'old' thing delivers :D (seeing prices of saunas in US, almost knocked me out).

    This says mine is performing at 100th percentile, keeping crap running on background to minimum and having good settings in BIOS provides performance that does deliver:

    What I did read your CPU would be somewhere 2500 points on SC on Passmark, but 8700K is still only 2704 which you might reach with overclocking, such pathetic is development of CPUs despite the advertised gains.

    To Intel, this is really pathetic, 4th gen that beats crap out of 6th gen!

    For anyone interested, list that tells which CPU allows BeamNG run fastest possible:

    I must say I like that shot with excavator quite a bit! Builder's tools :D

    Bridges are also fun with Helicopter! One thing I probably will do a lot on this map is setting few AI vehicles on Random and chasing them with a helicopter. While chasing AI with a car can be fun, doing it with a weaponized helicopter is bit on another level, difficult, very difficult at times, but also fun.

    Are there going to be those elevated roads / rails over the city? Few days I go I did do some 1/3rd of the Dragon with an helicopter, hovering bit over road surface, so I'm wondering how well it would do in city environment :D

    At WCUSA there is one bridge over water, where there is something like 2-3 meters gap between bottom of bridge and the water, but waves are quite big there, I have been attempting to go under it quite numerous of times:
    Sorry no sound, messed up things again...
    Not sure if many enjoy flying things like this, but one can find so many new places of fun with that thing, certainly they have not designed that low bridge to be run under with an helicopter, but it kinda is possible which makes one try over and over again :p
  13. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Awesome @fufsgfen , yeah this old dog is still quite ready to put on a good BeamNG show all day.
    When she dies (if) in the next 2 years, I will just replace the part. If it lives until Windows 7 - my beloved OS - is not supported any longer in 2020, I will consider building a new machine, but not before/until. Maybe in that time something NEW and much faster will come out. I am wondering if AVX512 provides any helpful additions to the FPU setup - which is what BeamNG physics use.
    Your SINGLE CORE performance is a great view of what each core can do.
    Then there's IPC, which is I believe, instructions-per-clock, which if you measured all CPU's at like 3.5GHZ or whatever speed a heap of CPU's can ALL do reasonably well, would show you how much gets done per GHZ. Not all GHZ are created equal, you know.
    Now to the fun stuff!

    Rail collision is working. I finally have a longer straight piece that WORKS, and a short straight piece too, because I may have accidentally removed it with the bugged longer pieces. I don't know what I did right this time, but whatever I did, it works fine. No more off-set collision. I might be able to build working long curve pieces for this at some point in the near future. Will give it a shot, won't know if you don't try, eh?
    Fixed a few bugged pieces (placement-wise) that weren't in the right spot, when the map objects were updated. Should be good to go for next round of testing after I do my backups. Still have 70 or so (approx) pieces to add into the forest brush, that I added when I was updating all the other pieces. If I feel like I need it, it gets added in.
    Still no rail bridges, boohoohoo. Will get to those at some point when I make the drainage culverts/channels, as the track calls for one to cross the channel/culvert... whatever.
    @fufsgfen I am glad for the video thumbnail, it's good to have an idea of what the culvert should look like, except mine will be SUBSTANTIALLY larger.

    Double digit Patreon backers will get a Alpha copy early next week! Thanks for the help in supporting this project.

    --That is all!
    • Like Like x 2
  14. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    I like to think that how much Ghz do is just a gimmick (well I was right there with IPC performance with my Athlon, Athlon XP and Athlon 64 which did have good performance per Ghz), because at the end what performance is delivered is only thing that matters and only times I get drops below 60fps is because single core performance of CPU is not enough and in BeamNG Single core performance is mostly what matters, unless you want to run something like 10 vehicles.

    Your maps are always so well optimized that even 1050Ti can do them on high no problem, I don't remember any time when I would of dropped below 60fps because of GPU on your maps, even on official maps GPU has been limiting only at WCUSA I believe. GPU load is easy to lower by setting normal model quality instead of high, without hardly any visual losses.

    However I'm quite happy to read that this map will be performing better than older maps in terms of CPU, but also I think that you might have possibility to waste more GPU resources than in older maps, ok, it is easy to say this with a monster GPU :D

    2-3 generations of CPUs at least until we see anything really better for BeamNG than what your CPU is, that chip used is still so fast for BeamNG, but Coffee Lake does deliver with multiple vehicles though and it is bit faster, however it will take more generations until they start to deliver clearly faster performance for BeamNG and I think I wait for those. Passmark single core score of 3500 or so would be something to wait for, that much I believe is needed to get any map to not drop under 60fps on high details. Which then kinda has me thinking that I might actually keep this 2nd hand 1080 that I have been testing and get CPU upgrade when they get performance up there where it already should be.

