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Roane County, Tennessee, USA 19.3.1

HUGE 175sq/mi, 193+ miles of roadway, US40 highway, 3 Towns, Signs, Working Traffic Lights, Trees

  1. Bl00dblu
    Version: 19.3.1
    are you still working on this. great mod btw
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      This map is back-burner material while I work on my main project, Los Injurus. When Los Injurus is done, then some of those models will be back-ported to this project and I will pick this mod back up.
      This map will only receive maintenance updates to ensure it stays working if it should break, in the time-being until then.
      If you should find severe map-breaking or otherwise detrimental bugs, please submit them in the discussion forum so that I can add it to the 'Honey-Do' list over here and get it fixed next time it's required.
      --Enjoy the map!
  2. posopop11
    Version: 19.3.1
    big map, can be ran at usual fps by my shit laptop, looks good, much to drive, really nice, i love it!
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      Just make sure you're plugged into the wall, and you're good to go.
      While it doesn't require high specs, it's been out a few years so tech has had a chance to catch up. Now the majority of folks with access to decent tech can run this with most off-the-shelf hardware (especially now that the bar of entry is lowered since the game-engine is updated and hence more efficient with less resources required).
      I am glad you enjoyed the map, the very purpose of this map is the very reasons you and many many others enjoy it.
      For those of us who just love to cruise along and just go for a drive, without a care in the world, this is the chief go-to.
      This map will be maintained for at-least few years yet. So if it ever bugs out and doesn't run, I can back-burner my current workflow and take a few days to iron out bugs. Cruise with confidence my friend.
      --Do enjoy!
  3. DriftingAddict1
    Version: 19.3.1
    Excellent map! I've always wanted a map where I could explore and roam around and sort of "relax". Other maps being a lot smaller I would get bored running into the same thing over and over again but this map fixes the problem. Runs extremely well on my i7-3930K, R9 280x and 32GB 1866mhz ram. My gpu is lagging behind a bit, but I will be upgrading to 3000's series graphics card so I should be fine. Overall really good map and I highly recommend it to everyone!
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      First, thank you for the kind words about the map.
      Rest assured that your quibble about many of the earlier stock maps and most all of the user-created maps being too small (and hence easily played out) was a large part of what made this concept a reality.
      Originally it was created just as a tech-demo, a concept with a few major roads, so that it could test the game-engine's streaming and handling of large map data sets. The fans however upon seeing it and trying it demanded I finish it at-least to it's current state, so who was I to beg to differ.
      Do not be in such a rush to upgrade your video board. Your processor will quickly become the bottleneck shortly after anything more than a 1070 Ti / 1660 Ti / 2060 or so *IF* you run 1080p. Your processor has years more of service life at 1440p or 4k however. Only at 1080p will have see performance become more cpu dependent. That isn't to say there's anything wrong with your machine - you could keep it going another 5 years yet without too much issue if you wanted (or at-least until games designed for the next gen consoles fully saturate the market after a few years post-console-release, causing PC versions to require similar hardware as the next-gen consoles have).
      That said, if you feel you're using up all your video memory (on high this map will ask for around 4gb with one or two vehicles in play, Los Injurus will easily shoot past 5~6gb with just a few vehicles in play), and especially if you run resolutions beyond 1920x1080, I am sure you will get some mileage out of a video board upgrade.
      You have plenty of RAM and I believe what is a 6 core 12 thread cpu (enough for about 10~12 vehicles with good sustained playable fps in most any map), so don't consider ditching that machine anytime soon.
      The above-mentioned cpu bottleneck will only be present in areas of DX11 and under games (this one included) when there's LOTS of stuff on the screen at once.
      To test:
      Hit CTRL+F twice anytime in game. The first time an FPS counter and a WAIT FOR GPU counter shows up. If wait for GPU is 1 or greater, a video card upgrade will help. If wait for GPU is 0.1~0.4 or so, upgrading the gpu may help little to none at all *for the current scene*.
      The second time you hit CTRL + F you'll get a larger window (that blocks play a bit, hit ctrl f again to turn it back off), this has a field called DRAW CALLS, if these go over about 4000~4600 on your system configuration, you'll get near to or below that 60fps number. Over 5000 (and it gets high like that in downtown Harriman at the default spawn looking south / southeast), and you'll possibly be down closer to 40fps. The higher the number of draw calls, the more the GPU will loaf around on each frame not being fully used while it waits for the CPU to tell it what to do.
