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Junior Rock Island 8.01

Volcanic island in the Pacific

  1. KyotoBlissard

    This is a Jungle Rock based tropical island that offers distinct rocky terrains for 4x4 vehicles.
    The island also features a variety of Geographic elements, such as cliffs and reef islands, providing unspoiled
    landscapes for small aircraft and boats.


    TheIsland.png | screenshot_2023-04-30_21-45-24.png | screenshot_2023-04-30_22-24-45.png



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Recent Reviews

  1. nafi
    Version: 8
    Great map for offroading!
    1. KyotoBlissard
      Author's Response
      Thank you!
  2. Leonardogms
    Version: 8
    1. KyotoBlissard
  3. theComputerNerd
    Version: 8
    Looks great, could we get a bit of a better texture for the rocks, cause its kind of difficult to see any shadows along them, maybe one more similar to the Jungle Rocks would be good. But other than that, I love the detail to all the different routes
    1. KyotoBlissard
      Author's Response
      Thanks, I would like to make a rock texture that works for you. Unfortunately these are just darkened Jungle rock rocks, so they're already too smooth to cast shadows.
  4. bussin.buses
    Version: 8
    Yes. This is perfect.
    1. KyotoBlissard
      Author's Response
      Many thanks.
  5. Shaisung
    Version: 8
    Finally a map I can do with a stock Roamer
    Usually when I come onto an off-road map I can tell at 1st glance the only car I will be able to use is an extreme variant of the D-series or the Roamer, but not here, I can actually stress-test cars

    Brilliant map!
    1. KyotoBlissard
      Author's Response
      Thank you! You can even drive a 4wd LeGran.
  6. SuperVoid45
    Version: 6
    One of the best off-road maps i've ever played.
    1. KyotoBlissard
      Author's Response
      Thank you!
  7. THom6502
    Version: 6
    Great map, super graphics, thumps up!!!
    1. KyotoBlissard
      Author's Response
      Thank you!
  8. AlphaBoomer
    Version: 6
    You have really nailed the rocky sections! Sensibly Offroad Prepped Vehicles feel right at home and the realism of the placement and stuff basically invites one to take his time while exploring this, also not big, very wholesome and plain nice Map!

    I am looking forward to see what may come!

    Thank you very much for a nature based offroad island that is not focused on competition grade rockclimbing, trophy trucking or Dunejumping!
    1. KyotoBlissard
      Author's Response
      Thank you! Realism was the priority while creating this island. I am glad you enjoyed it.
  9. trok
    Version: 5
    Great map, kills my FPS for some reason.
    1. KyotoBlissard
      Author's Response
      Thanks! I will try to fix that. I also noticed some frame drop but my computer is wooden.
  10. W-Warrior63645
    Version: 5
    It first looked like cayo perico lol. Nice map! having fun with it!
    1. KyotoBlissard
      Author's Response
      Hehe, Thanks!
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