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HB20 - Premium 1.6 version 1.2

Hyundai Premium - Brazil 2015

  1. Fixed gear ratio, tire size, and front grill color.

    Fixed gear ratio, tire size, and front grill color.

    Corrigido relação das marchas, tamanho dos pneus e cor da grade frontal.
  2. Improved design. Mechanical unchanged.

    Improved design. Mechanical unchanged.


    Design melhorado. Não foi alterada a parte mecânica.


    1. HighresScreenshot00288.png
    2. HighresScreenshot00289.png
    3. HighresScreenshot00290.png
    4. HighresScreenshot00291.png
    5. HighresScreenshot00292.png
    6. HighresScreenshot00293.png
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