      This map has high draw calls, worse than Los Injurus (and not unlike Fallout 4's downtown areas, which is why those are slower, too).
      High draw call areas (where 'wait for GPU' figures are less than 0.5~1) are limited by the generation of CPU, the speed of the CPU, how fast the memory connected to the cpu is (and also how cool it's running). If you see that wait for GPU figure high but draw calls are below 3500 - then you could benefit from having a better GPU *for the current scene*.
      All is not lost however, so don't hesitate to pick up a 4k or 1440p possibly high-refresh rate monitor (if that's your thing, high refresh won't get used much in BeamNG) to go with your new GPU and you will be a happy camper (where having a slightly older model CPU won't matter and you can keep your machine for a few years yet).
      Sorry for the length of this response but I wanted to warn you before you spent big bucks, if you saw the low FPS in downtown Harriman (or other built-up areas) and thought a new GPU would be a 100% cure-all.
      --Do enjoy and don't forget to try Los Injurus if you haven't already!
    Version: 19.3.1
    This is crazy!!!!!
  5. Wyatt850
    Version: 19.3.1
    Love it! Looks great and is very detailed. There's almost too much to do...
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      Yes, there's plenty to do and see for sure! This was a large-map or open-world type concept to see if the game engine could handle it (and also to help test content/asset streaming in large maps with this game engine, which did see lots of improvement over the development cycle).
      Thanks for enjoying the map, and do check out Los Injurus sometime, which is a real metropolis in a "GTAV sized" map, currently being created.
  6. PotatoCubes
    Version: 19.3.1
    Why does it feels like the map has an earthquake lel...
    Cars are vibrating
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      There's little to nothing I can do about it.
      When you drive out to Kingston the cars will shake a bit, especially towards the north portions of it near the highway overpass.
      The vehicle shakes because of floating point physics. This is the same type of floating point (rounded) math that, when you get further from the center of the game-world, will start to show the 'rounded' numbering that is non-medically precise floating point, and will show up as a shake. This is due to just slightly different positioning for each rendered frame. It shows up as what looks like a poorly running / vibrating old vehicle, but it's completely harmless and does nothing detrimental to the physics or interaction of vehicles with each other or the environment. It is noticeable when you get about 6~8 miles from the game-world center of 0,0,0. Since most maps aren't more than 12 miles wide, you don't usually see it.
      Basically, it's an only-huge-map side-effect. Normal maps won't have this as you won't be able to go that far from the center.
      I had a truck falling for a good week's worth of editing (it fell out of the map when I edited it, unbeknownst to me), it was all over the screen when i found it, in what would have likely been China by then!
      So, do enjoy the map, just ignore the small amount of vibration you get near Kingston. Drive around near Rockwood if it bothers you, as that's about where the map center is.
  7. KwendaNaure
    Version: 19.3.1
    It would be nice some bus routes.
  8. jj_oskar
    Version: 19.3.1
    after downloading from beamng repository, the game does not show where other maps are
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      Please post this issue in support. This is not an issue with my map, it is an issue with the game or is case of a bad download (try download again).
      The game should never have any issue with one map causing others not to appear unless they share path names.
  9. Ayca
    Version: 19.3.1
    Excuse me, Does it run with the BeamNG Integrated traffic system?
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      Yes, 95% or more of it should work okay.
      This was still in development when the traffic tool was being introduced as a mod at the same time. This map also pushed a few other limits regarding AI, too. There may be a few bugs, and the AI likes to munch on the stop signs due to how intersections are made, but otherwise it should work okay. The AI also may just drive carelessly over jumps built into down town Harriman (the default spawn is here), as if it's just a normal road. This is intentional and not a bug - all that is required to you after driving to a jump is to sit back and enjoy the fail that will be AI going over jumps.
      Please be aware, that if using a bunch of AI (or more than 3~4 of them plus your vehicle), that 8gb of RAM is the bare-minimum, and that 16gb is recommended when using more than a few cars, to alleviate lag / hitching / odd crashes (very rare but still possible).
      Please do not use reviews for questions, where there is a discussion forum available.
      If you like this map, please look up Los Injurus City Map project, as you'll enjoy that as much if not more.
  10. SedanTheMan
    Version: 19.3.1
    Hello, could you maybe make it a little more friendly for low end pcs? like a smaller ver. or sumthing? Pc: Dell Latitude 7400, no mods
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      That is precisely the polar opposite of what this map is for.
