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Track Builder

Discussion in 'Microblogs' started by TStabbert, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. TStabbert

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    BeamNG Team

    Nov 28, 2016
    Hey guys. I've been working on improving the Track Builder, adding new features, to give you a powerful tool to create 3d Tracks. Here, I want to show you some new features.

    More grid forms
    Previously, the tracks were forced to be on a triangular/hexagonal grid, allowing only 60° turns. Now, you can also select a square grid for those familiar 90° turns and orthogonal roads. Additionally, you can create arbitrary curves where you specify the radius and angle. In the image below, you can see all three types of tracks.

    Additional Border types and textures
    Now it is possible to change the border of the track, selecting from a range of borders forms, as well as textures. The picture shows four border types: The regular border in blue, the bevel border in red, rail border in green and wall border in orange.

    Parametrized borders
    Some of those new borders can have different forms along the track, for example the height of a wall. The next image shows some varying heights.

    Previously, the values for the height, bank and width of a track would be interpolated between two key values with the same interpolation function, to ensure a smooth and gradual change from one value to another. Now you can chose how to interpolate between the values.

    Obstacles and Objects
    Through the Editor, you can now place a variety of objects on the track. They can be moved, scaled and rotated. This way, you can place ramps to jump on, bumps to drive over, or rocks to evade.

    Track Preview
    Of course, we will provide you with a number of tracks. Here is a preview of two tracks which make heavy use of the wall and obstacle feature.

    Bonus Video

    #1 TStabbert, Sep 27, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2018
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  2. opkraut

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    May 30, 2015
    So, theoretically, could these tracks be made with different surfaces such as gravel or snow? It would be cool to be able to make rally stages using these parts.
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  3. HDR

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    Oct 15, 2015
    This gives me a Trackmania feel, i'm already thinking about the "Press Forward" tracks ;)
    • Like Like x 6
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  4. Sithhy™

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    Apr 5, 2017
    Is the track on the video inspired by Tron? The glowing orange colour & a black/dark surface? :rolleyes: But anyway, this is quite the improvement for the track builder
    • Like Like x 1
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  5. NaxNir

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    Jan 28, 2014
    BeamNG physics engine is not predictable enough for this.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. Nathan24™

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    Apr 18, 2017
    Interesting, reminds me of a Hotwheels track for some reason. Nice job. :)

    In the future, are we going to get some sort of feature where we can share our track builds? That would be interesting to see and possibly open up a new dimension of possibilities. :D
    #6 Nathan24™, Sep 28, 2018
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2018
  7. TStabbert

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    BeamNG Team

    Nov 28, 2016
    Yes, that is possible, but simply not implemented yet. (neither in the editor nor in the code that actually creates the mesh objects)

    Yes, the art is :) The track is actually the "Rollercoaster" track which is in the current version of the game, though without the glowing. The first version of the style also had blue colors, but we changed it to BeamNG-Orange :p

    Thanks! Yes, most of the more speed oriented tracks feel like Hotwheels. Though, if you touch any of the borders at high speed, the result will be much different than using a toy car...
    Tracks can already be shared, though not through an in-game feature. Custom tracks are saved in under Documents/BeamNG.drive/TrackEditor. But because of all the new features, the format of the tracks has changed, so old tracks won't load in the new editor..
    • Like Like x 6
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  8. Car8john

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    May 12, 2016
    Are we going to be able to make multi-route tracks, in which there are forks and intersections, making it possible for a different route each lap?
    • Like Like x 1
  9. TStabbert

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    BeamNG Team

    Nov 28, 2016
    I really want to have something like this, but it will require some major changes in how the system works. Currently, the whole track is one "string" of pieces one after another, so the different modifiers like height, width and banking are more or less easy to interpolate. When you have forks, it won't be so easy :p. Also, generating these forks procedurally will be a challenge as well.
    Though, you can have forks in the road already by using the empty-offset-piece, but it wont connect smooth to the track and is not really comfortable to use.
    • Informative Informative x 4
  10. Car8john

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    May 12, 2016
    Hmmmm, I'll try out your current solution, thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it
  11. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Stunts/4D sports driving vibes.

