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1969 Gavril Cheval Super Slow 1.0

A late 60's Performance muscle car.

  1. zyllos007
    I present to you, my first, (and crappiest because i suck at this and will eventually get better) 1969 Muscle car! The Gavril Cheval came in 2 variants, The Gazelle, And the SS, (Super Slow) Gavril reached out in the late 60's for a muscle car, and the cranked out the Cheval, A cheap powerhorse of a car. It features a 386CUI V8, A manual 4 speed transmission, and a Locking diff, that is terrible because they cut costs, On that, the Brakes aren't that Great, and it has pretty horrific gearing (All thanks to me being horrible at this)
    (Update on the way to fix horrible 1 wheel peel!)


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