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Gavril Durham Official Skinpack s1.0

A lot of skins for the Gavril Durham

  1. RenAzuma66

Recent Reviews

  1. endy7476
    Version: s1.0
    amazing amzing amazing!
    excellently done
    only suggestion is that the amazon one is a bit big, maybe just a scale down would make it more official lookin
  2. 0312samuel
    Version: s1.0
    this is an amazing high quality mod, but in the base durham, we only have a retired u-rent. maybe a non retired skin can be added in this skinpack as a nice addition?
    1. RenAzuma66
      Author's Response
      ...but there are U-rent skins in this mod? Have you tried out the mod?
  3. Stefan190506
    Version: s1.0
    I understand why Rent-A-Box tied to Belasco, because there are their compositions, but why Tasti Cola dependent on California, can you make separate textures for Utah and Maine?
    1. RenAzuma66
      Author's Response
      Skins are not mine, they are Top Tier's. However I can be pretty certain saying that they will be left alone because duplicating the skins just to change 2 words on them would be a bit excessive
  4. Max.goldberg
    Version: s1.0
    Nice mod keep it up!
  5. Toivio
    Version: s1.0
    Very great!
  6. TeaConsumer
    Version: s1.0
    High quality and varied skins. No complaints.
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