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Experimental Vehicle Global Strength, Weight, Size and Other Values Edit (WORKS FOR MODS!) 7.5

Universal mod for editing physics properties and swapping parts for official cars and most mods!

  1. Improvements to friction settings + new Bolide and Basion stuff

    Basically the only new big thing in this update is the fact that sliding tire friction setting is now separate from static friction setting, and also both now allow negative values:
    Included updated Bolide "No Grip" config to showcase this change:
    Also updated "Fasn't" config to look faster and be slower:
    And added new "Gokart" config:
    For the Bastion added "Police Offroad Beast":
    And also "Twincharged Dragster" (it's literally so fast that the tires explode):
    Sorry for the configs feeling like placeholders. Due to my poor GPU, both the automated testing tool and the thumbnail generator now refuse to work for me, so this is all I could make.

    Also obviously updated the Bolide engines in engine swaps and added Bastion engines there too, added new Bolide and Bastion intakes to intake swaps, new rev limiters and ECUs to ECU swaps, Bastion supercharger to supercharger swaps, and Bolide and Bastion twin turbos to turbo swaps. Removed Bolide specific thrusters since it works with normal ones now, and added some more little things here and there that I forgot.
    Have fun and suggest future improvements!
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