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Beta ExplosionsNG 1.1.1

Destroy vehicles with explosives, temporal entities, a collapsing star and more! Includes chaos mode

  1. Darthbob555
    A mod that adds dynamic explosions to any freeroam adventure

    This mod will work on any official map (and should work with modded maps) and with any vehicle (including modded vehicles). I cannot fully guarantee that this mod will play nicely with all modded maps and vehicles – please PM me if you’ve found oddities with any other mods interacting with this one!

    This mod is in Beta - expect some bugs to be present, but for the most part it should be functional! This is something I started working on more than five years ago, before properly planning, designing and reimplementing in the middle of last year. There have been so many technical challenges that have had to be overcome, that it has become so much more than what I initially intended. However, it’s now reached the stage that is finally ready for an initial release!

    Overview Trailer

    Usage and User Interface
    Add the app to your freeroam layout (if you’re not sure how to do this, the official wiki has a good guide you can search for).

    To start configuring new explosives (skip to 1:06 in the video above):
    1. Click the + button
    2. Select the explosive you want with the arrow buttons – change the preset too for a different variation!
    3. Find a position you want to place the explosive; by either the current vehicle, camera, or a custom position
    4. Add as many explosives as you want
    5. Click the detonate button

    There are currently 10 explosives to choose from - some are shown below. Each explosive has its own tier and rank which indicate how powerful it is, along with stats and a description.

    Hover over various parts of the UI to show a tooltip, which explain further details (such as what the property icons represent).

    gravity-orbs.png lightning-storm.png orbital-strike.png cluster-bomb.png anti-vehicle-mines.png the-anomaly.png
    black-hole.png supernova.png the-convergence.png

    Chaos Mode
    This mod comes with a chaos mode built in - simply select the mode, set the options you want, and activate it! Once active, chaos mode will randomly create explosives around your vehicle - perfect for free roam challenges with that extra bit of danger ;).


    Technical Limitations
    There are a few limitations that are currently noticeable within the mod.

    The first comes from how the explosives affect vehicles. This mod instead has an algorithm which acts as a physics engine for any explosive effect that damages vehicles. This algorithm applies a shockwave of forces against the vehicle, which indirectly damages the vehicle as parts of it are affected by different forces. A bounding box of the vehicle is calculated to check for distances on the macro level for performance advantages, however, as the vehicle is damaged, this bounding box will currently stay the same. In most cases, this will generally mean that heavily damaged vehicles are less affected by explosives, however the main outlier to this are vehicles that can be split into multiple big pieces (such as vehicles with subframes). One part of the subframe may be treated as the actual vehicle itself, or it may never be affected again. To a certain extent, this will happen with doors, hoods and other detachable parts, but it is most notable with split-able subframes. In rare cases, this can cause the main vehicle body to never be affected by explosives again, after certain pieces of the car have been detached from it.

    (For those interested on the reasoning behind this: the standard way that vehicles are damaged is by colliding with either static objects (like buildings) or other vehicles (anything that has a Jbeam structure is considered a vehicle in this context). Both of these are not suitable for this mod as neither are performant as the number of explosives active at once increases.)

    This is something that I want to tackle in a future update, possibly using some form of clustering to allow a vehicle to have more than one bounding box, though it will not be implemented short term.

    I'm going to put this in this section as it sort of fits here but also spans the following sections too: this will not work with any multiplayer mods. The explosions will not sync properly. Update: given how frequently this has been requested, I have since taken a look and it may not be as huge of a piece of work as I initially thought. While I'm not currently developing this for multiplayer mode, it may happen in the future :).

    Known Issues
    • Some explosives that have multiple sounds may not necessary always play those sounds (such as the cluster bomb explosive). As of yet, I cannot find a way around it without causing noticeable lag spikes, due to how sound effects are created in the game engine.

    For those interested in the code (or just how it all hangs together in the background), all source code can be found within the downloaded zip. For a technical dive, this mod comes with READMEs for both the server (Lua) and client/UI (AngularJS) portions of this mod. These detail technical decisions, including mathematical formulae used and any accompanying diagrams.

    Future Plans
    • More Explosives – obviously!
    • Custom presets – this will be technically very involved to do, however I anticipate that this will be highly requested :)
    • Saving configurations – this would allow you to save a particular set of explosives and be able to load them up again
    • Controlling the UI with a controller – the in-built system for doing this is lacking and buggy, but it should be possible for me to create my own system to do this. However, this is a lower priority due to how involved it will be

    Notes + Credits
    All models and icons/images have been created by me – if you would like to use any of these for another mod or for any other reason, I would appreciate a DM before doing so :).