    10 years is nothing for a good quality computer, she will puff 15 years no problem :D


    Rail pieces, now with new trains in the works that does look really nice! All good car movies have jumps trough rail wagons, so make sure there are loading ramps placed to strategic positions! :)

    Those Youtubers will certainly have some good time when trains become available!

    Do you have suspended bridges planned for railroads? Those can be bit tricky to make I guess, but if you like challenges such might provide some! :D

    For a road bridges, some have quite a hump on them, for ships to fit under them, but in BeamNG we do like to think bit differently :p

    Stats are needed for BeamNG, so we could know how many perfectly good cars it takes to wreck in order to build a city map :)
  15. Mr.Blueboy

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    Aug 17, 2016
    My Intel i3 4030U 1.90Ghz w/ Intel HD 4400 2Gb runs a close 50 for me.
    Ah... I only have an Intel iGPU! I'll get a dedicated GPU sometime...
  16. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    DO NOT feel ashamed you have an intel GPU. DO NOT! I was only teasing as I know Fufsgfen on here for quite some time now (what, like two years or something, on this forum). He's a good guy.
    If you get your hands on a better one - great - but heck I think my i7 4790k's GPU with 2400mhz CAS 11 dual channel DDR3 hooked to it out-performed my Radeon 5450 1gb DDR3 card, that used to run 720p on medium on New Vegas just fine. I was so happy having scored that card over the default Geforce 7200 or 7100 that came with the machine (office use only!). I was even happier with a used 8600 GT or GTS with 512mb DDR3 that I scored in the bargain bin at the computer shop for 20$ cash & carry! A few months later I bought a non-functional half-a-PC from a thrift shop for 25$ and upgraded my Phenom II X2 2.9ghz CPU to a 2.8ghz Athlon II X4 - lost 5% on the IPC but gained twice as many cores. I was quite the happy camper. I then took my old Phenom II and stuck it in the thrift-shop PC, added a sata controller (the on-board one on it was dead, and why it was donated), added a hard drive, and a cheap sound card, and gave the PC to my brother for Chris's Mess. That was my 2012~2013 computer adventures. I eventually did buy an FX6300 chip for my AMD computer in 2014, which I had for about 3 weeks before I was ready to throw it out the 2nd floor of the house, and built this machine I have now using nothing from the old machine - not even the Windows license.
    Sometimes fortune smiles on thee - sometimes misfortune smiles on thee - you just have to play the cards that are dealt to you.
    Do you have any way to make some cash - mowing lawns for neighbors or maybe cleaning leaves this fall. Hey it's not very fun, but if it means you can buy an entry-level video card to run the game decently, hey GREAT. Do anything to make some money, be it helping neighbors or relatives or maybe doing extra work around your house for your folks. Tell them you want to earn a little money to use to upgrade your computer. If it's a laptop, maybe a computer store will trade you up on a better one (take your mother or father along, obviously!) with enough cash down, because if the old laptop still works, they can refurbish it and re-sell it.
    You can even sell off some of your old games to friends (provided they don't have serial numbers tied to one of your accounts online, like GTAV or Steam/Origin/Uplay games do), or old PC hardware you're not going to use anymore. When winter hits, head to every elderly person's house with a shovel, you'll make a killing - like I did in the 80s and 90s when I wasn't working concrete construction with my father. I always had a little cash in my pocket as a kid, but I was so happy even with 10 bucks like I had in 1995 when I bought Transport Tycoon Deluxe out of the Bargain-Bin at the toy-store. Heck I still play that game to this day (in it's current form of OpenTTD).
    There's always a way!
    --Good luck!

    Entirely, the Athlon was so much better than the competing Pentium 4, because like the Pentium III before it, it was much less 'hops' from having data fed in, to getting finished values out the other side of the CPU. They returned to Pentium III cores for the Core series of CPU's starting with Conroe and some type of Core CPU for mobile chips immediately before it. In actuality they still make Pentium III class CPU's, they're called Intel Atom chips. Sometimes, that's all you need these days for simple things like media net-top boxes and such simple things like inside a NAS.

    There will be more variable bridges in due time for all roads. I need to design much more of the city before I get to that part, as city setup will revolve around FPS and logic, and I will make these bridges on a as-needed basis.
    So yes, more bridges for everything, and there will be a modular canal system too, with bridges to fit. It will be kind of like Simcity, in a way.

