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In the upcoming days mod approvals could be slower than normal.
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Outdated "LookAhead" Interior Camera 2.5

Never drive into your blind spot anymore

  1. Fix camera rotation bug

    - fixed bug in camera rotation while standing still
  2. Quality of Life Improvements

    - updated codebase to match newer game versions
    - removed some not-used legacy code
    - refactored "look back" logic to match behaviour of base game (more realistic)
    - fixed "Hide in cockpit" function
  3. Compatibility fix for 0.23

    Fixed bug which breaks the ui app.
    The api has been changed minorly.
  4. Compatibility fix for 0.21

    Fixed bug which breaks the game (again). Unfortunately my workaround from update 1.9.1 no longer works, because a reload of the camera module triggers an error. As a quick fix I removed the "fixModdedCamerasNotLoading"-app and added a new button to the camera settings app called "init cam".
  5. Compatibility fix for 0.20

    Fixed bug which breaks the game
  6. Compatibility update for the new game version

    - switched from unsupported serialization functions to json coder functions
    - removed old "lookAhead" camera
  7. Fixed performance bug

    Refactored the code for ~20% performance increase. Added a deprecation warning to old camera.
  8. Fixed save settings, added look back function

    Fixed settings were not saved. The settings now work on the fly.
    Also added a look back function which works with the default binding.
  9. Fixed error, added App hide functionality

    Fixed an error with a nil value calculation. Added the functionality to disable ui-apps via the native "Hide in cockpit" checkbox. Also fixed a typo in a debug message. The settings app also features a checkbox to disable the reverse look feature.
    meywue likes this.
  10. fix modded cameras not loading

    The camera script gets loaded from the core_camera module, but apparently the core_modloader is loading the mod after the core_camera modules was initialised and thats to late. I build a workaround with a UI app. In order to work you must add the "fixModdedCamerasNotLoading"-app to your UI. The app can also be uses by other developers. It simply triggers a reinitilisation of the core_camera module.
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