Released 2020 Land Rover Defender (Update 27/12 - Hotfix)

Discussion in 'Land' started by JorgePinto, Dec 19, 2021.

  1. Clivey

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    Feb 3, 2017
    OK, here goes! :D

    The first thing I noticed was that the middle section of the A-pillar is in the body colour in your mod, whereas on the real car it's all black.

    Secondly, on the real car the square panel on the side (which Land Rover calls the "Signature Graphic") is available in either the body colour or black (mine is black to match the roof). I've included a screenshot of the configurator so you can see the option.

    Screenshot2024-05-25070330.png Screenshot2024-05-25070456.png Screenshot2024-05-25072050.png

    Here's a link to the exact specification of my car on the Land Rover configurator so you can check-out the various interior trim combinations: I realise though that this is the UK car configurator and options in other markets vary.
  2. JorgePinto

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    Aug 4, 2013
    Thanks! What I did notice about those things is they seem to be connected by the Signature Graphic option, so for example in the mod the side panel is always body-colored, so is the middle part of the A-Pillar (if I'm looking at this right) but here's the thing, on the very configuration you send if I select body color instead of black, both parts are affected, so it looks like this:


    So long story short, and again, if I'm getting this right, what the mod is missing/would need is a 'Black Signature Graphic' option, so both the A pillars and the side panels can be changed to black regardless of anything else selected, shouldn't be hard to do, so I'll get to it really soon.
    --- Post updated ---

    Ok, so this should be it, not only as explained the 'Signature Graphic' parts are now separate from the body/doors and can be selected in both painted and black versions*, but also for testing purposes I did a replica of your car based on the website specs ;) In fact, if you are ok with the idea, I would have no problems adding it to the core mod, to have a bit of BeamNG actual lore on the mod :)


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  3. JorgePinto

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    Aug 4, 2013
    Ok everyone...something I never thought I would end up doing has just happened. And like the last time, I know it comes out of nowhere, but I hope I can explain it.

    From this point now I'm open for donations, I don't want to say ask, because it sounds forceful, but still, accepting donations right away.

    Now, I feel the least I can do is do some bit of explaining in return for it, to be as transparent and open as possible, to help explain exactly what's going on. Be aware, a lot of text is coming. A LOT. INDUSTRIAL QUANTITIES, so if you don't care (not blaming you, just speaking clearly at this point) or don't want to get involved, please just ignore this message. A lot of personal stuff I kept for myself is about to be disclosed for the first time.

    A year ago or so, I took a months-long break from modding. I explained in yet another wall of text what was going on, but made clear money wasn't involved, and that's the way I wanted it to be...but sadly, I lost control over that, and is no longer something I can put aside. Also bear with me, since this is going to start in a quite confusing and unexpected way, but I feel every bit is important. And kinda explains by behaviour until now.

    I don't think I ever said it before, but I have ASD since I was born. Never tried to make a big deal out of it, and my mission in life was to hide it, sadly, due to how the world including my abusive father, my teachers, other kids...most people in general, treated me, forced me to go that way. To create the perfect facade, and never tell anyone about it until it was 100% neccesary...big mistake. People would get used to that, so the moment I couldn't appear 'normal' any longer at one point, just made people point at me and going 'what the heck is wrong with you' every time...up until this point.

    I'm currently 34 years old, married, and I have a 3 year old son. Bought my house 3 years ago, on a monstrous 40 year long mortage (that's the modern spanish way of life...) and most importantly, had a job. A good one. IT on a high profile company, I felt I reached the sky, wasn't getting exactly rich out of it, but could pay the bills, so more than convenient. But...remember what I told about my ASD history? Came back to bite me. When I passed the first interviews, and basically the job was mine, I asked for a small reunion. So I could openly share about the condition, and what they might expect. Tried to make things as easy as possible, the deal was I wouldn't say automatically 'no' to any tasks, until not being able to do so was proved, I just wanted them to talk to me, to negociate ways so things would get done and no one would lose...wasn't the case, sadly.

    Already in 2020, had to start going to a psychiatrist since I could feel my attention span, memory, and cognitive function was going down in quite a fast way, I was getting drained, but since I could 'cope' with the job, I never said anything really. Well, every 6 months or so I did in fact, but...after 6 months on average they would forgot, burying me in even more stuff to do, both in hours and things to do.