    Finally, I’d like to thank the following people for the sound effects that have been used in this mod, all of which are used under the Creative Commons 0, Attribution 4.0 or Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 licences. For a detailed list of credits and associated sounds, see the sound licensing file inside the zip.
    Additionally, thanks to the following people for the explosive box and projectile textures used respectively, both covered under the Royalty Free licence:

    For any issues or bugs, please PM rather than writing a review so that I can have a conversation to get it resolved.

    Please DO NOT repost this mod!

Recent Updates

  1. More tweaks + Black hole explosive
  2. Fuses + Chaos Mode
  3. Fixes + Improvements

Recent Reviews

  1. Savethemanual
    Version: 1.1.1
    This mod is such a blast and has creativity that I haven’t seen from any other moderators who try to show off explosives. It has so much immersive ness and versatility that I couldn’t help but give it the 5 stars. I do have some suggestions that I am sure you’ve already come to know from others, but I’ll list them off:
    1. Tornado-like whirlwinds that spawn and move around and when you hit them, you get sucked in and spin around in them in a pretty violent fashion.
    2. Volcano, someone else already commented about that so you’re already aware of it
    3. Gamma rays (this could be like a much more powerful version of an orbital strike)
    4. Explosions that set your vehicle on fire while simultaneously taking your car parts off much like the supernova when its heat hits you
    5. Sort of hailstone objects that fall out of the sky and hit your vehicle while causing minor-moderate damage.

    As always, I truly appreciate your hard work and dedication, it makes the game much more fun!!
    1. Darthbob555
      Author's Response
      Thank you - I'm glad your really enjoying the mod! :)

      Tornadoes/hurricanes is something I'm considering - it's just a matter of getting it properly working but it's planned at some point.
      Hailstone/general objects is again something I want to do - I started trying to implement something, but getting collisions to work without those objects technically being collidable objects presents some challenges. But there are things I can change to get the effect to be the same so it's something that I'm again considering for a future update :).
  2. Loser2817
    Version: 1.1.1
    Ah yes, black holes, cosmic light and everything nice! Keep up the good work! :D

    A few suggestions/bugs(?) you might want to look at:
    1. The Supernova's destruction layers are now nearly white, so it's hard to see where each starts, not to mention it looks sort of weird. It'd be neat to have them brightly colored like they used to.
    2. The Black Hole doesn't actually send out EMP blasts like the stats suggest (it has the Pulsar attribute).
    3. Extra explosive suggestions:
    a. Volcano - generates a small hill that fires explosive orbs (each shot creating a tiny shockwave itself) into its surroundings. Like the Cluster Bomb, but the bombs instead set stuff on fire.
    b. Bombing Run - summons a low-poly ghost aircraft that drops various explosives into a wide area. Could be configured to have said explosives have special effects.
    c. Primordial Black Hole - a type of black hole that's theorized to have existed long ago. Smaller and less powerful than the Default Black Hole, but still deadly.
    d. Hair-Trigger Anti-Vehicle Mines - less powerful overall than the default Anti-Vehicle Mines, but will give nothing a chance to run away before they detonate.
    1. Darthbob555
      Author's Response
      Thank you :).
      1. That's on my list to revert the change - it looked good when I was testing it in a specific light condition, but yeah as you've mentioned, it looks odd in most other light conditions :p
      2. The pulsar attribute/property just means it sends out effects in pulse fashion (i.e. at set intervals) - the Orbital Strike has this property too for that reason :).
      3. Those are some good ideas - the last one could be a good preset to the anti-vehicle mines
  3. baconatorboy
    Version: 1.1.1
    this mod is great! the collisions feel much better and realistic feeling than older explosion mods.

    Is there any chance you might add a "spawn in random location" option? maybe with a sub option to prefer to spawn near roads (based on navmesh)
    1. Darthbob555
      Author's Response
      Thank you :).
      Possibly - I've left out any randomness to the configuration aspect as I intended it to be used to placing specific explosives at specific locations; the chaos mode is where all the randomness lies. That being said, it could be neat to have that as an option (in either of the two views) - I'll consider it :)
  4. CarBob1215
    Version: 1.1.0
    Great! I think a nuke would be cool.
  5. Loser2817
    Version: 1.0.1
    This mod doesn't get the attention it truly deserves. Awesome job!

