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Outdated Automation Exported V8 for Wentward! 2.0

An Automation Exported V8? In a bus? SIGN ME UP!

  1. DaddelZeit
    After making the 'Powerful Diesel for Wentward!'
    (now called 'Intercity Package for Wentward)' mod,
    I imported this beasty 8.9L V8 Automation-made engine
    into the Wentward.

    with 464 hp @ 2400 rpm
    and 1378 NM of torque @ 2400 rpm.


    This mod also has two configs included:

Recent Updates

  1. 3D Model

Recent Reviews

  1. Porsche lover
    Porsche lover
    Version: 2.0
    can you put small v12 in autobello? Also, cool mod
  2. Sandman08
    Version: 2.0
    not a true config. useless.
    1. DaddelZeit
      Author's Response
      What. This mod literally adds an automation exported v8 with two configs. What is your problem here? It's an engine for the wentward bus! Please send me a direct message, I really want to know.
  3. 7.3_Powerstroke_Lover
    Version: 1.0
    Great torque curve and sounds, its quicker than the 8.9L ISL Cummins I6 the game uses. How do you export an Automation engine to the bus? I have several torquey engines that I want to do the same with
  4. trooperthegreat
    Version: 1.0
    This one is a little faster than the tuned engine by a couple mph and way faster than the stock engine. Im very happy where these engines are going keep it up! :D
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