    So...a day in late 2021 came by. I wasn't able to commute by car anymore, so I was already stressed out on how to do it via public transport, which is great in Madrid, but since I also have axial sacroiliitis and bilateral spondylitis among a few other psysical issues, it was literally a pain to do so since it's hard to find a seat, rush hour is crowded and you can't even rest your back into the train wall, but anyway, that day, I was asked to change the schedule of a task I was first asked to do a few weeks ago, which I did along the entire week, 5 days to do it, maintaince work without getting into details, took time to get right, since I wasn't on my best mental status (the usual do it fast or do it right scenario). So, that day I was told that it wasn't enough, it now had to be done in one day, the whole thing. Everything I did in 5 days, just in one day...and twice a week. The senior that asked me said he could do it in half an hour...well, congrats I thought, it's funny how a veteran with +30 years of experience compares to a ASD person with many issues going on. But...gets worse. I was still trying to compute all of that when my manager called and said no, that schedule is not're doing the task in one day indeed, but not twice a week. Every.Single.Day. 5 days worth of work into one, for every day, every week, every month. Never tried to talk or negociate anything with me, they just thrown it to me without even caring. That was my breaking point. I asked for a relative to please pick me up, and then asked midway home to go to a hospital, I was really losing it, so I felt out of the car...and next thing I kinda remember is screaming and crying in pure horror, my mental mind gave up after decades coping with crap from many sources.

    And from that day on, I've never been the same, I died that damn day. My cognitive functions are getting worse still, to the point of having to have post its around the house just to remember putting shoes on my son before taking him to the school, which is 3 minutes away on foot...and still feels like a big chore I have to prepare for every single day of my life, I feel useless, I can't do half of what I used to, and of course, there's the elephant in the room....the money.

    For a couple of months, since I still had the job but had a medical leave, every month I was given the usual amount, no questions asked, but a few months later...the contract was revoked, since it was a special kind (I was technically outsourced so I could stay) and I've been dealing with unenploying wages ever since. And the last time I renowed it, was even less. Now I'm making 1/3 of what I used to, and I'm bleeding money badly. By early 2025 I will have absolutely nothing, and of course, 'first of all' to say something at this point, my family is helping out, but even with that, I can't count on them raising us up every month and every year...and you too of course, but any extra help will make a difference.

    I'm currently awaiting a trial on laboral inhability, since the request was first denied, but it's being fighted badly, which is sad, since I basically need to drop the 'I can do it all' facade and proving to them I'm useless. The moment I don't, they will think I'm normal and doing fine, and if thats goes wrong, then it's game over, so the stakes are really high.

    So, long story short, I really need this. I feel bad because when I did these mods I always said they would be free...and well, they still are, but never made donations even an option starting on the mods themselves, I can see people objeting to donate to someone who used 'stolen' mods as a base, but worst of all, asking for money when all these mods became a community project on the long run, so many people contributed, heavily some of them over the months, just for the sake of helping out grow the mod, and it just didn't felt right, so I fighted that option until the very end...and boy, here it is. I still feel like crap having to do this, I hope I don't sound like a want to make a sad story to make you cave in, but I need to set the facts straight.

    I returned to modding to help me being occupied for a bit, but right now I'm blocked again, I can't enjoy anything right now...all these issues are just nails in my brain, and need some ease at the very least.

    Of course, the saddest part is I can't really say what I can do in return in case things get better, I can't promise big updated or even a new mod. What I can promise if the moment I finally wake up from the nightmare my life has become, I will thank everyone involved to make it happen, that's for sure. You might not get something for the game, but you you will have helped me make it in the worst time of my life, both for me and my family, this still feels like a new situation for me after 3 years, and feel naked, not being able to provide for my family, I feel like I failed everyone, and here's the thing, I'm not living under a bridge in a poor family, and it could be worse for sure. Waaay worse, I'm sure that sadly some users here have it worst than me, but I'm afraid of seeing how deep the hole can get before hitting rock bottom, at least what that means for someone like me, I've never been/felt worse than this, and I don't even want to think how I would be if things get even worse...and I was on the verge of being admitted into a hospital's mental ward since at one point I just felt like ending it. That's it, I can't be more opened than this, and that's how things are going...hid all of this to avoid drama, but the drama couldn't avoid me sadly, so...