    This is really cool stuff, that opens so much possibilities.

    It could be probably relatively easy to implement different surroundings/maps, you could have few different kinds of terrains even, if track is just made high enough above terrain. There could be variable that makes check which terrains with tracks are compatible.

    One could for example make winter world background, desert, space etc. for variety.

    Or who knows what these clever people have already planned.
  12. killstreak451

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    Dec 28, 2015
    will this help in map building?
  13. fufsgfen

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    Jan 10, 2017
    Probably not, you can't leave track builder track on map, you need to load it, but if they make it so that you can match height of terrain to track builder track mesh, then it might help with carving of the roads.

    Although purpose of track maker tracks is not probably such.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. Big_herooooo

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    Sep 8, 2018
    it's a very good idea ^^!
  15. B. Tanner

    B. Tanner
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    Jan 20, 2015
    Good to see that the trackbuilder gets more features.

    Imho the best part of Beamng.Drive is its ability to simulate even the slightest damages and deformations. Sure, we all love the huge crashes the physicsengine is capable to simulate but gameplaywise it means simply a reset. What i mean: there is no difference between trackmania and beamng.drive with a "huge" mistake. Crashing into a pillar has in both cases a simple result -> you'll reset because you ruined you're possibility to archieve a good time. It doesnt really matter if the one simulates the impact the best possible way with today technology and the other simply not.

    What has this to do with the Trackbuilder? Well, the better the featureset of the trackbuilder is the better the community can build tracks that accommodate the implications of that unique gameplay beamng.drive features. How fast can i take those wobbles in the road/that jump/other obstacles before my car takes damage? Or how much can i abuse my car before it hurts my time in later parts of a track? etc.

    Personally I am really excited what this feature can archieve gameplaywise. Because it could really add something to the gameplayformula of games like trackmania and such.
    • Like Like x 2
  16. Crash77

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    Sep 16, 2017
    Now, it's probably planned, but AI support is a big one for me.
  17. Addicti0nToB00st

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    Aug 22, 2018
    Since we are getting better and more complex ai support, I have no doubts that it will work well.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Jovee

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    Nov 1, 2018
    I didn't know if it was posted elsewhere but how do you delete obstacles when using track builder? I'v gone into the track builder and clicked on Obstacles, it shows a "+" sign and when i click it an object appears. Cube, bump,etc. but when i hit remove it doesn't go away. whats the deal?
  19. meywue

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    BeamNG Team

    Nov 19, 2015
    Unfortunately that's a bug and will be fixed soon.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. TStabbert

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    BeamNG Team

    Nov 28, 2016
    Hello People,
    Here's an update on what I'm currently working on for the Track Builder:

    First thing is procedural obstacles. It means creating the meshes for the obstacles through code, so that you have finer control over how the obstacle should be shaped and textured. In the demo video below, you can see a few of the obstacles that are done yet: cube, ring, cylinder and cone. This can also be used to create finer controls over procedural ramps and the sorts.
    Video - Click to Play - Direct Link

    Bonus Video: Procedural Rings + Plane Mod Me262 (I am not a very good pilot)
    Video - Click to Play - Direct Link

    Second thing is multiple tracks and intersections. This means having multiple individual track sections that all belong to the same track, which was previously possible, but only in some hacky way by using the bezier piece with the "empty" option. This new feature allows you to create track sections that stay the way you left them - and create another track section somewhere else. Once you got all your sections made, you can connect them however you want. This also lets you create branching tracks, labyrinths, figure eight tracks and that sort of things. As a consequence, some parts of the editor need to be reworked, like the checkpoint system. Here are some pictures and a video of various intersections:
    multi4.jpg multi1.jpg multi2.jpg multi3.png

    Video - Click to Play - Direct Link

    See you next time!
    • Like Like x 18
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