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Beta Side Mounted License Plates 1.4

Does what it says on the tin.

  1. khajaja
    Adds left and right mounted license plates to most (stock) cars that I felt needed them. Cars and bumpers that wouldn't benefit from moving the plate (IE it wasn't blocking airflow) are untouched. Should work with most stock bumpers and maybe some modded ones.

    Also credits to ItsJustCurtis for making the plates for the Covet, old Pessima and 200BX. All I did to those is updated them to work again.

    List of supported cars
    200BX (New and Old)
    ETK K
    ETK I
    Melty Pessima
    Facelift Sunburst

    If any of the plates are in the wrong spot on stock parts please send me a DM on discord @khajaja
    If you liked this mod or want custom plates on another car please leave a review and let me know!

Recent Reviews

  1. RR.VII
    Version: 1.3
    can anyone assist me in how I can make this work with the ETK 800? it doesn't show up in parts editor.
    1. khajaja
      Author's Response
      Some of the bumpers arent supported, so make sure you're using a supported bumper. If none of the bumpers work, it might be a mod conflict. If you aren't able to fix it, send me a DM here or on discord.
  2. EN07Z
    Version: 1.3
    We need this on every car!
    1. khajaja
      Author's Response
      Once Im done with finals and whatnot my next goal is adding this to all stock cars, so look forward to that.
  3. Mathias_trial
    Version: 1.2
    EXELENT try this on japanese cars like the 200 bx so nice:)
  4. hyperspec
    Version: 1.1
    i love adding this to these cars that just look odd with one in the middle, but could you a one for the kljp sunburst facelift?
    1. khajaja
      Author's Response
      I'll look into it. I'm not really sure how this would work for modded bumpers.
  5. Yar041k
    Version: 1.0
    Отличный мод, подойдет для рп и т.д. Хотелось бы возможность ставить на много других модовых машин
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