    In fact, I have a few ideas for extra explosives:
    1. Meteor - like the Supernova, but with smaller range. What it lacks in melting effects and destructive power it can make up for with multiple projectiles per shot over a large area.
    2. Orbital Cannon - like the Orbital Strike, but instead of firing a laser, it fires an instant destructive blast, like a Lightning Strike but more powerful.
    3. Black Hole - a continuous stream of powerful imploding Shockwaves centered on one spot that launches stuff into it and crushes unfortunate passerbys into dense meshes.
    1. Darthbob555
      Author's Response
      Thank you :).

      Both meteors and black holes I actually had as ideas myself - the latter I intend to add within the next couple of updates. I'm considering how best to implement the meteor, but it's something I have on my list at some point :).
  6. ManTruck29
    Version: 1.0.1
    Awesome mod! I love it! Is there a way to exit the boss fight if i crash? i wasn't able to quit so i just rejoined the map xD. Overall great! And i would love some more particle effects and of course, more explosives! It would be nice to add something like an zombie apocalyptic scenario where AI Zombified vehicles chase you! Overall, i love this mod and i can't wait for the feature of it!! :D
    1. Darthbob555
      Author's Response
      Thank you :).

      If you crash, you're allowed to reset - if you don't want to take away from the challenge, you just need to not abuse it too much (there's mention of this on the info screen that pops up when you place The Convergence). Regardless, the update that I just pushed and released today will allow you to despawn it, using the standard remove icon on the configuration page :).

      I initially planned particle effects, but the game doesn't (reliably) allow you to create your own custom particles and there are some performance issues around them, so I ended up taking them out for now. One of the things on my list is to look into whether I can create/inject my own particle system that would allow me to create and manage my own particles, but that's probably a long way off at the moment.
  7. SuperProNoobGod2
    Version: 1.0.0
    This mod looks great! But whenever i add it to the ui app in beamng my camera is stuck anyways to fix it?
    1. Darthbob555
      Author's Response
      Hmm that's an odd one. The only thing I can think of is something is interfering (either another mod or some strange bug I'm not aware of), which is constantly erroring - that can sometimes lock the camera.

      The one thing to try would be disabling all other mods, other than this one and seeing if the issue is still present.

      If you're still having problems, could you PM me your beamng.log file?
  8. xmartixxx21
    Version: 1.0.0
    the mod looks great but I don't know how to download it I have never downloaded ui mods from the website and always in the game I tried many things, I installed it using the subscribe button I put it in many folders but it didn't work, can I get some instructions on where to put the mod file
    1. Darthbob555
      Author's Response
      The easiest way is to install it through the subscription in-game, which it sounds like you've already done :). That will install it all for you - all you need to do is add it to your HUD layout:
      1. Load up any map in the game
      2. Press the escape key to bring up the menu at the top, and click the "UI Apps" button
      3. Click the green "ADD APP" button that comes up at the top left of your screen
      4. This will open up a grid of all apps available - scroll down until you see the "ExplosionsNG App Controller" and select it
      5. It should appear on the left hand side of your screen

      PM me if you have any issues and I'll try to help you out further :)
  9. N0jge
    Version: 1.0.0
    Do you plan on making more conventional options? Maybe like different Nuclear Weapon Presets/Effects
    1. Darthbob555
      Author's Response
      Yes and no - I've focused on variety of the explosives for the initial beta release, but I do plan to add less crazy explosives that are more "realistic" in nature. At the same time, I don't want to add explosives that are too similar to each other.

      A nuclear explosive is an interesting one as it falls into that category, since the supernova explosive is identical in nature but more powerful (all the effects are the same with the shockwave, fire + dissolving effect while inside its remnant/blast etc). It will probably be added at some point though, as most people like a nuke :).
  10. It's No Use
    It's No Use
    Version: 1.0.0
    What an awesome mod! Convergence is such a fun minigame... playing it on Johnson Valley gives me sci-fi horror movie vibes. Though I must warn people that if you play this on modded maps, you may experience missing textures.
    1. Darthbob555
      Author's Response
      Thanks :).

      Missing textures sounds like what I have to sort that out isn't quite working - I'll have a look into that.
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