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Alpha Tie Down Straps A1.2

Straps to tie down loads on trailers or trucks

  1. butch81385
    Need to tie that Aurata or Wydra to your trailer?

    Add some tie down straps to your flatbed, tilt deck, small flatbed, cargo, dry van, large and regular box utility trailers as well as the pickup bed and pickup and van rollback variants.. These are located under Load,Bed Accessory, Deck, or as a main part depending on vehicle.

    The stretch (spring value), damp, and strength can be adjusted under the tuning menu.


    This is very much a work in progress and the texture and usability reflect this.

    You can spawn in 1-8 straps, but by default it will spawn in 4.


    They will spawn in loose. Use Node Grab (Ctrl) to select one end of a strap and couple it (ctrl-middle click) to your load or the trailer. Then do similar with the opposite end. It seems to work better with a lower strength around 30% (scroll up/down while holding the node).


    Extremes on the stretch, damp, and strength values can cause issues. If you find values that work well for you, please paste the information in the forum post: https://www.beamng.com/threads/tie-down-straps-for-trailers-flatbeds.94352/

Recent Reviews

  1. MrProtogen
    Version: A1.2
    I cant add straps,theres no configuration for it
  2. EctorPlays
    Version: A1.2
    this is the best mod in the world!
  3. Bolt2407_Beamfan
    Version: 1.1
    bro finally
  4. GalaxyHD25
    Version: 1.1
    Awesome Mod, maybe add them as a "vehicle" if possible. so we can use them on some more cars/trailers. Hope this Mod opens the dev teams eyes and they will integrate it into the base game
    1. butch81385
      Author's Response
      Good idea. Will be in the next update.
  5. Sharkdude0422
    Version: 1.1
    *Smacks vehicle*

    "That ain't goin nowhere!*
  6. DirtNastySidewayZ
    Version: 1.1
    "slaps the strap like guitar string"" she gooood!
  7. TMccanna
    Version: 1.1
    yep, thats not going anywhere
  8. Xatabuch
    Version: 1.1
    Interesting idea, works great within its capabilities
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