    The one thing I can really promise for sure is, if at one point my life gets finally on tracks, I will suspend immediately the campaign. And also, that any amount that gets through will be used for important stuff, so pay the bills, groceries...nothing fancy, nothing not really crucial down to the core. And I really hopes it happens, fast...

    I don't even know what platform to use, so I went with good ol Buy Me a Coffee. Wasn't sure on the tiers too, so I hope you find them fair, I'm of course open to comments about adjusting them.

    DONATE (Buy Me a Coffee)

    DONATE (PayPal)
    Thank you very much for your time reading this. Is highly appreciated. And again, please, please don't feel forced to do anything, you don't owe me a thing, if you have a few bucks to spare and you are willing to help, I'm incredibly thankful for that of course, yes, but if you don't, is fine, not everyone can, and again, more people have issues, and even worse than me, so please enjoy the mods first of all, and then, if you want, only if you want, consider about this.
    #1303 JorgePinto, May 30, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2024
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  4. BlueLife

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    Jan 11, 2022
    I read this entire thing and I really hope that everything can get back on track.. I really have no other words to say.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  5. Andryusha

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    Jan 28, 2020
    The more ones you set up the better coz it gives ppl more options.
    Some prefer Patreon, some like Ko-Fi, some dig Buy Me a Coffee.

    Also I feel like you've done many great mods and deserve to put this in all your mod topics and add a donation button to the 1st message in those topics too (possibly near to download button, coz that's where people look the most).

    Wish you all the best.
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  6. JorgePinto

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    Aug 4, 2013
    Thank you very much for your kind words, I really hope these times get behind as quickly as possible, after doing the updates to the mods a few months ago I thought I was finally doing better, but circumstances are getting out of control and the remaining of this year is going to be a rollercoaster, can't have anything for granted, is quite a scary thought, and right now I don't feel like doing nothing, absolutely no hobbies or activities at all ease the pain, so again, I just hope this year can end as quickly as possible...with the best scenario possible as well.

    Good idea on adding the button on those places, I still feel bad about the whole thing so I didn't thought of that, in fact, I couldn't help myself into checking the forums for almost an entire I'm at least glad about the response, at this point anything nice is nicer than ever, so I definitely appreciate it.
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  7. Andryusha

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    Jan 28, 2020
    Don't feel bad, your case is very justified :)
    Donation buttons are viewed negatively only when some random makes a low quality meshslap with ripped assets and then asks $20/mo for it :D
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  8. JorgePinto

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    Aug 4, 2013
    Well, I've seen how greedy some people can be and is definitely sad...they give donations a bad name and ruins the experience for the community in general, part of me was reluctant in doing it for that reason, I know I've been here for a while, and many people know my mods and how I am, but still, it's so bad out there I couldn't avoid thinking about it. But at this point, no thought is more important anymore than just rerealing things, I want to forget these days and hopefully having to publish a couple of hotfixes in a row being my biggest problem...

    And of course, special thanks to the people who donated so far :) It's a small oasis, a bit of good things happening for once in a while, so quite happy so far I have to say, thanks again to everyone! (even for your words, anything positive is great no matter what)
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  9. FerrariEnjoyer

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    Jun 13, 2023
    The mod is back!!! and now has openable doors GOOD MOD MAN!!
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  10. WolfGuy100

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    Feb 23, 2024

    Hey, man. I'm just a lurker on the forum here but after reading this entire post, I wanted to tell you to always put your health first! Especially your mental health because I too have autism/Asperger's and I can totally understand that. I want to thank you for making this amazing vehicle mod--I always LOVE Land Rover Defender--but don't stress yourself out. Always put important things first before modding life. And I wish you best of lucks! And remember to stay awesome :)
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  11. JorgePinto

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    Aug 4, 2013
    I'm now aware of the fees BMAC puts into donations, so I made another option, for PayPal donations. I can't stretch enough I don't want anyone feeling obligued or guilt tripping anyone into anything too, the buttons are there, but that's about it, this is still the Defender thread, so feel free to focus on it if that's what you want. I just did the PayPal thing so people are more confortable in case they want to donate, but want to avoid any fees in the middle.

    Thank you very much for your words, it's sad that no matter how hard you try, sometimes you gotta fight fate, and there's no easy way to win that...
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