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Speirs Mobile 2.0 (For SpeirsTheAmazingHD) 2.4

This is the new version of the Speirs Mobile, (speirsmobile2.0) the old one is still up

  1. Skulkerz
    BeamNGdrive-015047767-RELEASE-x642_6_20199_13_47PM.png This is the new version of the Speirs Mobile, (speirsmobile2.0) the old one is still up ( Twitter: @IncendiumWolf )
    This newer version is little bit faster and more modern and more detail
    Note: This is a Automation mod, so there's not much to do with customization on this vehicle.
    Also newer versions will come out in the future making it faster and better looking.


    1. BeamNGdrive-015047767-RELEASE-x642_5_201910_13_29PM.png
    2. BeamNGdrive-015047767-RELEASE-x642_6_20199_14_01PM.png
    3. BeamNGdrive-015047767-RELEASE-x642_18_20196_11_18PM.png

Recent Reviews

  1. CarsRFun
    Version: 2.2
    This makes Nathan Horny
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