    In other news, MOAR FPS! Another nice jump in FPS here tonight, and I fixed the bridge model so the curb doesn't munch on tires anymore. There may still be a few rogue spots in town that snack tires, but I'll get those as they 'pop' up, heh heh. Fixed a long-standing graphical glitch on the bridge railing where there was an non-textured pair of pieces. Propagated the new more-efficient LOD pieces for the highways I started introducing for the highway curve-pieces in the last two days to the slope pieces, and added in one-half (0.625 degree) slope changes to available highway puzzle-pieces. Now it's a whopping 5FPS average faster near the Chicken munch...

    about 69 FPS here, 68.8 to be exact, it was bouncing from 64~72FPS here. Physics not paused!

    Updated and simplified this intersection piece's collision model, it's now 25% less processing required, and quite a few less polys on here on the visible mesh too. Also removed the grey stuffs and added a null-render to it, this is part of the FPS increase (ever so slightly).

    Woohoo, after extending the curb-face down, I went and manually triangulated the curb-face into about 12~13 triangles, so that it didn't eat tires anymore. Before if you so much as touched it, POOF. Can't have that!

    This section here, and for about 100 meters behind and in-front of the vehicle, is currently the worst-case for performance in the map (as a visibility blocker sits buried in the solid portions of the raised highway, to help with performance, but it DOESN'T help here, because I can see over it). I've recorded FPS while at speed of as low as 38~39fps, again, this is the lowest performing spot. I will work on this more, and there will be many medium-rise buildings out of the shot (to the left of the highway), to help block the view (as they'll have blockers hidden inside of them to improve FPS even while on the highway).
    Where the areas on the right side (past the car in the shot above) is almost all residential, low-rise buildings with low or medium density (mostly single-family with some duplexes and a few town-homes), the other side will be mixed-use commercial, some sparse industrial, and medium-rise residential buildings. A subway station will be there, also (possibly more than one).
    So yes, entirely, Optimization is turning out GREAT, I'm just making sure not to undo all my hard work by bogging FPS back down with future development. A city can be a reality in this game, you just must do it VERY VERY carefully.
    TO-DO: Lots of stuff I mentioned before (like bridges and subway stations, pieces with 'poor condition road-surface' and non-perpendicular angled road intersections for all sizes)...
    Update the forest brush entries with all the stuff I've added (50~80 pieces!) in the last week that isn't in yet.
    Create more bridges for road and rail (as mentioned above but deserves own line).
    Create awesome drainage culvert to give this more of a GTA-SA feel.
    Standard highway bridges can use to be optimized more to squeeze a little more FPS out of things, as they're used quite a bit here.
    I think there's some more optimization I can do to the box pillars, also, even as simple as they are (32 polys?). So look for yet-more-improvements to come. Map is stable and fairly bug-free though, from all testing done thus far, and I didn't have to do LOTS of re-working when I updated the pieces.
    So yes, still a little wiggle room here. Will be uploading a backup tonight. Don't know if it will be 7z'ed or if it will be zipped. For those who donated to Patreon - a big thanks - and for those that haven't, see the link in the first post on this thread. Double-digit supporters who pledge through Friday (and anytime before then, including before now), will get access to the early alpha and use of the road-and-rail puzzle piece kit. This includes use for review, car crash compilations, and to make your own maps with. Please don't re-use my terrain or map-code-name though, as it would conflict with this map upon public release, that's all.

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  17. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    For Patreon donors/Patrons, you should have a message on the site as per a Mega link to the download. Please do not distribute the linked file, it's almost 700mb so I am not too worried about it being re-hosted here.
    The new file is out today, in the wild, for double-digit Patron donors. So for those who get it, enjoy the city map, there shouldn't be too many bugs that I haven't already discovered, or too many spots to eat the car*.
    *highway center Jersey-barrier/dividers and some Jersey-barrier side pieces, if you come down on them from above, or slam into the end of them (not on highways but on surface road bridges, that don't have the type 80 'see thru' railing), it could leave you stuck, this is known.
    --That is all! Work continues, along with some more optimization.
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  18. Mr.Blueboy

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    Aug 17, 2016
    Thanks! I will be getting a job when I turn 16 next year, so I'm sticking w my 2015 Dell Latitude E5440 for now.
    Another thing is, I am putting purchasing a car on higher priority than a Pc for now. Hopefully next year I'll get a new laptop, I need a laptop because I travel so much. :) Thanks for the advice!! :D
    • Like Like x 1
  19. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Smart move, a car will stand to make you able to get to work, where you can make more money than just a laptop can make you (unless you're a mega-youtube star I never heard of yet).
    So entirely, I wish you the best, and live it up, because you're living the best years of your life!
    Stay clean and stay proud, be better than others but not entirely full of one's self at the same time, just don't pick up to many 'users' along the way, as they'll drain you dry.
    --Best of luck

