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'20 Elysium Pallix Touring 3200 4.0

A precision-manufactured masterpiece

  1. Daaxoo
    '20 Elysium Pallix Touring 3200

    Light. Quick. Agile. Grippy. The Elysium Pallix is made for the track. But it's an expensive toy to play with!



    1. Screenshot144.png
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    4. Screenshot147.png
    5. Screenshot148.png
    6. screenshot_2020-12-01_19-48-45.png
    7. screenshot_2020-12-01_19-49-19.png

Recent Reviews

  1. trooperthegreat
    Version: 4.0
    It's a all around very nice car! Its the wing that is a bit odd though lol. nice job
  2. TheCrySick
    Version: 3.0
    It's grippy indeed ;)

    This car is extremly simple to drive. I think you have found a good balance between understeer and oversteer :)

    The only little thing I have to say is that the rear spoiler is really small, that looks strange :P
    1. Daaxoo
      Author's Response
      Eh, I don't like big rear wings, never did :P . Thx for the five!
  3. Martin.S
    Version: 1.0
    1. Daaxoo
      Author's Response
      Thank you! Competition breeds excellence. :)
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