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  1. Aerohead1999

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    Oct 22, 2016
    So i noticed when i loaded up beamng drive there was a message under the launch box, Im not a tech guy so How am i able to fix this problem with the userpath and profile?
    i read the thread that was linked to it but i don't understand?
  2. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    Copy the message you are seeing here please, so I can understand which message is that.

    We try to keep all messages as simple as possible, so that one does not need to be a tech-guy to understand them :)
  3. Aerohead1999

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    Oct 22, 2016
    Im going to try to do a clean reinstall, When i try to load in a vehicle its slow, and it seem like it wants to crash my game (but does not) but when i load the d-series it says fatal error.
    I had the d-series as my default vehicle before the update.
    But will this bug fix itself in the future or will i have to fix it myself?
    (the userpath and userprofile bug)
  4. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    I think I understood what message you are seeing.
    That's not a bug, only an informative message
    A Clean Install is unnecessary.

    The message is about the userfolder, and is linking you to this thread that explains everything:
    I believe we wrote this pretty clearly, but I will try to explain it in even more simpler terms.

    In short, the game uses two folders:
    - The game folder (where the game is installed)
    - The user folder (where your settings, mods, configurations are saved)

    The user folder is usually locatd in your Windows' Documents folder.
    But on 0.15 there was a bug causing the user folder to be created in the wrong place, in C:\BeamNG.drive_userpath
    We fixed this recently.

    So change is that all your custom files are in the old location, while the game is now using the correct location.

    That's why you are seeing that message.
    If you want your old settings, mods, configurations back, you need to go to the old folder and move the files to the new one.

    Slow loading is normal. After every update, your cache gets build again.
    This happens the first time you load a vehicle or level, especially on mods.
    The second and future times you load the same vehicle and level, it will be faster, as the cache is already existing.
  5. Aerohead1999

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    Oct 22, 2016
    Yes i apologize, When i go into my Beam.NG Drive folder its a mess kinda, I tried to find a userprofile and or userpath and i was not able to and then Deleting the folder. But the link you are showing me is what i read and i understood until i had to "You need to move files back to the default userpath "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\BeamNG.drive\"
    Once you moved all your files, you need to delete the folder "C:\BeamNG.drive_userpath" so the message does not appear again."
    I am not smart if this is simple i say that now.
  6. Nadeox1

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    Spinning Cube
    BeamNG Team

    Aug 5, 2012
    No problem.

    Let's clarify:
    You will not find any folder literally named 'userprofile' or 'userpath'.

    %userprofile% is your Windows account name: we don't know what's called, so that's a generic way to call it. For example if my Windows account name is 'Coconut', my Documents folder is actually this path: C:\Users\Coconut\Documents
    %userpath% is simply the folder that is by default located in 'MyDocuments/BeamNG.drive' (aka for ease, userpath.)

    The userpath contains your settings, mods, etc.

    Have you checked if you have this folder?
    If yes, that's was your userpath in 0.15. Your settings, mods were being saved there (due to a bug!)

    To get all that stuff back, simply open that folder, and copy all its content to the 'MyDocuments/BeamNG.drive' one, which is the actual correct location.
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