    On other notes, I will be uploading a 10mb ZIP file with all the requirements of building a dual-line Railroad track.
    There's no bridges, tunnels, or stations included yet, but they're compatible with the old Rig-of-Rods tracks too, and should work with most any train.
    --- Post updated ---
    I have uploaded the Railroad track kit (has everything but bridges, but you could rig some mesh roads textured in concrete to go under them if you must).
    So see that if it interests you. It's not a map, but it's just a mod resource, they have built-in collisions and can be used without limit in the forest brush. Also, all pieces are fully LOD'ed so that they don't have a negative impact on performance, even when there's 100 of them in the scene or more (borderline systems may lose a few FPS on 100 of them displayed at full detail at once, but it's negligible at best!). 100 of them is still less than a vehicle is.

    Made some more missing road intersection pieces and got into contact with most of my testers today.

    Apparently, this map will run on an i7 9xx (X58 system) CPU with 12GB of RAM and a Radeon 6750 1GB DDR3 GPU, at 33~35FPS, wow. I was amazed. It was on LOWEST settings, but IT RUNS. It did chew through the whole 1gb of VRAM though. On HIGHEST settings, this uses about 2.5GB of VRAM, so a 3GB card will still do just fine.
    6GB of RAM in the system will also be fine, as BEAMNG is not even using 3.5GB of RAM including the user interface. Folks with 4GB of system RAM may have luck on the lowest settings, I am unsure, and can make no promises, other than saying 'Less than 6GB of System RAM and less than 1.5~2GB of Video RAM is not officially supported'. Cards with less than 1GB on them would definitely be out though.

    So I would take it that the map is definitely viable for low-spec systems with enough RAM and CPU.
    Recommended System Specs:
    Any intel i5 or i7 cpu 2xxx~4xxx series or better, though 9xx 1st-gen i7's will do just fine.
    Radeon 6750 or 7650(?) 1GB with a high enough core clock WILL do around 30~35FPS on LOWEST settings.
    Radeon RX 480 8gb recommended for consistent performance with basic reflections and shadow enabled.
    6~8GB of System RAM (not dedicated to integrated video) with 4~5GB free recommended for optimum performance.
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  20. bob.blunderton

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    Apr 3, 2015
    Okay so some really good news, my tester with the following computer:
    Radeon 6750 1gb DDR3 (I picked this out on an auction site for her for 30$ about two years ago, when her Quadro went belly-up)
    Intel 9XX CPU i7-class ~3ghz or so, X58 OEM business-class system board (HP)
    12GB DDR3 1333mhz RAM Triple-channel
    Classic antique spinner HDD :) Hope she doesn't see that...
    Does not after all get 33~35FPS on lowest settings...
    "okay turns out my settings weren't on lowest possible... I can get 50-55fps now"
    So yes, entirely, that's GREAT for a city map. Eat that one West Coast...

    In other news, I am making the Railroad bridges now.
    I'll have a picture of that later. Guess they're not much good without a bridge, after-all.

    In the picture, is the meshes to the railroad bridge. In order to avoid wonky collisions*, I over-triangulated the heck out of it. The processing required is negligible, however, even on the longest section of bridge. I will re-skin the on/off-ramp support column to work with this setup, as these bridges are roughly the same size/shape of the way the on/off-ramps are made, for a congruous look. These are however, a lot older, and look like they've been around a long time.

    Closest to furthest is (non-textured) collision mesh, next is the full-detail mesh, of the aged bridge, next is the 1/3rd amount of polys next level LOD, further on is more simple LOD's. This way it gets down to 6 polys when it's about a mile away, and then disappears. Bridges are more significant landmarks then surface features (as are tall buildings), so I will see that they are displayed for at-least a mile from the player.
    *Wonky collisions, yes, they're fine; as long as you don't drive on the tracks with a car. Don't use cars that aren't meant for rail travel with rails, stupid! *IDEA LIGHT* Use *TRAINS* for train tracks, for optimum results. Sorry, not being condescending, but do know, some people in my previous map projects complained what happens with stuck cars when you have cars on tracks... *argh*

    Expect to see more cool aged stuff in the future. The whole city isn't new, you know.
    --Bob out!
    --- Post updated ---
    Edit, some pictures (remember, this is built for concept, so it may be different in the version you get to play!).

    Top texture will be a little darker/aged etc then what it is now. I haven't got it 100% yet.

    Attached Files:

    • Railroad_bridge_aged.png
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