WIP A Homerange

Discussion in 'Terrains, Levels, Maps' started by Barbent Servo GT, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. Musicman27

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    Dec 13, 2023
    My god yes.
  2. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    The completely irrelevant stuff

    Just so something is written there for now ;). I like that old style photo. I've never been able to extract any useful information from those spawn point screenshots, except for having a memory aid. That's why I might opt for old photographs instead.

    • Like Like x 4
  3. Blue Bird Gaming

    Blue Bird Gaming
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    Feb 2, 2021
    I know this is off topic but how do you have the man TGS working with the new trailers? Cause I thought the fifth wheel on it broke in the update
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    I have rebuilt the MAN for private use (with bluetooth air compressor).
    Please start a private conversation if you have off topic questions to me. That is a very good way to keep this thread on topic. Just click on my avatar.
    #64 Barbent Servo GT, Apr 27, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2024
  5. Stefan190506

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    Jan 23, 2022
  6. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    I haven't had the chance to fine-tune the AI-behaviour yet, unfortunately. That's still on the to-do list... AI is driving too slowly and mad. But the highway is wide enough to shoot through the middle...:p I'm curious myself to see what else can be done there :).
    --- Post updated ---
    Oh, it's maddening! :mad: Every corner they're cutting costs. The government of 'Homerange' runs on bureaucracy like no other. Every time you have to go through the hassle of filing paperwork, and they'll ask you meticulously about how many polys it would take, how much RAM, how many FPS, and so on. Wouldn't be surprised if they asked for my shoe size next o_O. Let's see, maybe they'll at least approve the cover for this life-threatening (yet undoubtedly spectacular) hazard situation.
    • Like Like x 5
  7. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    WOT :cool:
    wide open throttle

    screenshot_2024-03-05_00-22-41.jpg screenshot_2024-04-24_17-05-40.jpg screenshot_2024-04-29_01-59-48.jpg

    The highway stands out as the most prominent connection among the hundreds of kilometers of roads and paths of various construction in "A Homerange". I took the 'Bolide' and simply let it run for about 12 kilometers from the small village harbor by the sea to the foot of the high mountain. Design-wise, there's still much unfinished, but I can give you a little glimpse of what to expect.

    Sadolit is a combined highway junction with parking levels, a restaurant and a private penthouse at the top. The design is a low-poly concept with a significant reduction in computational load as you move further away (level of detail).

    As I mentioned earlier, I don't place much emphasis on safety measures like guardrails or long exits with elaborate signage. That saves a lot of objects and again reduces the demand on performance. And who wouldn't also fancy a juicy crash into oncoming traffic or far over the embankment? I've already shown quite a bit of the layout above and far above. Now, here's a quick video of my highway ride. Here you can also get a good sense of the extensive landscape design.


    #67 Barbent Servo GT, Apr 30, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2024
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  8. Mikah 01

    Mikah 01
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    Jul 25, 2022
    What if it had an Actual name ?
    --- Post updated ---
    You move it 438 cm to the right

    Problem solved successfuly
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. OSTAN5000

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    Mar 21, 2018
    Holy crap, how have I not heard about this map project before? It's so huge, and yet so detailed! How long have you been working on this?
  10. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    Hey :)!
    I started working on the first concept for a massive map about two years ago. I just wasn't satisfied with the existing large maps. I believe you can truly get to know the cars when you have long and diverse driving routes. So I started, as a first attempt, to build a very long gravel road along the coast, with a very sparse visual appearance. Well, a lot has happened since then. It's also because I have a lot of fun working on it. The setup is designed so that I can implement creative ideas relatively quickly.
    Back then, I simply named the project folder "Homerange". Now it's called "A Homerange" in the selection menu because it appears at the very beginning, so I can just press Enter :p. I'll probably leave it like that because it's actually a large range where all kinds of cars can feel at home.
    Soon, I'll be able to show you some new impressions again - in the meantime, I'm working with a new technique to realistically shape erosion where ever I'm in the mood to...
    • Like Like x 5
  11. azureskies

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    Nov 5, 2022
    Oh wow.
    I'm not usually that keen on maps that have really worn down roads and just overall look like the whole area is abandoned, however this looks awesome
    I can't wait to see what other plans you've got for this
  12. Mikah 01

    Mikah 01
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    Jul 25, 2022
    Welcome to south Tunisia
  13. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    It's not that abandoned as it looks like :). There are three small cities with e.g. animated traffic lights (haven't shown pics yet) many villages or farms, industrial sites or harbours. Some airport seems to be a little abandoned though. It is not a modern style overall. The most buildings are not very high (only max 3-4 levels) and the terrain is so wide that you simply can not see so much city scenery. And as I mentioned above: big cities would kill my FPS plans :D. I estimate there are about 80-120 residential buildings on the map till now. Many are very widely scattered. One can see lights blinking on very distant lighthouses, masts, towers and big bridges (up to 8km).