      There's lots and lots of small maps, but few large ones the size of an entire rural county. So please upgrade or replace your system with a newer model, to fully enjoy this map. It will be worth it if you enjoy driving/crashing in this game.
  11. DaddelZeit
    Version: 19.3.1
    4 Words: This map is legendary. Stay safe and keep it up!
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      Thanks, do check out my other maps if you enjoyed this one. There's lots more fun to be had and plenty more miles to drive.
  12. michael_zowski
    Version: 19.3.1
    an expert of making huge maps
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      I do my best. It's here for exploration, or to give your vehicle a long-term road test without being exceedingly boring in the process. Enjoy the adventure.
  13. karzrkool
    Version: 15.3.x
    love this!

    lol i actually live in tn
  14. Dont_Dodge_The_Dodge
    Version: 15.2.x
    its an Excellent map
  15. Ken Gronemann
    Ken Gronemann
    Version: 15.2.x
    I have family right in the middle of where this map is. I have driven there many times. Excellent work brother, this is very close to the real thing. Cures the homesickness. God Bless.
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      I enjoyed making a map that everyone said was 'too big' and 'would never work' in BeamNG.Drive. I made it just to say IT CAN BE DONE, but also because it's a fun area, and I live west of it's location less than an hour's drive. So I am glad you enjoy driving around here more than just to kill time - which it will easily do. Aside of a few traffic DERP spots, it runs decently to this day provided you have a good CPU. Graphics, of-course can always be adjusted to suit. Thank-you for the good words.
  16. Dr. Death
    Dr. Death
    Version: 15.2.x
    Is there any way to increase the view distance?
  17. Bob Marshal
    Bob Marshal
    Version: 15.2.x
  18. IxBlitzkriegxI
    Version: 15.2.x
    Beautiful Map! Love the variety, makes for good crashes and simple exploration!
  19. thegaming11
    Version: 15.2.x
    can i run it with a intel core i5 3330 a GTX 1050Ti SSC and 8GB DDR3 RAM HyperX Fury 1600MHz?
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      You'll be fine, keep an eye on RAM use if you have a few AI drivers roaming around. If you get 0xFFFFFFFF error, add more system memory when possible (ebay is good for cheap memory, just match voltage and timing/mhz with what you have, and you should be fine). For 1~3 vehicles, you should be OK with 8GB. Large maps with AI = LOTS of RAM use.
      *VIDEO RAM section* If you have a 2~3GB card, use medium details. If you have a 4gb card, use medium or high details (test this, set as preferred).
      For best 1080p FPS, set as follows:
      First, close your WEB BROWSER out!
      Do not enable dynamic reflections.
      Disable shadows if your CPU can't handle it or having 2~4 vehicles makes it slow.
      Disable SSAO to gain a few FPS, and knock of anti-aliasing IF NEEDED.
      GTX 1060 6gb (not 3gb) or 1070 and above (or AMD RX 480), is best for high textures + reflections, provided you have a GOOD strong CPU to keep the video card fed.
      Texture detail on high uses 4GB of Video RAM. When last tested, this map consumed 3.5~9GB of system memory depending on how many vehicles there were, how long it was played, and the video settings used.

      I hope this helps. Enjoy the map and do look up Los Injurus City Map.
  20. B3_Burner
    Version: 15.2.x
    Excellent! I just can't say enough good things about this map. I can see the thousands of hours of work put into this map. Enjoying driving around it, and comparing it to the real deal. Also making my own map of the street names to go with it, just so I have it as a general guide while I'm driving around. Fun stuff! Keep up the good work.
    1. bob.blunderton
      Author's Response
      If you have as much fun driving around it as I did making it, well then I guess it's the tops for you. Glad you enjoy what I spent YEARS making, the map even benefits from bridge models from my Los Injurus City Map project (models which I created myself, from scratch). Do look up the Los Injurus thread if you're interested in the awesome things I have got in store for BeamNG in the near future.
      You can always use Google map for assistance, too, if you run out of paper (hee-hee, you might!). It's not always 100% perfect but it's darn close - close enough for a simulation to be fairly accurate, the only road that's a little iffy is Route 27 south of Rockwood just south of where it meets 70 for about a mile. Other than that, it's pretty good. I might fix that one day when I re-create more of that area.
      Glad you're enjoying the map. Thanks for the review!
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