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Dazma Chappie MACH 1 1.0

When your turbo is bigger than your car!

  1. GrogTV
    The Dazma Chappie MACH 1
    HiResPhoto664_2560-1440.png HiResPhoto665_2560-1440.png HiResPhoto666_2560-1440.png
    I made a small sports car then I put in a V8 and a turbo, but I got a bit carried away.

    It has a 6.5L Big Turbo V8 that makes around 2500hp

    It also has two variants of that engine

    One 200psi variant
    One 1000psi variant

    I have no clue how much power they make :p

    Here's the video:

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    Version: 1.0
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