    What I unfortunately can't show you is the sound of the landscape, that doesn't fit into a video. It's not loud, but there's a lot to hear if you shut down the engine, and you don't feel like you're in an abandoned area. There are many different animal voices(distant coyotes, deers, eagles...) that are even dependent on the time of day, different types of wind, the softly trickling sand in the desert, workshop noises at the gas station, forestry workers with their chainsaws, harbour atmosphere, timed church bells, various sounds of water, and much more. You can also fully immerse yourself acoustically in "A Homerange".

    I have many memories of Tunisia and North Africa from my expedition trips in the 70s and 80s (hence my avatar picture). So I liked to bring in Sahara influences. But it's actually a mixed desert and overall a mixed landscape. However, the transitions are really the biggest challenge...

    I'm happy to write a bit - not only permanently working on the map ;)
    CU :cool:
    • Like Like x 7
  14. Mikah 01

    Mikah 01
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    Jul 25, 2022
    I have questions :

    1. Could you add excavators abandonned on the side of long roads ?

    2. Off topic, but , have there been a lot of Peugeots in the 70's ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. ║vilo.║

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    May 29, 2023
    this looks niceee
  16. robbonabbo

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    Aug 9, 2021
    Here are a few suggestions that i think would be a great addition to the map!

    - Fishermen Villages with very small roads (Similar to Portofino or East Coast Village)
    - Pamir-Highway Styled road (One large 2 lane road passing trough towns. https://www.beamng.com/threads/pamir-highway.96894/)
    - Large Gas Station Along Highway, or Truck Stops
  17. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    It's alive cause it grows :)++

    screenshot_2024-04-16_00-57-18.jpg screenshot_2024-04-26_23-44-45.jpg screenshot_2024-04-27_04-00-19.jpg

    Thank you for your thoughts! But It can be a bit challenging for me to accept direct suggestions because I often have very clear ideas of what I want to do and can do. However, I am always open to inspiration. Also, I cannot show you everything through this medium, so you don't know the current state. But I can certainly describe a bit more:

    screenshot_2024-04-27_04-22-51.jpg screenshot_2024-04-30_13-21-58.jpg screenshot_2024-04-30_13-40-07.jpg

    Regarding your ideas:
    There are already seven functional gas stations - a few more will be added. Some are quite small, but two of them are large enough to accommodate four semitrailers and other cars simultaneously. There are also four fishing villages and a large fishery auction hall (drift-fun and trucking). The three towns are all by the sea, and there are many ship docking points. I enjoy using the 'Flat Top Barge'. The docking points are suitable for it, and vehicles can be transported by ferry, even through inland waters.

    screenshot_2024-04-30_17-55-55.jpg screenshot_2024-05-02_00-53-34.jpg screenshot_2024-05-02_00-53-35.jpg

    Of course, there are some straight roads through the towns, but I don't want to bring in a style from other maps, like the Pamir Map, although it is very beautiful. You have to imagine that it's very challenging not to create chaos. I have probably over 1000 spots in mind where props are placed, and at the same time, the selection of props cannot always get bigger. So, I rely on combination possibilities and changing arrangements. This way, the abandoned excavator keeps reappearing without making it obvious it's the same one. It's in a completely different situation each time. I'm very careful not to repeat myself. And well, I have plenty of space left to design.

    screenshot_2024-05-04_20-12-53.jpg screenshot_2024-05-06_12-55-37.jpg screenshot_2024-05-06_19-11-31.jpg screenshot_2024-05-06_19-32-22.jpg screenshot_2024-05-06_19-35-57.jpg

    I hope I could provide you with some interesting insights once again.
    CU soon :cool:
    #77 Barbent Servo GT, May 6, 2024
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
    • Like Like x 15
  18. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    ... just to say good night - I think I'll dream of the fairytale waterfall I'll be creating tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it already ...
    screenshot_2024-05-06_13-48-37.jpg screenshot_2024-05-07_01-12-34.jpg screenshot_2024-05-08_18-00-08.jpg
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  19. Barbent Servo GT

    Barbent Servo GT
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    Jun 4, 2023
    When dreams come true

    Well, something like I imagine a waterfall scene could look like in a beautiful spot on Earth. A free interpretation out of my mind. In this area, there were previously just trees scattered across a boring surface. So, courageously clearing them out and boldly giving the terrain a new, interesting shape... I even have fewer objects now. The water settings were a bit tricky but I feel that they're fine now. The stream stretches for about half a kilometer and invites off-roading and camping. But there's still a lot more to design.
    Worktime for this scene: ~ 7 hours :)

    screenshot_2024-05-10_15-43-45.jpg screenshot_2024-05-10_15-45-59.jpg

    Have a nice day :cool:
    • Like Like x 9
  20. Leo Zieger

    Leo Zieger
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    Jan 12, 2023
    Looks absolutely fantastic! When do you estimate that the map is ready for a public release?
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