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Unsupported Lomo & Lomo R Pack 1.2

Everything about racing cars (ok, maybe not)

  1. Coshei
    Version: 1.2
    Driveable :P
  2. Fernando R.
    Fernando R.
    Version: 1.001
    Incredible design and excellent handling. I loved these two Archon and this homage to Sauber C9. I hope more mods like these.
  3. Inn0centJok3r
    Version: 1.001
    Dude!! These are AWESOME! How much work went into these? I especially love the Sauber C9 copy! How did you actually do the windshield wiper?
    1. DanyDK
      Author's Response
      Thank you!
      I spent in average 3-5 hours on each car just for fixtures installing, and 2-3 hours for engine, transmission, and other things.
      I maked windshield wiper with vanilla antenna (:
      But this trick will work only with this C9-like trim in Automation, i think.
  4. Damiean Ron Lyons
    Damiean Ron Lyons
    Version: 1.001
    it's really cool that the cars have a racing livery!!
    will some cars have different color race liverys & different designs?
    1. DanyDK
      Author's Response
      Thank you for you input!
      I think i can do this in the future, after several new cars release
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