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2021 Belasco City Police Livery 6.2

A 2021 Revamp of the BCPD Livery.

  1. Fixed the SWAT livery

    Fixed the SWAT livery
  2. Made a Mobile Command Post livery for the Dryvan Trailer and the T-Series ( No config )

    Made a MCP livery for the Dryvan Trailer and the T-Series
  3. Added livery to the Sunburst

    Added livery to the Sunburst
  4. Made more liveries for the H-Series and the H-Series ambulance upfit.

    Made more liveries for the H-Series and the H-Series ambulance upfit.

    -Made a Bomb Squad livery for the H-Series ambulance upfit
    -Made a Coroner livery for the H-Series
    -Made a Forensics livery for the H-Series
  5. Made a SWAT Livery for the H-Series Upfit

    Made a SWAT Livery for the H-Series Ambulance Upfit
  6. Added livery to the D-Series

    Added the livery to the D-Series
  7. Added Livery to the New Pessima and fixed the known bugs.

    Added the livery to the New Pessima.

    Fixed the green logo on the Roamer.
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