Last Activity:
Jun 16, 2024 at 6:02 AM
Jun 17, 2023

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Veetwelfia, Poland
Xenira Rework


from Veetwelfia, Poland

SSRG was last seen:
Viewing forum list, Jun 16, 2024 at 6:02 AM
  • About

    Veetwelfia, Poland
    Xenira Rework
    Hi! I’m SSRG, which stands for Some Semi-Random Guy, and I like playing BeamNG quite a bit!
    Nice to see someone actually view my profile, so thanks for coming over here.
    I’m just kind of a person I guess, I make some mods, and I like doing pixel art. Also other stuff but who cares about my life :p
    Favorite vanilla vehicles: Covet, Wigeon, SBR4, Piccolina, Stambecco, Wydra, Aurata
    Favorite modded vehicles: Autron CVP, Autron JSP, Rayton Median, 80s Zenith, 90s Zenith, Hirochi RUSH, Hirochi CCF and some others
    I may or may not leave some hidden morse codes in my messages regarding my future little project, but only on those that mention the little bugger

    ===============Mods or sumthin================
    Autron JSP, SSRG’s Megapak, Ibishu Zwölfette (probably will break with 0.32), Wendover F1 V10, Toilet (do not download it’s bad and size is in megabytes for some reason, not planning to fix deal with it)
    YUSO Tinny, nova88, other mini-projects too if I get tired of something maybe (also don’t expect anything from here to actually come out lol)

    Veetwelfia (Witłelfia) is a large city somewhere in Poland around the mid west part, its license plate prefix is just a short version of its name, with no first letter of the voivodeship at the start, like Warsaw:
    Villages and very small towns near it have a similar license plate:
    The most prominent cars in Veetwelfia itself are sedans and hatchbacks from the 2000s, such as the Ibishu Pessima, as well as more modern cars, like the Cherrier Vivace and Tograc. Rarely you see a FPS Trapez, a relic from the past, or, very uncommonly, a Hirochi SBR4 or CCF2.
    In the villages near Veetwelfia, such as Małe Tłoki, Kaszlakowo or Idvoika (Idwójka), it’s mostly 90s and 2000s vehicles like the Autron Petitron or Xenira, as well as tractors and other utility vehicles.
    Fun facts:
    - Veetwelfia is home to SSR Garage, a small tuning shop around north of town. SSR Garage has multiple countries where they function, those include Poland, Germany and even the Republic of Wintergreen.
    - There are 17 SBR4s, 5 Scintillas and 1 kc8 ttSport Heritage Edition registered in Veetwelfia
    - In the city’s southeast regions, there is a strong RC car racing community, famous for their little big races

    If you want to make YouTube videos of my mods, feel free, just give credit somewhere in the video or description, and put a link to the mod there too :D

    1k messages - 19/08/23 @ 11:25 PM

    2k messages - 8/10/23 @ 8:22 PM
    3k messages - 29/12/23 @ 0:14 AM (i think that was my 3000th)


    SSRG, or Some Semi-Random Guy. Still waiting for Xenira resource-thread linking to be made (pls)
    Xenira development my beit’salrighted
    Be careful! McFlurries are everywhere, and they spread propaganda and chaos on the forums!
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