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In the upcoming days mod approvals could be slower than normal.
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Outdated Ibishu 200BX 5.0 V8 5.0

5.0L Ibishu V8 powered 200BX!

  1. Fixed the configs + new config pics (esc axed sorry)

    Fixed the configs to spawn properly, however at the cost of axing out the ESC (will try to look into a way to implement the said ESC back), there are also some updates on the config pics as well. Future plans include the exhaust jbeam as well as potentially the dashboard, enjoy!

    screenshot_2022-06-27_14-08-56.png screenshot_2022-06-27_14-09-48.png screenshot_2022-06-27_14-12-27.png screenshot_2022-06-27_14-14-03.png screenshot_2022-06-27_14-14-57.png screenshot_2022-06-27_14-15-36.png
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